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Everything posted by DubstepJesus91

  1. "Don't Look Up" I really disliked this movie, I think its worse than the postal movie, sharknado and the room combined because you can at least get some ironic enjoyment out of these movies
  2. I have no mouth and I must scream is free on GOG
  3. Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory is free on Ubisoft
  4. Assassins Creed Chronicles is free from November 9th at 10:00 am to November 12th at 11:00 am (your local time) at Ubisoft Connect
  5. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon is free at Ubisoft till october 11th
  6. Jagged Alliance and Titan Quest are free on Steam
  7. I already regret some of my choices like best soundtrack could also been sonic R favorite protagonist would have been jc denton but I already picked deus ex 2 times so i just chose something goofy I actually dont have a favorite series sooo yeah serious sam was a random pick fav game of all time and fav villain are basically memes
  8. saints row the third remastered is free on epic
  9. Will Glow the Wisp is free on Steam
  10. これを読めない場合は、リマインダーが機能しなかったことを思い出してください (google translated)
  11. My biggest fear is that I will never change again and that I will remain the bastard that I am
  12. Dragon Ball Xenoverse - but I wouldnt recommend buying it unless youre a DBZ fan since it can be pretty tedious sometimes Counter Strike: Source - I dont know why but i like css more than csgo Flatout - I dont know much about racing games so its hard for me to say if this one is super hard or just super jank but i can say its fun Dishonored - its good
  13. yeah Bobby Kotick is a board member of the Coca-Cola Company so that explains a lot
  14. omg look at the comment section of this tweet, some people are actually defending a CEO i cant f***ing believe it
  15. i would recommend deus ex because the dialogues range from interesting and engaging to completley hilarious also the gameplay is just as good, i mean you could criticize the gunplay or the sneaking but i think the game is good as it is
  16. for me its: Arma 2 - its not bad or anything like that but i only bought it for the day z mod which i ended up never playing DMC Devil May Cry - the combat is alright but the frequency of unskippable uninteresting cutscenes killed it for me Crysis 2 - i dont know what, but something makes this game horrible for me Thief 4 - probably, i'll have to play the dlcs to be sure but i'm pretty certain that they wont change my mind
  17. games i have to finish: - Fallout New Vegas (love it, even the combat) - Deus Ex (its hilarious) - Bioshock 2 (definitly more combat heavy than the first game but I'm not sure if thats a good thing) games i recently finished: - Postal 2 (love it) - Singularity (its good) - Thief 4 (I'll have to revisit this one someday because i didnt noticed that i ran past the dlc content and i heard that this part of the game is actually good)
  18. my most played game is garrys mod and i have a play time of 264 hours in it the summary of play time from all my games would be 1764,6 hours and i have 103 games
  19. i think the appeal is the fact that its live, you can interact with some people in chat or with the streamer and also i think sometimes it can get pretty exciting when something special happens like when a speedrunner achieves a world record
  20. Inspired by Sloth Marine's post about most and least favorite bands and Sotenga's post about most and least favorite games I'm new to Twitch so I dont really have favorites but i liked coincidentes Doom 3 stream and i always try to watch everything from Running With Scissors and New Blood Interactive
  21. Scumhead: just a doom modder but i really like his style (and also he has his total conversions up on steam so plus points for Accessibility at least in my books)
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