As a musician, I have to be concerned about the ways my potential listeners can actually listen to my music. With the advent of digital music, be it downloaded to a computer, streamed to a device, or broadcast to a vehicle, it would seem that one long-standing form of transmission - the audio CD - would be on its way out. However, I also hear word of an uptick in CD sales as of late. The whole thing has left me confused.
So, Doomworld Denizens, let's start by sorting things out at the top level. Do you own a device capable of playing audio CDs? This would include computers and automobiles in addition to CD, DVD, and Blu-ray players. Please let me know by voting in this poll.
If your answer is no, please tell me what would be your preferred method of receiving music, and secondly if you would consider buying music on a thumb drive. Thank you!