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Everything posted by leejacksonaudio

  1. The first ones I remember that qualify as "nostalgic" are arcade games. I remember one day seeing a crowd around a console that was making the weirdest noises. I got as close as I could to it and saw it was a game called "Pac-Man." It was hard to follow at first - for just a few seconds - but then I caught on and figured out what they were doing. Cool stuff. I was in a rush and had to leave, otherwise I'd have put my quarter in line to play it. Another that falls in line is "Tempest." I was at the center of this one. This was 1981. I was with the University of Texas Longhorn Band, on a trip to a game in Fayetteville, Arkansas. We had an overnight stop at a large motel in Muskogee, Oklahoma. I scoped out the lobby and found the lone video game - Tempest - and found not many people around it. Those who were weren't having much luck with it. I jumped on it and gave it a go. I managed to get pretty far with it - don't remember how far, but it was enough to draw a crowd of people going "ooh" and 'aah" - until I lost my lives. By that time, I guess I'd shilled up enough interest in the machine that it had a pretty long line, and there wasn't much chance of me getting back on it any time soon. Oh, well - end of story. My last one was "Asteroids." Back this one up to before I graduated from high school, but still in 1981. No crowds this time. I used to stop at a 7-Eleven on the way home from afterschool work at a Whataburger, get a drink, something sweet, and play the Asteroids machine. I wasn't much good at it, but I persisted. :) I used to think about how to beat the machine when I would lie in bed awake at night, trying to go to sleep. Didn't help much.
  2. Head on over to my Bandcamp page for the album: https://leejackson1.bandcamp.com/album/lady-tygress-suite-and-other-commissions Not only will you be able to listen to much longer previews, you'll be able to buy a copy of the album afterward for just $7 dollars! A hell of a deal if I do say so myself. :) :) :) Let me know if your rankings change after you listen to the longer tracks. Thanks!
  3. Yep, spent a good chunk of my formative years (4 years old through 17 years old) in the Greater Houston area. Some of it rubbed off on me, mainly the pro sports. I miss the Oilers annually and see the Texans as a mediocre substitute (don't get me started on the Titans). I really miss the Houston Aeros WHA hockey team, and would LOVE to see them reborn as an NHL franchise to give the Dallas Stars fits, but for now, Go Stars. Most of all, though, give me the Astros. They went on their first-ever playoff run my senior year of high school (my last years down in Houston) against the Phillies, in 1980. They nearly made it to the World Series back then, but got beat in three nail-biters in games 3, 4, and 5 to just miss out. This year was oh-so-sweet revenge for 1980, especially considering that my best friend up here in Dallas, Joe Siegler, is a Philadelphia expat and loves his Phillies (he's adopted the Texas Rangers in a big way, though, something I never really did). We had some rather fierce go-betweens during the 2022 World Series, with me having the last word upon Tucker's catch in foul territory for the third out in the ninth inning of game six. Mission accomplished, Astros. Go enjoy your trophy. ^_^
  4. Eh, I'll watch it for sake of completion. I don't like leaving the season undone. :)
  5. Thanks for liking Track 1, "Lady Tygress' Suite: 1. Intro." It's my favorite as well. It was a real gas to write. I'd never done anything like it before. Normally, I'll slap down an extended percussion or rhythm track and compose something over the top of it. In this case, the rhythm track was a fully integrated part of the song composition process, and not just a backbone element. Instead of laying it down long stretches at a time, I'd lay it down 2 or 4 measures at a time and mix it as I went. It made for a very interesting song, IMHO. The melody creation process was even more fun, but much, much more complicated to explain. It's not suited for discussion outside of a full-blown Music Theory forum :) Sorry, too much jargon for polite conversation here on Doomworld.
  6. She's not a baseball fan, period. She sat out the World Series in the master bedroom with a laptop and a stream of Law & Order. :( Me, I was just goofing off in the above picture. I rarely take a picture with a straight face unless I'm not feeling good.
  7. Absolutely, props. I couldn't remember who'd suggested the thread. Thanks for the reminder.
  8. Someone has suggested that I break out the recent poll from my personal thread and make it a standalone public topic thread. I thank them for their advice and am heeding it, so here's the poll. Have you listened to "Lady Tygress' Suite and Other Commissions" yet? If so, which track from the album is your favorite? I'd really like to know. If you haven't listened yet, you can get links to buy and/or stream the album from my home page at this link. Please have a listen, and then come back and vote in the poll!
  9. Well, I didn't want to hog the main thread, but since you've made the suggestion, I'll take it and run with it. Thanks!
  10. What a difference a year makes. Boom boom, baby. Go 2022 World Series Champion 'Stros!!!
  11. Quick pseudo-poll time! Have you listened to the new album yet? If so, which track is your favorite? Is it: Lady Tygress' Suite: 1. Intro Lady Tygress' Suite: 2. Break Lady Tygress' Suite: 3. Outro Agape Promenade b-minor Breakdown Ant Farm Melee Double Decker Chase Ereis Overture Geisterwolken Let me know here, please! Thanks!
  12. Quick pseudo-poll time! Have you listened to the new album? If so, which track is your favorite? Is it: Lady Tygress' Suite: 1. Intro Lady Tygress' Suite: 2. Break Lady Tygress' Suite: 3. Outro Agape Promenade b-minor Breakdown Ant Farm Melee Double Decker Chase Ereis Overture Geisterwolken Let me know here, please! Thanks!
  13. LADY TYGRESS' SUITE AND OTHER COMMISSIONS was released on Friday, November 4th, to sort of a thud reception. I think I sold 11 copies on Bandcamp, and thanks to an Amazon screwup, I sold no CDs. Well, Amazon has finally put the CD up for sale at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BLK21LVR , and at this writing one copy has sold. I'm sure the music is better than the sales would infer - at least, I hope it is. Please grab a copy, stream it, or at least spread the word about it today! https://dleejackson.lbjackson.com/ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BLK21LVR https://leejackson.hearnow.com/lady-tygress-suite-and-other-commissions
  14. LADY TYGRESS' SUITE AND OTHER COMMISSIONS was released on Friday, November 4th, to sort of a thud reception. I think I sold 11 copies on Bandcamp, and thanks to an Amazon screwup, I sold no CDs. Well, Amazon has finally put the CD up for sale at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BLK21LVR , and at this writing one copy has sold. I'm sure the music is better than the sales would infer. You can find more links for downloads and streaming on my web site at https://dleejackson.lbjackson.com or at my HearNow page at https://leejackson.hearnow.com/lady-tygress-suite-and-other-commissions . Please either grab a copy, stream it, or help spread the word today!
  15. LADY TYGRESS' SUITE AND OTHER COMMISSIONS is out! My 4th album has been released today on physical CD, digital, and streaming formats. The tracks on it run the range from rock to classical to heavy metal to electronica. You can get info on my album from my web page at https://dleejackson.lbjackson.com - please grab a copy and listen to it today!
  16. LADY TYGRESS' SUITE AND OTHER COMMISSIONS is out! My 4th album has been released today on physical CD, digital, and streaming formats. The tracks on it run the range from rock to classical to heavy metal to electronica. You can get info on my album from my web page at https://dleejackson.lbjackson.com - please grab a copy and listen to it today!
  17. Not quite. This is Lady Tygress, the Twitch streamer who commissioned the suite for her stream. She asked for a 10 minute intro to lead into her stream, a 5 minute break piece, and a 5 minute outro for when the stream ends. All in all, 20 minutes of thematically linked music. Turned out to be one of the most ambitious endeavors I've ever written, and I'm pretty hyped about this being the formal public release of the recording. I hope you and everyone else will like it.
  18. We are two days away from two events: my hand/elbow surgery for carpal and cubital tunnel syndrome, and the launch of my 4th album, "Lady Tygress' Suite and Other Commissions"! I hope you'll wish me well for the surgery, and I hope you'll buy and stream the album. You can follow the album launch for now at https://leejackson.hearnow.com/lady-tygress-suite-and-other-commissions - please visit there today!
  19. We are two days away from two events: my hand/elbow surgery for carpal and cubital tunnel syndrome, and the launch of my 4th album, "Lady Tygress' Suite and Other Commissions"! I hope you'll wish me well for the surgery, and I hope you'll buy and stream the album. You can follow the album launch for now at https://leejackson.hearnow.com/lady-tygress-suite-and-other-commissions - please visit there today!
  20. Thanks for posting that. I like the sound of it. I honestly don't remember what sound card I had when I wrote the thing, but it was either this or a Roland RAP-10. I've been listening to this song frequently over the past weeks, and in retrospect, I think the thing that made it successful was the use of natural ranges in the piano and bass solos. I didn't use notes that were outside the reach of the human hand from one note to the next - or at least, I don't think I did. In any case, the notes sound natural from one note to the next. That helped with the way the song was received, IMHO.
  21. Iron infusion went about as well as can be imagined. I'm sitting here some 6 hours afterward, watching the World Series, feeling mostly okay as long as I don't get up, at which point I get dizzy and light-headed. Got a good headache to go with it. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow's joint pain and swelling, but I'm not dreading it, either. I should be able to do my last pre-op exam at the hospital where the surgery will take place will few problems, if any. Thanks for the well wishes. I appreciate them.
  22. I just got a text from the oncology clinic confirming that my iron infusion will be tomorrow, Tuesday November 1st, at 9:30 am. No excuses if they screw this one up.
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