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Teo Slayer

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Everything posted by Teo Slayer

  1. When I feel like Doom is getting repetitive, I change to an another WAD or I just play a mod or a TC. There are also times when I switch to a completely different game like Super Mario Bros. or Pokemon for example
  2. I play through the official IWADs very often, especially Doom 1 and Doom 2. Sometimes I want to play mods I recently downloaded, I don't bother looking for a custom mapset and some others just to have fun for some minutes or one hour
  3. Great thing that you're still working on this. It looks fantastic
  4. Good looking maps and faster pistol and chaingun. I'll play it
  5. I may like the BFG and hate the Archviles, but I'll choose the BFG to go. With the Archviles you can make great combat scenarios and nasty tricks like those from Plutonia for example. About the BFG, eh I don't like using it that much. I prefer using the Rocket Launcher, the SSG and the Plasma Rifle more than the BFG.
  6. GZDoom is an awesome source port, it can run most WADs and there are many cool+fun mods made for it. But it has problems with perfomance in slaughtermaps (Nuts.wad for instance), so I recommend you to use PrBoom+ for those type of WADs
  7. Oh wow, I just missed this

    If you hate a WAD, just don't play it and play an other WAD or a different game. Making a thread like this is kinda unnecessary

  8. I have played many good MegaWADs. I would recommend you to try Alien Vendetta, Scythe, Hellbound, Eviternity, Going Down and Japanese Community Project. They contain challenging, fantastic and fun maps to play :)
  9. Here are my top 5 most hated Doom enemies: 1. Archvile 2. Lost Soul 3. Chaingunner 4. Revenant 5. Spectres Have a good day now
  10. Epic update. I'll play Map22 anytime soon and good luck on Map21's release
  11. I see you decided to take the Smash or Pass challenge with Doom monsters Nice
  12. Check this page, son https://zdoom.org/wiki/CCMDs:Debug
  13. I've read that article too. Damn, Putin has turned into Hitler
  14. It just sounds cool. It doesn't need to have aliens to be called "Alien Vendetta"
  15. I have beaten Wolfenstein 3D and SoD a couple of times. I really enjoy that game, even if it looks flat and boring, but I prefer playing Doom more because it has more complexive maps, a larger variety of enemies (thank god they aren't all hitscans), has better weaponary and it is more fast-paced.
  16. It may be unofficial, but damn I love it. Good job, friend
  17. The Cyberdemon's death animation is my favourite death animation in the entire game. I love seeing it going ka-boom with its leg remaining only
  18. In slaughter maps, I can go through out of it easily if I know what am I doing In Kaizo Mario I can't live for 1 second lol
  19. That one chaingunner who appears behind Doomguy at the starting point in Plutonia's Map10
  20. It creates a great horror atmosphere with its elements and some tracks like Suspence or Sinister, but I couldn't consider it as a horror game. In horror games, the player is supposed to feel fear, powerless, helpless and unable to kill the monsters that are in the map. Doom doesn't do that But if you ask me if Doom 3 can be considered as horror game, then yes
  21. I like ReShade, it looks cool but I don't think it suits Doom
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