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Everything posted by leejacksonaudio

  1. Bravo! Thank you very kindly - much obliged! You'd be surprised by looking at the YouTube analytics. It's barely getting any traction at all. Sigh. Not too encouraging.
  2. Ladies and gentlemen, it's been a massive undertaking that's lasted since August of 2023, but finally, FINALLY, my concert band / wind ensemble arrangement of Anton Bruckner's Symphony No. 6 in A Major is complete. All four movements, score, parts, and audio rendering from Dorico Pro and NotePerformer - everything has passed muster, at long last. Now, with that in mind, I am finally able to present the completed audio to you, courtesy of YouTube. The movements are posted separately, then combined into a playlist. Here are the links: 1st movement - https://youtu.be/bGvums5A6jg 2nd movement - https://youtu.be/1UA9Knu5S_s 3rd movement - https://youtu.be/U8MRGV5H5Vo 4th movement - https://youtu.be/0nA_0WMHkTY Playlist link - I left the Playlist link embedded as a courtesy to anyone who wants to hear the symphony the traditional way. Please let me know what you think of the arrangement. Thank you for listening, and for giving your feedback!
  3. Ladies and gentlemen, it's been a massive undertaking that's lasted since August of 2023, but finally, FINALLY, my concert band / wind ensemble arrangement of Anton Bruckner's Symphony No. 6 in A Major is complete. All four movements, score, parts, and audio rendering from Dorico Pro and NotePerformer - everything has passed muster, at long last. Now, with that in mind, I am finally able to present the completed audio to you, courtesy of YouTube. The movements are posted separately, then combined into a playlist. Here are the links: 1st movement - https://youtu.be/bGvums5A6jg 2nd movement - https://youtu.be/1UA9Knu5S_s 3rd movement - https://youtu.be/U8MRGV5H5Vo 4th movement - https://youtu.be/0nA_0WMHkTY Playlist link - I left the Playlist link embedded for ease of viewing. Please let me know what you think. Thank you for listening, and for giving your feedback!
  4. And here's a shot of me having a phenomenal time on King Con Cruise 2024. I've just completed the presentation and raffle portions of my panel, and I'm in the Q&A portion. This photo is courtesy of a fan (thank you!).
  5. See the photo below. I had a phenomenal time on King Con Cruise 2024. I will have a phenomenal time on King Con Cruise 2025. And So Should You. Be there on March 3rd, 2025, when King Con Cruise 2025 departs! Go to https://kingconcruise.com and register today!
  6. I like to make (and eat) Japanese-style curry. It's been a while since I've done it, though, so I ordered a few necessaries over the past couple of days in anticipation of making it once again. To wit: Koshihikari rice Sesame oil Curry roux (Vermont, S&B (2 kinds)) I still need to get meat for it. When my son makes it (he picked up the liking from me), he uses New York Strip. I think that's a bit too expensive of a cut for curry, but I haven't decided what cut of beef is optimal to use. I vacillate between the extremes of stew meat and sirloin. (If you make curry, what cut do you use? PM me please.)
  7. Not "all in," since I've got no easy way of getting coverage without pissing off my wife. :) I'm interested in hearing how they do, though, and I wish the local news would cover them.
  8. I got somewhat glued to the game when for a brief while our (wired) cable provider carried the Willow channel. I watched a bunch of T20I and Test matches. Started following the Australian "Big Bash League" for a while, and got hooked on the Melbourne Stars. Then came the day when Willow went away, and I was no longer able to follow any form of cricket at all. Sigh. That was several years ago. I'm now on YouTubeTV, and I don't see Willow showing up on the basic package anytime soon. However, all is not lost. Cricket has come to the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, where I live, and major league cricket at that. We'll see if it spreads.
  9. You are correct, kind denizen, thank you. I have made the necessary correction to my post. You know, it's getting pretty bad when I'm so old I can't remember where my own smegging music is anymore. ;)
  10. May I kindly direct your attention to the following post:




    Thank you very much.

  11. I'm not seeing anything in the way of percentages on Duke Nukem 3D. Never have. Never will. The only way I see any money on anything Duke Nukem is through the sale of these three products on Bandcamp and through the streaming of the latter two albums' tracks on various services: https://leejackson1.bandcamp.com/track/grabbag-96khz-24bit-2018-remaster https://leejackson1.bandcamp.com/album/duke-nukem-tank-tracks https://leejackson1.bandcamp.com/album/calibrations Do me a favor and please, please...buy something today. Thank you.
  12. I entered a competition earlier this year called the "loadbang 2024 International Composition Competition." My composition entry was titled "Interweave," for 4 woodwinds and 3 brass. Well, it turns out that over 600 other people entered the competition, making my odds of winning very slim. The upshot of this is that I didn't win anything. However, now that the contest is over, I can let you listen to my composition. Please feel free to leave comments here and/or on the YouTube link. Thank you!
  13. I entered a competition earlier this year called the "loadbang 2024 International Composition Competition." My composition entry was titled "Interweave," for 4 woodwinds and 3 brass. Well, it turns out that over 600 other people entered the competition, making my odds of winning very slim. The upshot of this is that I didn't win anything. However, now that the contest is over, I can let you listen to my composition. Please feel free to leave comments here and/or on the YouTube link. Thank you!
  14. You've hit the nail on the head. It's going to take a top-notch ensemble to play one of the outer movements, although a high school might be able to pull off the Adagio (2nd movement) with really good players.
  15. "Tip toe...through the two imps..." - Tiny Tim playing DOOM for the first time
  16. I live in Texas. I'm on disability retirement and no longer have to drive in the crap, nor do I have to report on the radio on road conditions and on idiots who don't know how to drive in it (I used to be a Traffic Reporter on 1080 AM KRLD here in Dallas/Ft. Worth after I departed 3D Realms). Ergo, I can afford to enjoy the white dusting when it happens every now and then.
  17. Wish you had just a little bit more to spend. You could score a Sager i9 notebook for $1349. https://www.sagernotebook.com/Notebook-NP7550C.html I'm running a 17" Sager i9 notebook, and it's rock-solid. Would definitely buy again.
  18. I've finally finished the first draft of the last movement of my concert band / wind ensemble arrangement of Anton Bruckner's Symphony No. 6 in A Major. It took what seemed like forever, but I'm finally done with it. Whew! I'm still technically in the proofreading phase, so there's not an official SoundCloud or similar post ready yet, but I have uploaded a FLAC file of the movement to WeTransfer. You can download a copy of it here: https://we.tl/t-7ygAMR3EIF It'll be online for just under 14 days. If you do download a copy of it, I would appreciate your feedback on it. Thank you for your help.
  19. I've finally finished the first draft of the last movement of my concert band / wind ensemble arrangement of Anton Bruckner's Symphony No. 6 in A Major. It took what seemed like forever, but I'm finally done with it. Whew! I'm still technically in the proofreading phase, so there's not an official SoundCloud or similar post ready yet, but I have uploaded a FLAC file of the movement to WeTransfer. You can download a copy of it here: https://we.tl/t-7ygAMR3EIF It'll be online for just under 14 days. If you do download a copy of it, I would appreciate your feedback on it. Thank you for your help.
  20. My swiss cheese brain is having trouble remembering something. I believe I committed to helping out a group with some music after March 1st. Does anyone know what that group would be? Please shoot a reminder message my way if you do. Thank you!

  21. My PICC line (a.k.a. central line) has been out for a couple of days now. Finally. A doctor removed it at the hospital on Thursday in the radiology lab. He had to numb me up with lidocaine for some reason and loosen up the line before it would finally give way and come out. When it did come out, the doctor showed it to me. A 1mm x 2mm ring designed to keep it in place had been overgrown by an approximately 6-7mm lump of scar tissue, which was the reason it wouldn't come out properly. Pretty gnarly looking lump of flesh.


    In any case, I'm getting back to normal at last. I can finally lift more than 10 pounds weight again. I've removed the huge wad of gauze that was keeping the vein from leaking, but I had to put a medium Band-Aid on it, since it was still oozing. I'll check it again on Sunday. Right now, it itches rather nastily.


    But at least the line is gone. Huzzah.

  22. New web site post up: https://dleejackson.lbjackson.com/2024/02/keil-and-carragan-and-dorico-oh-my/ Includes SoundCloud links for my concert band / wind ensemble arrangement of the first three movements of Bruckner's Symphony No. 6 in A Major. Enjoy.
  23. New web site post up: https://dleejackson.lbjackson.com/2024/02/keil-and-carragan-and-dorico-oh-my/ Includes SoundCloud links for my concert band / wind ensemble arrangement of the first three movements of Bruckner's Symphony No. 6 in A Major. Enjoy!
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