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About russin

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  1. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to finish my map, I’m just simply burned out from doom mapping. sorry
  2. Map name: sanguinem sol Format: Boom(complevel-9) MIDI:Ray of Hope - Corpse_Party - ShinkoNetCavy - GS author: russin Difficulty settings: yeah Ports tested: Eternity engine no coop and dm too
  3. I forgot to publish a new version of my map lol, I hope it’s not too late https://www.mediafire.com/file/8fc071359j0fi1n/WW_rn_v2.wad/file
  4. Title: Whitest Wave Author: russin Music: Percussion(I honestly don’t know who wrote this midi) Link to level: Whitest Wave (alt) Difficulty settings: medium - hard Comment: Hey! this is Icon of Sin map
  5. Okay, I recently broke my hard drive and I spent about four days recovering files on the drive. As a result, half of the files were lost, including my WAD with five maps. All that was left of the project was a couple of screenshots
  6. Still working on my map, maybe I’ll finish it this week. February is fine for me too
  7. I hope I'm not too late, but still... Name - Floating dead fish in oil Midi - Tyrian: The song from Tyrian 2000 Format - boom (complevel 9) Tested - Eternity engine Co-op - player start only https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_NKsePzoW3e3yXlWfAXydeUiur8i6IMd/view?usp=share_link
  8. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rgTFnVGrKHsAzKr_YWGFzPjOhNVZ4ygL/view?usp=sharing Map Name: Stuck in the void during autumn Author: russin Music and Composers: Industrial by Simon Judd (SlayeR) Par Time: 5:30 Map Description: Wanted to spend time with your friends during the autumn picnic? Unfortunately, but you are right now in the void, the best option is to simply leave the place at all costs. Better hurry up or your friends will eat your favorite sandwich. Medium-sized "slaughter-ish" map that takes at least five minutes to complete Map Screenshot:
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