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Everything posted by leejacksonaudio

  1. SPOILER ALERT PER THREAD HEADLINE Okay, WTF was with that segment in the middle with L58? Was the girl the same person from the very, very beginning of the episode? What was the point of it other than to show someone was plotting to wipe the minds of very valuable former Empire scientists?
  2. "We have a Code 3 at the Benjamin Moore paint factory..."
  3. Not me, my friend. Visit https://leejackson1.bandcamp.com for my albums in digital formats. I go both ways. <grin>
  4. I've had dogs before. The last dog I had was back in high school (1977-1981). It was a miniature Dachshund named Baron, which was short for Baron von Kurtz und Lange (Baron von Short and Long). He was a wimpy little dog, but stubborn all the same, like most Dachshunds are. Hard as hell to housebreak. I much preferred my grandfather's dog at the time, a Rat Terrier named Angel. She was smart as a whip and loyal to him like mad. She lived up to her name, too. We killed a field mouse (a.k.a. "rat") out behind his home up at Spicewood on Lake Travis one day and let her have a sniff of it. She went nuts. The next time she encountered a live rodent outside, she chased it to its death.
  5. Bottled sugar-free green tea. I'm drinking the last of it in the house.
  6. "As you'll note, the Bat-Eared Blue Warbler, seen here wearing its ceremonial turtleneck flying feathers, develops a unique Matterhorn growth atop its head during the winter mating period."
  7. Baby Audio's "Smooth Operator" VST plugin for audio work, from ADSR Sounds. https://www.adsrsounds.com/product/software/baby-audio-smooth-operator-intelligent-signal-balancer/
  8. Just curious - where did you purchase the album, and in what original format?
  10. Signed up my wife and myself for Jon St. John's King Con Cruise. https://kingconcruise.com
  11. The Apogee/3D Realms dimension and the id Software (fan side) dimension. On Topic: They're fine, but gimme a Roland SC-88Pro any day. Either that, or a Yamaha MU-100.
  12. You can't eat them when they get to that stage, damnit. Oh, I'm sorry - I read that as "Exceedingly fried rattlesnake."
  13. OooooOOOOOooooooh. So THAT's where baby cows come out of.
  14. I can't handle IPAs. They just don't get along with my gastrointestinal tract, for one thing. For another, they're just too bitter for my tastes. Now, give me a milk stout or a Russian imperial stout any day, and I'll be a happy man as long as I can time it to go in between my medication. :)
  15. Fair enough - I have too, although I rip mine to FLAC most of the time since I rarely put music on my phone. The important part is you have a device capable of getting a CD in the first place, BUT...would you prefer to buy your music in MP3/Vorbis/Opus natively were it available that way? Or does having the CD hardcopy make a difference?
  16. "And now it's time to play, 'Find The Fish!'"
  17. I will kick off the topic by stating the obvious. Yes, I am CD-Audio capable. I kinda have to be, don't I? :) I have multiple burners - one internal BD burner and one external DVD burner - and one external DVD reader-only device. My laptop doesn't have a reader. My wife's car has a player, and my Honda Ridgeline has a 6-disc changer built-in. (I utilize those for road-testing new albums before sending them off for printing.)
  18. As a musician, I have to be concerned about the ways my potential listeners can actually listen to my music. With the advent of digital music, be it downloaded to a computer, streamed to a device, or broadcast to a vehicle, it would seem that one long-standing form of transmission - the audio CD - would be on its way out. However, I also hear word of an uptick in CD sales as of late. The whole thing has left me confused. So, Doomworld Denizens, let's start by sorting things out at the top level. Do you own a device capable of playing audio CDs? This would include computers and automobiles in addition to CD, DVD, and Blu-ray players. Please let me know by voting in this poll. If your answer is no, please tell me what would be your preferred method of receiving music, and secondly if you would consider buying music on a thumb drive. Thank you!
  19. More sports. Watching the XFL: Arlington Renegades at St. Louis Battlehawks on ESPN2, again courtesy of YouTubeTV. Right now, at the start of the 2nd quarter, St. Louis leads 3-0.
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