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About leejacksonaudio

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    Cross-Dimensional Composer
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  1. It's taken me two years to find my Status Update feature location (it's under "Create" in my top line menu on the right side of the screen, next to the notifications indicators), but I've finally found it. Don't know what I'm going to do with it, since I've got my own thread in the Everything Else forum, but at least I've figured the thing out at long last. Oh, well.

    1. Biodegradable


      Better late than never! hehe ;^)

    2. Midway64


      Agree with Bio!

      Some people take 10 minutes to find out, some others take months or years to find out!

    3. antares031


      This section used to be called "Blog" long time ago, although it appeared like an ordinary forum section, like Everything Else. Since it's a separated independant section now, feel free to share your short stories in here.

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