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Everything posted by stevegohome

  1. Sigil takes place between Doom and Doom 2, If I were to make a timeline of the games it would be something like this: Ultimate Doom Sigil Sigil 2 Hellion(romero is still working on it) Doom 2 No Rest For The Wicked TNT Evilution The Putonia Experiment Doom 64 Doom 64 The lost Levels Doom RPG Doom Resurrection(the ios game) Doom 3 (lost missions take place around the same time Doom RPG 2 Doom 3 Resurrection of Evil Doom 2016 Doom Eternal Doom Eternal The Ancient Gods Part 1 and 2 I feel like it would be a headache to fit all these games into one timeline, fun to think about though.
  2. Hey Airwalk.wad one of the few levels I actually enjoyed when I was playing some of Maximum Doom, I wonder if they "borrowed" some levels from other shovelware disks from back in the day. I will say that feels kind of slimly using wads from those disks or other old wads from the 90's, as I feel like only well versed doom fans would spot the stolen levels with a high success rate and then using freedoom textures to trick unaware people to download it. I did find the two other games you were talking about, this guy was charging 3 bucks Canadian for Boom Band and Boom Duo, starting to wonder how many of these he has made.
  3. Speaking of Romero's next doom wad he will be streaming development of his doom 2 wad hellion on twitch in February
  4. There is WadSmoosh that currently supports the first 5 episodes of doom 1, doom 2, no rest for the living, both final doom wads and the master levels and even the xbox levels. While the dev hasn't officially added Sigil 2 support yet there is a fork you can use that adds it you just have to install python to do it. You can get WadSmoosh here: https://jp.itch.io/wadsmoosh
  5. https://t.co/n8NGFhIvHA https://t.co/xHXa1hMaKY" / X (twitter.com) Sigil 2 is now on the Bethesda port of Doom and there's a new doom themed addon to quake as well
  6. Try 3,487 levels lol, although maximum dooms frontend does work in dosbox the only things is some buggy maps won’t work like Demowad.wad due to improper implementation of heretic textures as the text file tells you to use WadWarp to patch it. WadWarp also works in dosbox but I couldn’t get the patch to work(maybe something to revisit). If you want to try out some doom shovelware though there is always d!zone it’s only 900 wads and it’s frontend also works in dosbox.
  7. This is cool and I would love to have access to it, as for where to upload it you should be able to upload it on archive.org and link that. We do it with doom shovelware disks like maximum doom and d!zone all the time. Cheers mate.
  8. One of my friends @Kes Gaming YT has played all through maximum doom. You can check out the full series here:
  9. I finally got the Demon Gate Frontend to work in dosbox, I did this by talking out the easywad files(the frontend in question) and edited the config file with notepad and after a few attempts it worked.
  10. Congrats on the release doomkid, but I am pretty sure this is not suppose to happen in the outside area of the first level of episode 1 lol
  11. hey Doomkid you might recognize me from one of kes gaming's livestreams, anyways found this dwango code in my copy of The Ultimate Doom and was wondering if you knew anything about these dwango codes? 


  12. I got the D!Zone Frontend installed in a Windows 98 Virtual machine and I will try demon gate next. Wish me luck guys
  13. I can get the installer to open in dosbox, but for whatever reason, it can't find my doom folder that is sitting right there
  14. I haven't gotten demon gate to work as of yet but if I do I will let you know and for the record here is a screenshot I took of the D!ZONE frontend a while back
  15. I actually got D!Zone gold to run on my windows 10 computer through DOSBox, the frontend was fun to play around with for a few hours but it was a little finicky and on another, I found a fan patch from 94 If I remember right for doom 1 version 1.666
  16. nice I have this one to and several others and was thinking of making a youtube series out of them, getting the uk releases isn't easy though
  17. you can actually get over 20 of these disks here https://archive.org/details/doom-cds
  18. The upgrade patches are great as I can now upgrade my 1.0 floppy copes of D!ZONE the one with 75 levels and 2 floppies. I will get to the point here, I download the full package for the off archive.org and the disk images for D!ZONE and D!ZONE, and when I went to open them my computer said they were corrupt and I am just giving you a heads up in case you weren't aware of this.
  19. hey Maximum Matt have you seen this yet mate 


    1. Maximum Matt

      Maximum Matt

      Hoo-lee shit.  Making Maximum Doom more user-friendly?? Unbelievable!!

  20. As someone who has played a bunch maximum doom off and on again this year and fixed the level mentioned in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UIO9MUSMmA this is very impressive and cool.
  21. @TheChickenLord this should be fun look forward to kes playing it
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