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Everything posted by leejacksonaudio

  1. That's okay - impatient bastards help to make me a better writer. :) Where would you edit?
  2. I've just finished a brand new song, and I'd appreciate your help with it. The song is called "Pavane," and it's a classical synth track using nothing but instances of Cherry Audio's new Mercury-6 virtual synth. I've put the song up on SoundCloud. Here's the link: Please do me a favor - listen to the song and post your opinion. I would appreciate all the feedback I can get. Right now, I'm waiting on Cherry Audio to give me their feedback. If they approve, I'm going to release the song as an official single, on Bandcamp and probably through CD Baby! Thank you for your help!
  3. I've just finished a brand new song, and I'd appreciate your help with it. The song is called "Pavane," and it's a classical synth track using nothing but instances of Cherry Audio's new Mercury-6 virtual synth. I've put the song up on SoundCloud. Here's it is: Please do me a favor - listen to the song and post your opinion. I would appreciate all the feedback I can get. Right now, I'm waiting on Cherry Audio to give me their feedback. If they approve, I'm going to release the song as an official single, on Bandcamp and probably through CD Baby! Thank you for your help!
  4. More: - I've been installing foobar2000 and VLC on every system since I first learned of foobar2000 eons ago. Now, I'm not so sure about either. Right now I've still got my system pointed at foobar2000 for handling MP3s, FLACs, and so on, and VLC for handling video. However, I've installed the reborn Winamp and am liking it more and more. I'm already using it instead of either of the other programs for multimedia audio streams that aren't Spotify. If it were a bit faster on load times, I'd use it to replace foobar2000 for audio files. - Microsoft Excel. Part of Microsoft 365. I track so many things, from my medications to my commissions using Excel - I don't know where I'd be without it. I used to use LibreOffice, but I started running into little niggly problems that were just minor irritations. That, plus my wife used an earlier version of Office. We decided to get a home site license of Microsoft 365.
  5. Expanding beyond the #1 go-to utility... - Irfanview (thanks for reminding me, @segfault, I would have forgotten.) - VEDIT Pro 64 (been using one form or another of VEDIT since my old 80286-12MHz machine. It's just grown with me.) - 1Password - fre:ac (free audio converter) - MP3Tag (I liked it so much I'm an annual subscriber) - Stardock Fences (I wouldn't be able to keep my desktops in order without it) - Stardock Start11 (same idea, but for the Start Menu in Windows 11) More as I think of them, but yeah, that pretty much covers it.
  6. I'll launch into the topic by listing my own "go-to" software - Total Commander by Christian Ghisler. This software has been around since the Windows 3.1 days, when it was known as Windows Commander. It's a dual-pane file commander, but with tabs that let you take it way beyond dual-pane functionality. Can't live without it. https://www.ghisler.com/
  7. This is a bit of a complex topic. What software do you use as a "go-to" that you couldn't deal with your system without? It could be a built-in system feature, or a third-party system utility. Whatever it is that helps you get around your O/S on a day-to-day basis. Let's find out, and maybe learn of some new stuff that would help get around our own systems a bit better!
  8. Across the stratosphere, A final message: "Give my wife my love." Then nothing more. Earth below us Drifting, falling. Floating weightless Coming home... Earth below us Drifting, falling. Floating weightless Coming, coming Home... Home.....
  9. Not much traction on this topic so far this year. Big weekend going on right now, though - we've got the Australian Grand Prix in Formula 1, and the PPG 375 oval at the Texas Motor Speedway in IndyCar. I'm watching DVRed coverage of Formula 1 qualifying, hoping that the two Haas drivers (Magnusson and Hulkenberg) can both make it through to Q3 this time. For those of you who have NBC's Peacock service, IndyCar 1st practice runs from 9am-10am EDT, and qualifying starts at 12:15pm EDT. IndyCar 2nd practice runs from 1:45pm-3:30pm EDT, or after qualifying, whichever is later. Sunday's race gets under way at Noon EDT on NBC and Peacock.
  10. I saw my orthopedic surgeon today, with the intent of having a pre-op appointment to get ready for my right shoulder rotator cuff surgery. He examined me and was happy with my progress. After the exam, I expressed some fears I had about what would happen to me after the surgery. You see, I was under the impression that I wouldn't be able to push off my right arm to help myself get out of a chair (which I need due to my bad knees) for 6 weeks. "Four months," he corrected me, making an already bad situation worse. I laid out some other concerns, and finally asked if I could go into a rehab hospital after the surgery. "There's nothing to rehab in your shoulder," he said, and told me no. I asked him what my options were. He said that I probably shouldn't have the surgery. Oh, great. Well, maybe all is not lost. He mentioned a couple of more conservative, non-surgical treatments we could try. One of them wasn't covered by insurance, so that one was right out from the start. The other, a cortisone shot into the joint, guided by an ultrasound scan, would be covered. I told him to go for it, and he did, on the same day. It hurt a bit, but hot as bad as others I've had. The shot should take about a week to kick in, if it's going to help at all. The pros to this are that I'm not going to have to deal with a year or more of rehab, and extraordinarily painful rehab at that. The cons are that I'm never going to completely get rid of this pain, but then again I may never have gotten rid of it even with the surgery. We'll see what happens.
  11. Better to necro this than to start a new thread, especially seeing as how Baseball opening night 2023 was last night. However, I digress - I'm watching football right now. Specifically, the XFL game between the Arlington Renegades and the Seattle Sea Dragons. Arlington trails 21-9 in the 3rd quarter. They had quite a drive going and chose to risk a 4th and 1 play, but a bad pass/lousy read by the receiver put an end to the drive. Seattle takes over with 7:20 left in the 3rd from their own 12. The Dallas/Fort Worth area is abuzz with sports this weekend. In addition to this game, the Texas Rangers are playing hosts to the Philadelphia Phillies. You've got the NCAA Women's Final Four going on, and the IndyCar PPG 375 race going on out at the Texas Motor Speedway. Very busy weekend.
  12. Poorly pixelated pinkishly painted planetoid
  13. What, no love for the original bottomless double-fisted pistols from Rise of the Triad? (...walks away, whistling "Goin' Down the Fast Way")
  14. I've been updating my post. Forgot too many things initially. Sorry.
  15. It was incredible...ly bad. On topic: It's the albino version of Sandy, Little Orphan Annie's dog!
  16. We stopped by a Dutch Bros. on the way home from the doctor's office. I'm now drinking a Flap Jack Mocha freeze with an extra shot, a soft top, and whipped cream. Nom.
  17. In honor of this weekend's IndyCar race at the Texas Motor Speedway, here's a picture of myself and my wife at the 2021 event. Apparently, there was an election held in proximity to the race date. If I recall correctly, it was quite windy that day, which is what I'm using for my excuse for the unkempt hair and beard. The googly eyes pose was intentional - I simply like doing that sometimes. ^_^
  18. Thanks to the handicapped left hand I've been left with after surgery for carpal tunnel and cubital tunnel syndrome, I can no longer clip my own fingernails. I have to go to my wife's nail salon and get a manicure now. She goes too long between nail trims.
  19. Now shifted over to Costco's ripoff of Vitamin Water, "Vitarain.zero," tropical mango flavor.
  20. I can see this in spots. They are aiming a bit lower than they did with Season One, with the exception of episode 2. I'm still enjoying it, though, because the action has increased (except for the middle part of episode 2).
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