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Everything posted by Engired

  1. It's mainly to make it a bit easier to map. Makes it one less thing to think about.
  2. I've updated the lists, and the new deadline is the 15th of next month. I'll start playtesting the maps and giving some feedback after this post. Please tell me if I get anything wrong. Open Slots: Uncompleted slots: I also have a new version of the wad, hopefully I have the correct versions. Don't forget to check your maps. Download: TNTTWRRI
  3. Very rough death exit, but it works. Download: 30mc_Engired_v4.zip Also added difficulty settings, but there shouldn't be much difference. Secrets are no longer overpowered, less archviles, and that's about it.
  4. June is the busiest month of the year for myself, so I'm just waiting to finish one more thing, and then I can put my full focus back into this project. I'll set the deadline for the end of July, and potentially compile everything to the latest version. I'll try to get a proper update out by this weekend.
  5. @Thatonespymain I'm in. MAP17, Cacodemons and Revenants
  6. I've been sitting on this map for a while, but here's a picture of my progress. I'll release the full version sometime soon.
  7. I'm restarting my time and making a new map if that's okay.
  8. I'll start trying to make something, hopefully I can complete it.
  9. I'm going to wait for a bit longer, and try pushing people. I may remove the deadline entirely for now.
  10. Here's my map: (Download) Name - Treated Sewage Vertices - 64 Music - Stealth Mode by Jimmy for Plutonia MIDI Pack Time - 2 - 3 hours (?) Tested in - Woof, and GZDoom (mostly Woof though) Screenshots - Notes - This should be the first episode to be finished. Hopefully it's good enough, it is pretty slaughter-y. I may re-texture it to be more tech base-y, but it should fit as an earth styled level. I may also change the music if I find something better. Everything is implemented though.
  11. Here's a build of what we have so far: TNTTWRRI (Build 1).zip. We have a lot that we need to do still, so I'm extending the deadline to an unknown time. Under mappers, I'm waiting on: @Wavy @SilverMiner @bofu @Rycuz @ViolentBeetle @Dusty_Rhodes @Death Bear @SynDoom @Nootsy-Nootsy @shinola @RileyXY1 @Philnemba @Puncher_Sponge @Thelokk @Kloki38 @CacoXplainn @Dexiaz and MAP32 and MAP8 are still unclaimed. Under music, I'm waiting on: @NaZa @Robo_Cola and a lot of music is still missing. If anybody knows anyone that could help, or if anybody could help out themselves, then it will be very helpful. No text entries have been done yet, those need to be done by somebody. Under artists, the HELP, CREDIT, BOSSBACK, and M_DOOM need to be done. Hopefully we can get this done soon, I'll be leaving some feedback on all the levels so far later.
  12. Moved the final area in my map a bit to stop rockets from hitting the player. Also fixed a few bugs, hopefully it's a lot better now. Download: 30mc_Engired_v3.zip
  13. It is now on idgames, https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/d2twwri
  14. Limit removing, and I don't care if the map is in the correct slot.
  15. The second option is fine, but the first option is also fine if you want it to be more accurate.
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