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About thestarrover

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  1. On The Last Ninja Archives, at the bottom of the page, there are other The Last Ninja themed files available for Doom 2: - A Doom 2 addon that replaces the music with the Last Ninja 2 tunes. - Two statusbars: 1 & 2
  2. Hi Everyone! On the archived site Sarge Baldy's Hardass Doom Reviews, Sarge Baldy (Owen Lloyd) talks about an audio clip he received from John Romero many years ago. The file is called "KickHisAss.wav" This is the exact text as it appears on the site: JOHN ROMERO SAYING "KICK HIS ASS" Back in '98 or so, I was working on a level set, and, dreamer that I am, I wanted to have the end boss (a John Romero head surrounded by guards) say "Kick his ass!" in John Romero's actual voice. I've talked on and off with him for probably 5 years now, and I asked him to do the sound for me. He said his voice wasn't really that cool, but I told him I didn't care, I just wanted it in there. The genuinely great guy supplied me with this sound clip. I think he modified it to make his voice more high-pitched though :) Sadly, I never completed my level, but I figure now that I have a site I may as well make it available to the Doom Community. Enjoy! The download link is dead and the audio file has not been preserved by Wayback Machine. I wonder if anyone still has it or if anyone knows if it was included in a wad. Thank in advance!
  3. If you still looking for it, the wad has been found. Recently a video was posted on Youtube. The download link is in the description.
  4. Doom Picture Viewer v 009, 1/18/1994 (the zip also includes the executable for the version 005A. SHA1:0e5505af4792a3ff08d8e851ef6067ce9bdd60e4.) dview009.zip I don't remember if it's already been mentioned here: Dmlev.exe by Rich Dawe, version 1.3a 1996/12/10, (the same author of this list). This utility scans the levels present in a pwad in a similar way to Whatwad, but in a much more basic way and it is also capable of launching doom, although not always correctly as declared by the author himself. For archival and preservation purposes only. Source
  5. @Grazza shared a collection of old versions of the @Gunrock's maps in this post
  6. If I am not wrong, these screenshots seem to match those in the video, The MacDoom version of Marine1.wad includes a second level. In addition there is an expanded version created by Cyberwarrior in 1996, Cyberwar.wad. It includes 6 levels, although only 4 are playable while the other two maps are just two empty rooms. The wad, played with the fun_2.deh patch, includes "walking" dynamite boxes, zombieman ghosts. New sprites for some weapons are also included Cyber1.zip EDIT: carefully reading the text file of the MaccDoom version, Cyberwarrior is the author of the second level. So it seems to be a Mac exclusive. Cyberwar.wad therefore could be a further evolution made by the same author.
  7. The wads are preserved on this Wayback Machine page. Thanks to @Mad Butcher who shared the link here
  8. It is fantastic! I wonder if the site is still online...maybe saved by wayback machine... Thanks for the info! :)
  9. The cave design and colors are really beautiful. I really like the details of the main entrance of the base shown in the second shot. I couldn't find any information about Sessler unfortunately.
  10. Some of the Ludovic Texier Doom wads ( 1 & 2) are preserved on The Games Machine 38 CD
  11. DoomRaider by Dirk Sessler, 1997 Doom II, Map01 GZDoom Originally conceived on OS/2 and released for the Amiga Doom ports by Dirk Sessler in 1997, DoomrRider was inspired by the PSX game Tomb Raider. It is a map set in a sort of base hidden inside a huge cave. The level focuses more on exploration than on fighting: there are various switches to find to unlock doors and new areas and a couple of these, at the beginning of the level, are a little difficult to find because they are well hidden or positioned in areas where you must explore the cave carefully. To complete the level you need two keys (blue and yellow) and to press a well-protected switch. As I said, the fights are not difficult and there are not many monsters to face: on Hurt Me Plenty to die is quite difficult, considering that outside the cave there is a landing zone where there are many medikits. It is better to play the level in UV or Nightmare skill. The design in my opinion is very nice with high tech elements that integrate very well with the enormous cave, which can be explored not only in its width but also in its height, with elevated areas where it is possible to see the inside of the base and vice versa. The cave is also enriched by a titanic door and gigantic walls which can block the path. Although it's not difficult, I think it's worth playing the level just for its pleasant design. Dirk Sessler had planned to continue the series, but I haven't found any other info about it at the moment. In the zip archive it is also included a sound patch: it replaces the pistol and chaingun sound effects. The wads were released with the ".pwad" extension. GZDoom loads the file regularly, however to play the level on DosBox you must rename the files. : Download (repackaged released): Doom2_wads.zip Original package on Aminet.net (levels bundled with an amiga utility)
  12. I'm Italian, even if I'm just a player and collector of old wads and doom files.
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