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About leejacksonaudio

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    Cross-Dimensional Composer
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  1. I'm in the queue for more surgery, Sunday morning. The podiatrist isn't happy with the pain I'm still having and thinks there may still be hidden abscesses, so he's going to go in and find out. He'll check out the bottom of my foot, and the inner side of my big toe. I'm hoping he cleans out whatever he finds.

    1. Enzo Carozza

      Enzo Carozza

      Again: wish you well, sir. ^^

    2. SuperPIter_DoomWorldthe2nd


      Hope everything works out for you, Lee. Stay frosty out there.

    3. leejacksonaudio


      My surgery is scheduled for 7am Sunday morning. It's now just past 12:20 a.m., and I'm on NPO (nothing by mouth) until the surgery. I'm scheduled to take my pain pills at 5am, so there'll be a slight exception for that, I hope. Otherwise, some shouting will occur.

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