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About leejacksonaudio

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    Cross-Dimensional Composer
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  1. According to my podiatrist, I've officially recovered from my foot surgery from a few weeks ago - specifically, the one to remove the sesamoid bone from the bottom of my right foot. He took the final stitches out this past Friday, and it feels like the swelling is finally going down. It feels like more than that, in fact - it feels like I've got something missing down there, which in fact I do. This is going to be hard to get used to. It feels weird. It just kind of mucks with my balance a tiny bit. I'm sure I'll get over it in a week or two.


    The surgery on my left big toe is healed up as well, although the podiatrist had to nip off some excess rough skin from the healing process on Friday. I've got a bandage on it at the moment.


    Next up is shoulder surgery talk with an orthopedic surgeon today for my torn right rotator cuff. I'm going to see whether or not he'll take me on as a case. Wish me luck.

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