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About Gustavo_Playz

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  1. Oh trust me, I’ll talk about that to, but not like any other channel really has.
  2. Ya know in this video this dude makes great points on why halo mcc wasn't exactly keeping a consistent player base, and I'm probably going to make a video similar to this on battlemode as I have the same if not similar feelings on it ( if you wanna know more then go to my profile and look at my threads ), whether or not it will do well is up to you, but of course you can share your thoughts, of course I will need to re do the script a bit because id said something about adding in a horde mode which is neat.
  3. Ya know in this video this dude makes great points on why halo mcc wasn't exactly keeping a consistent player base, and I'm probably going to make a video similar to this on battlemode as I have the same if not similar feelings on it ( if you wanna know more then go to my profile and look at my threads ), whether or not it will do well is up to you, but of course you can share your thoughts, of course I will need to re do the script a bit because id said something about adding in a horde mode which is neat.
  4. So 1-2 days ago I made a video talking about how the unity engine doom was a downgrade, but in reality I basically fell victim to the same thing Gmanlives did and I was comparing things to gzdoom and the bfg edition, rather I could've just made a video on what I think could be expanded upon in unity doom and I think the reception would've been a hell of a lot better. So here take a look at these screenshots and tell me what you think and tell me if I should change or add anything. I also sorta wanna succeed where Gmanlives failed.
  5. apparently call o' duty is and has been ever since 2012-2013, and dog models.
  6. as it says above gimme your wack, joke, true or whatever kinds of answers you wanna give to this.
  7. I also am interested in being a game dev one day, maybe just as influential as Id, so learning info about a series with so much history is very helpful and influential to me for future careers and videos.
  8. Oh and hot take, but I do still believe that improvements could’ve been made to these ports that maybe have more features like gzdoom or something like that, that was sorta the goal but my wording and info on some parts really were contradictory. Also this forum was nuts, it was controversial but it became a hot topic, meaning a popular one, I wasn’t expecting that, at least that’s sorta the benefit of controversy right? 🤗
  9. Ngl tho, more research would help, it might also help if someone here could maybe collab with me in the future, as I’m mainly just an older teen that got into doom 2-3 years ago when I wanted to try something new rather than the same old cod and r6 and other mainstream video games shoved in my face, you just don’t see people around my age tryna get into something like making content on this and that may be why I didn’t put the thing together good in some areas. I’m not as experienced as people who have grown up with this.
  10. Unfortunately I’m not sure if I want to continue this, I simply don’t have the time to research every little spot on the dirty dish here, People have dislike bombed the video and all my other videos which really wasn’t necessary tbh, I have crap WiFi and have been using my iPad cellular data to upload these videos which now unfortunately has run out and I need to get more data, I also don’t want to have to re upload this 5 billion times over just because with each upload comes one mistake that turns people off, it’s also not really good for my health either, I’ve been staying up until 2 at night just to get these things done and correct as possible and usually get waken up at like 8 or 9 and rarely 10 so I barely get any rest, so idk I might just have to bite the bullet and accept defeat and considered this a failed video, maybe even a failed topic.
  11. Link to the video can be found here, should be playable once fully uploaded, but that’s it for today, I’m getting rest
  12. I added in the new intro, I’m uploading the video rn, I’m making in unlisted so people here can take a look at it before I publish it tomorrow, I’m way to tired rn to add timestamps though.
  13. how about if I add " this video of course is gonna highlight differences big and small between these ports "
  14. here is my new intro, that could probably change most things for the better, lemme know if anything needs to be changed or worked on with this new intro Intro ( edited ): Hello everyone it’s FPSGaming back with a brand new video and this is something I really wanted to get out there as I feel like the newer official doom ports really could’ve been better, and yes, this is sort of a re-upload because of the back lash and criticism I got from the doom community, mainly revolving around the fact that I was using the gzdoom fan made doom port as a reference for what the complete original port was, and this video hasn’t been changed dialogue wise other than the intro, so if you hear me say or show a video that says it’s the original just remember that because of the criticism I mean gzdoom, and I use gzdoom mainly because it’s the most universally used and loved port on pc and keeps the original gameplay intact, and yes I am aware that gzdoom does have it’s faults in not keeping the original game completely as it was as I’m pretty sure videos have been done on this, I’m just using the more modern ports like gzdoom as an example since most people on PC tend to lean towards gzdoom when bringing up more modern ports of doom they find good especially for modern mass appeal, secondly I am aware that there are some forum posts and videos similar that have talked about this topic, so just remember that if I say nobody has talked about this, I’m lying and I simply just didn’t edit it out.
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