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About Savarin

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    (bad) mapping is a passion
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  1. This is the true nightmare we have to face
  2. Well I hope you can get your images working, friend. On the mean time; Sleep Paralysis is pretty freaky. I don't have them often, I'd say once every few months or so, but it's not a fun experience. I don't have a lot of visual hallucinations, but I do have auditory ones. One time, I had one while sleeping on my side, and it felt like a group of people were speaking gibberish on my bedroom, eventually getting louder and louder, until I felt some weight on top of me, like someone was climbing on top of me on the bed, and straight up screaming words I couldn't understand on my ear. Maybe it lasted 10 seconds, maybe 15 minutes, I don't know, hard to tell. But it's indeed fucked up.
  3. There's a midi called Wank City? wha- OF COURSE! Of course it was a subtle and very cool reference. Nice release thread too, was very fun reading through the descriptions.
  4. This became quite the meme a while ago, and yeah it's a video rather than a written review, but still... This Pixar's Turning Red review has some batshit insane takes. For people that don't wanna see the whole thing, here's a transcript of the video at around 6:46: Absolutely wild. The rest of the video is filled with weird, off-the-wall takes like that, but that is the main crazy one.
  5. I'm keeping it simple so I don't disappoint myself in case of failure Doom related stuff -> release at least one map / small set of maps Life stuff -> finally learn to drive jesus christ I'm taking so long why Personal stuff -> you don't have to know ;3 I'm learning again and again that aiming too high is not the way.
  6. ❄️❄️❄️ It's still christmas eve down here ❄️❄️❄️ ❄️❄️❄️ Happy Chrisler everyone!!! ❄️❄️❄️
  7. Been obsessed with this artist lately
  8. Vanguard.wad on UV Those monster counts were insane to a new player like me, I thought I would need to save-scum 10 times more than I was already doing heheh, but I managed to get through with very little saves.
  9. LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Resources look awesome! I would love to make a map for this one too. edit: @dac Pinky promisse!!
  10. They are disjointed, the idea was that you eventually take a teleporter to it and exit with another one. If you wanna know how the fight in the room works:
  11. @RiviTheWarlock Hey, so... I'd like to drop out of the project, I couldn't work on the map at all and I can't evolve the idea much. I don't want to keep a hold of the slot for like a year until I finally get something out. :/ Sorry for this, I hope my unfinished map can inspire someone else at least hehe, I'll post it here cause why not. MAP21_unfinished.zip
  12. Congrats to everyone involved! (∩^o^)⊃━☆ This was my first community project of any kind that I participated here, so it's really cool to see it completed and on idGames.
  13. I just simply stole it from the main character of a very obscure Nintendo DS game. I was super obsessed with it at the time, and it's still one of my favorite games of all time. The game's called Solatorobo: Red the Hunter. Now, today I consider this game kinda silly and it's definitely pretty flawed, but I don't care. The name left a heavy mark and that's what I'll use forever, probably.
  14. You, the player (the real demons all along)
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