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About ShallowB

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    Game Over, Man!

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  1. ShallowB


    is it working
  2. Bunch of crates I made for thumbnails for playthroughs of @Clippy's Crate Expectations. Exact same pallet as the vanilla UAC crate of course. This should give you enough digits to make any kind of crate you want.
  3. Looks like a HACX monster, which I think were made in much the same way. Pretty cool!
  4. Finally! Doom movie chaingun!
  5. Hellknight death sound, 100%. Especially if you can get two or more at once with the SSG. It's glorious!
  6. It's weird that both the 3DO gun and the D!Zone gun are all teal and grey. That's a color that's noticeably absent in Doom and almost makes them look like Wolf3D weapons.
  7. Hah! Perfect. I was just working on that myself, but was struggling to get anything looking good from that screenrip. Rebuilding it from BFG bits was a much better idea! Might make for a good "UAC Laser" or something. Unmaker reskin for non-hell themed wads maybe.
  8. WAIT I didn't see the download link before and thought it was just a joke. Now that I've actually played it, I gotta say this is really cool! What a neat idea! I love it!
  9. Inspiring. D00m will never be the same.
  10. To expand on what others have said, the pinned threads on source ports have all been created by the developers of those source ports. The developers of GZDoom have their own entire forum, and I'm sure they have their hands full with port development and forum moderation without having to maintain an entirely separate thread on someone else's forum as well. Zandronum and Eternity Engine don't have pinned threads here either. If the creators of those source ports want to maintain one, I'm sure they'll make one. But just because a port is popular doesn't mean it needs a pinned Doomworld thread.
  11. This was very beautifully put, and exactly the sort of thing I needed to hear these days! People often ask "what difficulty should I play on," "what wads do I need to play," "which source ports are the best," and I'm always quick to tell them not to worry about stuff like that and to just play Doom in whatever way is fun for them right now. There's a weird tendency for some kind of internal mental judge to poke you in the brain and criticize you for not having fun "the right way," which doesn't usually promote having fun and usually just stresses you out and ruins any attempt to enjoy yourself. But the same is true for creating wads in the first place. If it's okay to play Doom however you want, it should be okay to map for Doom however you want. I could use that reminder more often. And not just in Doom, either!
  12. Your other sprites were pretty good, but these ones absolutely rock!
  13. GZDoom fixes the HOM errors the missing textures cause, but it doesn’t reposition the stuck zombies and barrels. You might not notice them if you go in guns blazing, but they’re still in there!
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