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About Hayden49

  • Rank
    Kid that makes megawads
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  1. I don't get to see any of the screenshots in the original post, are you aware?
  2. Yes, but I can't recommend my maps that are publicly available as of now, since I'm a new mapper (3+ years experience) and I keep quickly learning and improving. Give me a good year or two and I'll have at least one wad I can confidently say can represent my mapping style, maybe even with my own midi soundtrack.
  3. Korp is a very skilled midi composer. My favorite midi out of them is Vortex. (but not just because it was made for one of my maps)
  4. E2M9 has a sector east of green slime that is mistakenly not damaging, whoever made that one is a real jagoff.
  5. I'm proud of the maps I made(E2M9, E4M8) for this project. Also, I'd recommend adding the map names in your list of mappers in the post.
  6. Woah look at this album cover!!!
  7. I really like these vanilla megawads: Atonement Anomaly Report Requiem Scythe 2 Moonblood Revolution! Alien Vendetta Nostalgia 1 Nostalgia 2 In Spain Only Doom The Way Id Did 2
  8. System Shock is a masterpiece. More people should use SS midis.
  9. https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/95295-new-to-posting-maps-read-this-first/
  10. New midis added: Pantagruel, Never Sent, Seraph, Asnitheo, Sign of Evil Remix Also added a credits info file in \Transcript/Remixes with links to the original works
  11. (Download in Post Below) E4M8: "Engagement Ring" MIDI: "Darkestness" by Hayden49 (This is not an original midi, I'm just using one of my own midis) NOTES: I built this map in sort of the same style of E2M9, Necrolysis. This map utilizes the sector tag 666 to lower the exit. I call it "Engagement Ring" because of the obvious 'ring' shape in the map. Oh and the 'engagement' part is because you engage enemies in the ring or smth idk
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