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About leejacksonaudio

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    Cross-Dimensional Composer
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  1. Some relief for my pain might be upcoming soon. I've been in touch with a shoulder surgeon about getting my torn right rotator cuff fixed. The first doctor I approached turned me down because I had too many other problems with which he wasn't willing to deal (including a need for post-op inpatient rehab). This second doctor is much more cooperative and has a much better bedside manner, and he's accepted me as a patient. Now that I've got certain other maladies healed up, he's put things in motion in a big way. First off, he's scheduled me for surgery on Friday, December 15th. He also called me *himself* to discuss certain matters involving the surgery yesterday, including the fact that I don't need another MRI because my last one was right at one year ago. So, here's what I've got going so far:


    - Call primary care physician and cardiologist today and schedule appointments prior to December 8th.

    - Make arrangements for lifting recliner chair rental prior to surgery from medical goods outlet.

    - Stop taking 81mg Aspirin dose one week prior to surgery.


    That's it, except for actually having the surgery itself. I'm not looking forward to the 4 to 6 weeks of post-op pain and immobility (i.e., right arm in a sling), especially since I'm extremely right-handed, but I *am* looking forward to the eventual resolution of the constantly massive rotator cuff tear pain. I'll keep you up to date on the progress.

    1. Lila Feuer

      Lila Feuer

      Get better buddy, wishing you all the best!

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