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Everything posted by Engired

  1. To be fair to map27 it is also painful in the original (even though I honestly couldn't beat this version when testing it) Map names and authors are now added, and all bugs should be fixed (hopefully!).
  2. I do have it, I'll try to find a place to put it on this thread later tomorrow (if I remember). If the list has a link to the map, that means it was submitted under the author. As I am aware there are only maybe a few slots that I never properly updated (at least I think!)
  3. Everyone should already be aware, but the final release thread is here:
  4. After another year of development, the Plutonia Experiment, recreated from memory, is finally done. 32 new maps, new graphics, and even some recreations of the Plutonia Midi Pack. After all these years this will be my final community project in this series, and I hope this is the best outing yet! (at least I hope this is the first bug free version) Details: Map List: Download: PTWWRI Map Comparisons:
  5. All maps are now completed, will edit this comment in maybe an hour with the download when I add difficulty settings (which doesn't take that long to do!) Fun fact: MAP21 almost has no difficulty settings changes! Weird. Download: PlutoniaMemory (Note: I will remove this download when I do the final release. To save space.)
  6. Speed was finished a while ago. Currently all the maps are (at least mostly) finished.
  7. It looks like MAP22 is actually gonna be a bit of effort to get working. It looks like the monsters are all in place for the most part, there's just missing progression. Which isn't gonna be easy to fix, but I can do. Currently working on fixing bugs, but all the level names are included minus the mapinfo! Looking for a pre-release here sometime around 12pm maybe. If I work hard enough I may even be able to get this out today, but I wouldn't expect it. Edit: As of 9:48 all maps are tested and working (minus map22).
  8. I have just realised MAP22 was never actually officially finished. It's playable though, so I will go through with it, but it's probably important to note that here before I release it? Regardless, MAP03 and MAP28 weren't submitted with names, so I can come up with names myself, but if anybody wants to give a couple names I'm open to it!! Here's the credits, tell me if I've missed something:
  9. I'm not gonna wait for all the music to be done pre release, instead I plan to make a new thread to get the rest of the midis done there. Then I can also do the original doom's soundtrack at the same time, saving me some time.
  10. Quick update on compilation, text is now included as are the two new maps, however I may have to wait until tomorrow to get the final compilation out. Still have all the names for the maps to do, which unfortunately takes a long time, but it will be out sometime tomorrow.
  11. I forgot to add the text, but it was finished a while ago. I could still use one or two of these though when I compile the text into the project though! I'll compile it later today, and start work on the release. Music is still open, and I am aware of some bugs that I'll need to fix, but the rest of the work is on my side. I'll attempt to release this by the weekend.
  12. I haven't updated it, but the map should be in the compiled wad. I'll go through the thread to check for correct authorship when I do credits and map titles.
  13. I re downloaded and essentially had to re compile the whole wad so hopefully it still works. This is mainly because I want to make sure it's actually up to date, because just re doing it gives me a much higher chance of not making a mistake. I have to play through the whole wad, and I'll update if anything is important. I also have to do the titles which I may get done, but I might also not by today. Download: PlutoniaMemory
  14. I am hopefully back to try to do the final stages; I need MAP03 and MAP13 done, but by the end of today I promise I'll get a finished build. This project will not be cancelled without me saying so by the way, and I really do need to stop going on hiatuses (!!), but this project is still active. Map13 is now open as it looks like the person making the map hasn't visited this website since February 17th. However, @noob_killer012345678, if you wish to continue, your map takes priority, and any submitted maps for MAP13 will be added as secret levels instead. As usual! Also quick mention to @SilverMiner for MAP03.
  15. I'm very sorry for leaving this so late, but I don't have the time to make the map unfortunately. I want to open my slot to somebody else.
  16. Sorry, I must've missed it when I last updated it (I swear I updated it sometime after you posted it idk)
  17. I'm currently waiting on @SilverMiner @ThatWeNGuy @noob_killer012345678 and @JacaCaca. I do need a response back in a few days, just to make sure you're all still working on the maps, or I have no choice but to open the slots. I really need to get work done on this too!!
  18. I wish to leave my slot, I just have no good ideas for it.
  19. I've been playtesting in woof, which should be vanilla accurate (more info in the spreadsheet). From my experience the main difference is that DSDA doesn't handle errors, but I haven't done anything different in compilation this time so it should work. I just haven't tried it yet.
  20. Now that it's 2024 I want to try wrapping this up soon, there are a lot of maps that are missing updates, but I can fix those myself. I'll try to get some more things together, I will release this before the music is all done because that's not going to happen any time soon. And besides, Doom 1 still hasn't been done. I also probably need to retest with DSDA but as long as the wad opens I can probably assume that it'll work with DSDA?
  21. Map Name: Quiet When Resting Author: Engired Music: "Snowpeak" from Twilight Princess Format: MBF-21 Build Time: About 1.5 hours Co-op Starts: Y (although the map is not built around them!!) Difficulty Settings: N Which List Are You On? [ Naughty / Nice ] Gimmicks: 11 Mall Santas, Bun Buns, Snowy Cave Comments: I have not been able to map all year, (maps keep on taking longer and longer to make!!), so I'm so happy to just get this out! Hope it works in dsda! Screenshots: QuietWhenRestingEngi
  22. If I get updates on the map slots that are currently claimed I can probably set an actual deadline. It'll take a few days to do all the graphics, and the trailer, so hopefully that means early next month? It all depends on these last few maps.
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