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About Ricola102

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  1. Haven't played it but City of the Damned: Apocalypse might be what you're looking for. Happy Time Circus 1 & 2 have a great moody atmosphere as well.
  2. Badass title but there doesn't seem to be any aliens. Suppose Doomguy does have a vendetta at least.
  3. Hope I'm not too late to submit! Made a Hell map with an industrial vibe. Came out a bit easier than I was hoping, but hey who doesn't enjoy a nice short and sweet map. You can grab it here: https://wadhosting.com/Wad/FDCE677C62A7C429F41805297245FEDE212059E8 More info on the text there. Screenshots:
  4. Thanks so much to everyone for playing and giving feedback! I was nervous to post these for a bit lol but everyone's been nice :) Thanks for pointing this out, texture alignment can be tricky and I don't always notice what needs to be adjusted. Man, I should have people other than myself test my levels next time I make one because I would have never noticed that on my own.
  5. Been wanting to make a wad for ages and finally got around to making something! There's 3 maps that I primarily tested in Ultra-Violence with Pistol-starts, however I did make sure to account for other difficulties. GZDoom is needed because dynamic lights, 3D floors and a light amount of ACS and decorate is used. I tested mostly in GZdoom V 4.1.3 but everything seems to work fine in 4.5. Mouselook, jumping, crouching etc. are fine but not required. For more detailed info and the download, it's right here: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/hell01 Lemme know what you think!
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