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Everything posted by leejacksonaudio

  1. I don't rightly know. You see, each ADPack comes with MIDI grooves that are interchangeable between the kits. I'm as interested to see what new grooves came with the ADPacks as I am what drum kits came with them. That said, I'm very interested in the Black Oyster and the Modern Soul and R&B - those are new to my library, and I want to know how the grooves I already have match up to the new kits.
  2. Over $350 worth of "ADPacks" (drum kits) from XLN Audio for their Addictive Drums 2 drum library. That means I now finally own everything on this page: https://www.xlnaudio.com/products/addictive_drums_2/adpak
  3. I'll cast another vote for Cakewalk by Bandlab. I've used Cakewalk in one incarnation or another since 1993 to write music, starting with the score for Rise of the Triad and moving on from there to Duke Nukem 3D and Shadow Warrior. It can be as difficult as you want it to be, or as easy as you want it to be, depending on how you set it up. After you've installed Cakewalk by Bandlab, get on YouTube, do a search for 'Creative Sauce Cakewalk Bandlab', and play through some of his videos. He covers topics ranging from advanced mixing on down to basic music composition. Lots of good info to be found there.
  4. Damn it, damn it, damn it. I'm in the hospital again. The swelling in my left leg set in and refused to be affected by the diuretics. Then my right let started swelling. Then both legs started turning red and hot - a sure sign of infection. I've seen a half dozen doctors already. They've diagnosed the redness as cellulitis and started me on 2 strong antibiotics. They're not treating the swelling as aggressively just yet - they think a metal filter I've had in my inferior vena cava since 2009 may be causing a clot. They're investigating whether or not the filter can be removed after all this time. Anyway, I'm in Baylor Lake Pointe hospital in Rowlett, TX. But, instead of sending cards or flowers, please - buy a copy of Geisterwolken instead! If you've already got one, get one as a gift for a friend! I would really appreciate it. Thank you!!! https://leejackson1.bandcamp.com/track/geisterwolken
  5. Okay, to revise: physically, I'm old as sin. Mentally, I'm probably in my mid-20s attitude-wise, with the backup knowledge of a 58-year-old. I've tried my damnedest to keep up with everything as the years went by. My sense of humor never left me. (It likely got me in trouble a few times over the years.)
  6. I am 58 and headed to physical therapy today after a telemedicine appointment with my chronic pain management doctor. Hell, yes, I fscking feel old. Still, damn the torpedoes, full, steam ahead! Bring on the commissions!!! https://dleejackson.lbjackson.com/commissions/
  7. NBC has published their schedule on how to watch this weekend's action at the IMS road track, including the IndyCar GMR Grand Prix, the Indy Lights race, and other info: https://motorsports.nbcsports.com/2022/05/11/indycar-gmr-grand-prix-start-times-tv-schedule-indianapolis-motor-speedway-2/
  8. I might accept it as a paid commission, but it would take me a while to get up and running with the samples necessary to work with the tracker program. I'd also have to take a serious refresher course on how to use a tracker program, seeing as how I haven't used one since the Stargunner days. :)
  9. I've updated my commissions page yet again, this time with music samples from two new previously unreleased songs! Please take a listen, and if you like what you hear, contact me for a commission today! I've got spots available in the queue right now!!! https://dleejackson.lbjackson.com/commissions/
  10. I've updated my commissions page yet again, this time with music samples from two new previously unreleased songs! Please take a listen, and if you like what you hear, contact me for a commission today! I've got spots available in the queue right now!!! https://dleejackson.lbjackson.com/commissions/
  11. (Sorry for the delay, @Nikku4211, just now seeing this...) I "default" to my SC-88Pro. It's setup on MIDI channel 1 in Cakewalk by Bandlab, and its "A" channel is plugged into I/O channel 1 on my MOTU micro lite MIDI hardware interface (the "B" channel is in I/O channel 2). However, if I'm playing anything using the Microsoft Windows Media Player app, it still defaults to using the internal Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth, which isn't really true GS as we all know by now. BTW, I now also have Yamaha XG capabilities as well. I bought a Yamaha MU100 from Japan, and it's working off of MIDI channels 4 and 5 from my MOTU micro lite. It's got sounds the Roland SC-88Pro doesn't have, and vice versa. Works good for commissions - it's already battle-tested and approved. :) I cut my teeth on MultiTracker, then moved to FastTracker II to compose the soundtrack to Stargunner. That was the last bit of tracker music I made. I've since concentrated on music utilizing Native Instruments' KONTAKT sample-based platform instead when I've needed samples. It's a bit harder to get your own samples into a platform like that, but there are ways.
  12. I also enjoy a Sidecar. Had a great one mixed for me in Vegas when my wife and I were there for the filming of Battlebots. Ernest Hemmingway was a fan of the Sidecar, as the story goes, and after drinking one, I can see why. Recipe follows (from Liquor.com): 1 1/2 ounces cognac 3/4 ounce orange liqueur (such as Cointreau) 3/4 ounce lemon juice, freshly squeezed Garnish: orange twist Garnish: sugar rim (optional) Coat the rim of a coupe glass with sugar, if desired, and set aside. Add the cognac, orange liqueur and lemon juice to a shaker with ice and shake until well-chilled. Strain into the prepared glass. Garnish with an orange twist. Enjoy.
  13. At the Stetson factory outlet store here in Garland, Texas. On topic: Anyone for Christmas in May?
  14. A reminder, if it hasn't been posted here already - some music from the 2001 DNF era:
  15. A properly made (and chilled) Manhattan. No bullshit Woodford Reserve. Just an honest bourbon, strained (not over the rocks), and served in a martini glass with an humble cherry. Down home cocktail.
  16. Well, the first 24 hours of sales of "Geisterwolken" on Bandcamp have been lackluster, to put it mildly. Not counting a couple of sales of my full discography (thank you!), there were only 7 purchases of the song totaling less than $20. If you have listened to "Geisterwolken" and liked it, I urge you to buy a downloadable copy for your permanent reference! I would be extremely grateful.
  17. Well, I can, but i don't do anything the easy way. After i've got my MIDI file done, I make a copy of it and add an Audio track to it in Cakewalk by Bandlab. I then record the output of my SC-88Pro into the Audio track. Once I've got a good take, I'll export the audio to a WAV file. If I need to convert the WAV to MP3, I use fre:ac to do the conversion. Don't hesitate to ask questions if you have any.
  18. Yep! I handed him a first draft, and he handed me back some damned good ideas. He deserved that special credit in spades.
  19. "GEISTERWOLKEN" IS OUT!!! It's Hard Rock! It's Heavy Metal! Hell, it's kick-ass music that I wrote after seeing some cool cloud formations after a storm one day back in 2021, and you can listen to it NOW!!! Grab a downloadable copy from Bandcamp, or get the streaming links from my HearNow page!
  20. "GEISTERWOLKEN" IS OUT!!! It's Hard Rock! It's Heavy Metal! Hell, it's kick-ass music that I wrote after seeing some cool cloud formations after a storm one day back in 2021, and you can listen to it NOW!!! Grab a downloadable copy from Bandcamp, or get the streaming links from my HearNow page!
  21. Racer.com: Marshall Pruett's summary of this past weekend's Honda Grand Prix of Alabama: https://racer.com/2022/05/04/pruetts-cooldown-lap-barber/
  22. The problem of the 33rd entry for the 2022 Indianapolis 500 has been solved: https://racer.com/2022/05/05/wilson-and-cusick-join-forces-with-dragonspeed-for-indy/
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