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About out_of_service

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    formerly Piper Maru
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  1. That’s one of my all time favourites!!! It’s always in my must watch movies during this time of year.
  2. I don’t know if anyone sees the status updates but I’m gonna say Happy Halloween to everyone on Doomworld!



  3. Halloween is my favourite day of the year! Autumn has always been my preferred season and the spooky atmosphere leading up to and on Halloween is awesome. I usually celebrate by watching various horror movies, play horror themed games like Resident Evil or Silent Hill, listen to Halloween themed music, read good old fashioned ghost stories and so fourth. On Halloween I always carve a couple of jack-o'-lanterns and display them on the front step. I usually get a mask and hand out tons of candy trying my best not to munch on all of it myself lol. Also, Wishing everyone here a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!
  4. Not to brag but the hardest map I beat was Go 2 It, on Ultra-Violence, pistol start, keyboard only.
  5. This was actually kind of underwhelming. He just kept going on about Pantera and Metallica lol. And his hair loss is distracting.
  6. I'm gonna say Phobos and Deimos was a 1-2 day kind of deal. As for hell...timelessness.
  7. It's actually one of my favourite music tracks from the original games!
  8. Favourite video game composer? Holy cow I have so many I gotta narrow it down to three: Aubrey Hodges Akira Yamaoka Masami Ueda
  9. I remember being able to play Doom way back in the 90's when it originally came out and having the crap scared out of me. If I remember correctly it was a lot of the levels featured in The Shores of Hell, especially Halls of the Damned. But what really gave me the spooks was the PSX incarnation of Doom. I have lots of great and horrifying memories of that lol.
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