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  1. I'll let this link speak for itself: https://store.steampowered.com/app/434050/Duke_Nukem_3D_20th_Anniversary_World_Tour/ If you let me know the details of another person who's stated that they've switched resources because the original set included some/all without permission, only to use another set which included some without permission, I'll gladly contact them! As far as I'm aware this doesn't apply to any of the projects you've named so far. It's not a false equivocation to state that no one in the Doom community has the legal right to use commercially licensed textures without permission, and that no one in the Doom community has the legal right to use textures from commercial games without permission. Whether you care about such legal and ethical issues is of course up to you, as is whether you only care about one and not the other. Even whether you're happy to be potentially be slapped with a cease & desist letter by the company who owns the resources one day is up to you! Merging a from-scratch texture wad with one mainly/entirely featuring edits of Doom textures and merging two (or more) texture wads mainly/entirely featuring edits of Doom textures seems like a pretty false equivocation to me. Clearly no-one is going to tell you not to use rfhelltx and Doom 2 textures together and no-one is going to tell you not to use Cagetex and Doom 2 textures together, so why would anyone have a problem with using rfhelltx and Cagetex together? Comparing a mod that includes resources (modified or otherwise) from the game it's for with a mod that Includes resources from an entirely different game, especially one with a different developer and publisher, is also a false equivocation. If you care at all about these things, I'd highly recommend reading through some of these games' licenses (I wouldn't recommend it with more modern games though, unless you have a spare 8 hours). The Doom 1 versus Doom 2 resource thing is not something I just made up BTW. ID Software have stated in the past that they prefer if people don't do that, and that was *before* the company was bought out by Bethesda, let alone Bethesda being bought out by Microsoft.
  2. I was just about to state that you need to understand the context, then saw your last paragraph! To clarify, Arrowhead stopped using textures which I assumed was mainly because they had been compiled in breach of their licence. I didn't realise that the legal aspect wasn't actually much of a concern, and they were more concerned about the ethical aspect in that the compiler appears to have claimed to have made the textures themselves. (Apologies for the quote's bullet points being screwed up - Silk browser is pretty terrible.)
  3. Morally speaking, claiming you made a set of resources yourself is of course different than compiling a set of resources and openly stating that's what you've done, but I'm speaking from a legal point of view. Both are potentially equally illegal. I'm pretty sure the Duke 3D license specifies what you are and aren't allowed to do with its resources, considering the game comes with a level and resource editor. So there's an almost certain corrolation between the two in that license terms have been breached (not by you since you never agreed to that license, but whoever originally compiled the resources for use in Doom). Duke 3D is a commercial game, so this is also an instance of commercial items being provided to the public for free. i personally don't have any problem with it at all. I just found it very strange that someone who took a stance against using resources compiled without permission from the author, would switch to using a different set of resources also compiled without permission from the author. In the event that you'd perhaps never played the game I thought you'd like to know, especially because Gearbox (who now hold the rights to Duke 3D) have been known to be pretty litigious. Their lawyers may well have done nothing about Duke 3D resources being used in Doom wads only because they don't know about it. On the subject of smaller resource wads, why do you need to limit yourself to one per project? Slumped makes it pretty quick and easy to merge multiple texture packs together.
  4. How did we make it almost a entire page before The Chasm got mentioned? :)
  5. Yep, all the window textures and I think the marble bricks originate from Duke 3D. You can see some of them in the screenshots here: https://superadventuresingaming.blogspot.com/2011/06/duke-nukem-3d-ms-dos.html. The aforementioned Cage texture pack has some nice alternatives, the author having gone on to work in commercial indie games such as Ion Fury & Supplice. 32-in-24-15 and CC4 textures come from a whole bunch of sources e.g. KDIZD. Gothic is probably only mentioned because the Gothictx text file states that it has to be. Tonnes of people use resources from commercial games in their wads (you shouldn't really even use Doom 1 resources in Doom 2 wads or vice versa). This case stands out because you'd already re-textured after discovering resources had been used without permission. I've been working on a huge texture pack of my own for years. Part of the reason it's taking so long is I'm trying to meticulously credit everyone who's work has been used.
  6. That does look great, but aren't you still using stolen textures here? Unless you have permission from 3D Realms to use Duke 3D resources, of course ;) I would recommend Cage's first texture pack as an alternative.
  7. No it's not, probably due to the heavy restrictions on the iOS store - that and the developer may have no interest/access to an iOS device. I'd recommend just picking up a cheap second-hand Android tablet - I can confirm from experience even Kindle Fires are good enough to run most Doom mods smoothly through Delta Touch (huge/insanely detailed levels as seen in the likes of Sunder being exceptions).
  8. For the flat, wouldn't it be quicker & easier just to delete/rename the markers so you have the lumps arranged like this? FF_START SEWER-1 FF_END F_END
  9. I would love to see a wad which is both winter AND city themed - definitely an under-utilized combo!
  10. There are more than half a dozen other Doom 2 reinterpretation projects currently in progress and a few already released - see here for a list of most of them: If you want to remake or remaster something, how about Evolution or Plutonia, or even an 90s megawad? Full confession: I'm working on my own D2 remaster (not mentioned in that topic, since it doesn't have its own topic or website). I started back in 2015 before most of the other projects were announced - I probably wouldn't have bothered had I known so many other people were going to do the same thing!
  11. in case you haven't seen it, Solmyr literally just uploaded a Cherub sprite sheet 2 days ago (about 15 posts down):
  12. Working on a few office textures, some of which are inspired by Selaco. Here's the first batch: The files are based on a texture in MarsDoom preview, and the boxes are based on a (heavily modified) texture from Duke 3D High Resolution Pack.
  13. There's a flat in the first Action Doom which would definitely fit this description. You can see a screenshot of it in use here: https://www.doomwadstation.net/main/action/ - it's the bottom screenshot in the right side panel.
  14. I think this bug is just the latest of example of how, when it comes to GZDoom, the only differences between an official release and a dev build is the name and where to download it. There have been numerous times over the years where dev builds are more stable than the latest official release.
  15. I'd love to see a revisitation of Doom the Way id Did, only with the concept applied to resources in addition to levels. Enemies would probably need to be borrowed from elsewhere due to the amount of work that would be involved (nmn and Amuscaria possibly have enough original sprites between them), but brand new sets of textures, decorations, music, and possibly weapons all seem feasible. The new resources could lean into id's known inspirations, e.g. Alien, Evil Dead, D&D, and the Cthulu mythos, and certain textures and sprites could be based on photos just like Doom's gargoyle heads, tech textures, sp_rock, shotgun, plasma gun, etc are.
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