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Everything posted by leejacksonaudio

  1. I posted a status update about being out of surgery. There was a good deal of post-op pain, which was supposed to pass in 24 hours and be replaced by relief from the suprascapular nerve block injection. I'm still waiting for that to happen. At least now I think the anesthesia has flushed out of my system. That was rough this time around.
  2. I'm back from surgery, and I feel like I've been kicked in my shoulder. I was told that the shot (a suprascapular pain injection) would kick in after about 24 hours, but it would hurt more until then. They're right about the latter part - I need help doing things with my right arm now. Here's hoping the damned shot kicks in soon.

  3. I'm getting ready to go into a pre-operative fasting period, or NPO (nothing by mouth) for the next 8 hours. Since I'm sort of on a backwards schedule, I'm going to be awake for most of this time. So, no food, no water, from 2am until 10am Central Daylight Time. I've got 50 minutes to hyper-hydrate myself, which is going to be hard considering that I'm on a powerful diuretic. Please wish me luck.

    1. Biodegradable


      I'm praying to the Goddess of Luck to smile upon you real hard, Lee!

    2. Fernito


      You've got this, Lee! 

    3. Midway64


      You can do it!

      If you managed to make some real bangers, that means you can also manage to do this!

      Good luck, Lee!

  4. Medical update - I'm going in for surgery on this coming Tuesday the 25th to get a pain block done on my right shoulder and upper arm. I hope it'll be a quick and simple procedure, but you never know how this stuff will go when my body is involved. We shall see.
  5. Hello again. I'm trying to learn if anyone would pay $10 + S/H to purchase an autographed copy of one of my trading cards. A picture is in the linked thread. I'm really curious, so if you've got an opinion, yea or nay, please share it. Thank you!



  6. Question, re: this trading card... Would you pay $10 + S/H for an autographed version of this card from me? If no, what would you pay? Please let me know. Thanks!
  7. It's been years, but I think the last rock concert I went to was Jack's Mannequin, here in Dallas at the Starplex. Good stuff. My wife really enjoyed it. I turned her on to Jack's Mannequin by way of a pre-race concert that ABC showed at the Indy 500. They rocked the living hell out of "The Mixed Tape" that day.
  8. Just bought the wife a Tony Kanaan 2023 "Final Chapter" Indy 500 jersey. https://shop.ims.com/products/inc8mw2366-2023-mens-kanaan-jersey
  9. Three pounds of barbecued brisket and a few sausage links from City Market in Luling, Texas. Nom. https://www.citymarketluling.com
  10. It's taken me two years to find my Status Update feature location (it's under "Create" in my top line menu on the right side of the screen, next to the notifications indicators), but I've finally found it. Don't know what I'm going to do with it, since I've got my own thread in the Everything Else forum, but at least I've figured the thing out at long last. Oh, well.

    1. Biodegradable


      Better late than never! hehe ;^)

    2. Midway64


      Agree with Bio!

      Some people take 10 minutes to find out, some others take months or years to find out!

    3. antares031


      This section used to be called "Blog" long time ago, although it appeared like an ordinary forum section, like Everything Else. Since it's a separated independant section now, feel free to share your short stories in here.

  11. Had the rehearsal with Agony, the Nu-metal band, at their singer's San Antonio home last night, and it was a blast. My thanks go out to Richard the singer, dueling Joes on guitars, Eric on drums, and last but not least, Alan on bass. You guys rock most hard. Also to be mentioned would be Isaac on gear and camera, and my wife on camera as well. Pics to follow when they're ready.
  12. Had the rehearsal with Agony, the Nu-metal band, at their singer's San Antonio home last night, and it was a blast. My thanks go out to Richard the singer, dueling Joes on guitars, Eric on drums, and last but not least, Alan on bass. You guys rock most hard. Also to be mentioned would be Isaac on gear and camera, and my wife on camera as well. Pics to follow when they're ready.
  13. I'm in San Antonio, getting ready for tonight's rehearsal with Nu-metal group Agony by trying to get some sleep. However, my torn right shoulder's rotator cuff is acting up something fierce, giving me pain approaching the maximum on the zero-to-ten pain scale. I can't sleep lying down flat on the bed because it exacerbates the pain. I've got a "pillow fort" built to elevate me, but it's only good for about an hour or so. Put simply, I don't know how I'm going to make it through the day today. Wish me luck - I'm gonna need it.
  14. "Bosley is the world's most trusted and experienced hair restoration and hair transplant expert."
  15. The "tentative" label has been changed to "definite!" I've been told that my "Pavane" will be played as part of a group of other pavanes during the first half hour. Tune in early so you won't miss it! https://www.tpr.org/show/classics-a-la-carte
  16. The "tentative" label has been changed to "definite!" I've been told that my "Pavane" will be played as part of a group of other pavanes during the first half hour. Tune in early so you won't miss it! https://www.tpr.org/show/classics-a-la-carte
  17. A photo of myself and my son, dated early 2011. We're getting ready to barbecue in my back yard. Many of you will recognize this as the source of my well-known "Mickey Mouse Ears" profile photo. That pic was cropped out of this photo. You'll also note a strong family resemblance between my son and me, hair (and beard) length notwithstanding. It's also where I get my handle of "Captain Greybeard" in at least one other forum.
  18. A creature conceived of peacock feathers, in imitation of a semi-flightless bird. I am tuned in.
  19. I love you...you love me...someone painted me all green...
  20. More good news! "Pavane" is tentatively scheduled for play on the Classics à la Carte radio program on San Antonio public radio station KPAC, 88.3 FM, sometime this Friday, April 14th, between 7pm and 9pm CDT. You'll be able to listen to the show through the link below, I believe, or if you have an Amazon Alexa device, simply say "Alexa, play KPAC-FM." Full disclosure: Classics à la Carte is hosted by my brother-in-law, James Baker. KPAC-FM is a member of Texas Public Radio. https://www.tpr.org/show/classics-a-la-carte
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