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RaRu Des2122

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Everything posted by RaRu Des2122

  1. That's it, the Road to Hades is over. Is it need to say even the local incarnation of the Icon of Sin surprised me greatly because I had never seen anything like it before? A brilliant megawad, full of a variety of interesting maps that embody a lot of different ideas and therefore not boring until the very end. To be honest, it's been a long time since I've been hooked on something so much that I've played through it completely in such a short time... @Rose Holmes, you are undoubtedly talented and I thank you for the great pleasure! I think that when the final version is released, I will be happy to record a letsplay of this megawad. P.S. What about adding at least one secret to the last map? So that all 32 of them are contained secrets?
  2. Today are presented: Map22: Funeralopolis Map23: Never Purify Map24: Eighth Lock *** This map is most similar in exterior to the urban episode from the first Nostalgia. There are paintings depicting the sky from megawad in addition to traditional refrigerators with items. *** This part of the city is thoroughly flooded with harmless blood and there will definitely be no less of it after our adventures. Moreover, there is a high probability that we ourselves won't leave here without getting injured - the battles here are quite meaty, and they take place mainly in a confined space. *** On this map we need to enter the prison building, go through it and exit it, simultaneously exploring each of the many cells, rooms, secret rooms and nooks. However, it's easier to say this than to do it - even spectres (for the second and last time!) will come out to stop us! In general, I am getting more and more impressed with the city as the most beautiful part of the megawad!
  3. MAP28, blue key area: In search of the best way to deal with a crowd of archviles in the 30 seconds that invulnerability works, I wandered around the room (after several failed attempts I realized that the best way was to stand in the doorway for the last time so that archviles would also fall under cyberdemons' rockets!) and trying to kill them from different positions. They also didn't remain in debt and I flew around the room for a very long time and practically did not land ;)) At one of these moments, they threw me out of the window through which we would then kill the chaingunners who appeared after taking the key. Through this. And if you fall down, you can't get out in any way at all. And I think the window opposite has the same property. I suggest making them completely impassable for the player, so that this couldn't happen even by accident.
  4. Megawad is nearing its end and I have already become physically tired of so many peculiar maps in a fairly short period of time)) But not of their quality! MAP23 - I'm not a big fan of slaughters. And although only the battles for the red and blue keys seemed really difficult to me, I still don't get much pleasure from such maps. But I'm aware that it is difficult to do without slaughters in the later stages of the game ;)) MAP24 - oh, I think I found a map that fits the names of the levels R2M2 and R2M3 from Dissolution of Eternity as well as possible)) We don't have enough room for maneuvers due to the ever-arriving lost souls from the very beginning but as soon as we manage to clear at least one of the caves of the pain elementals, the task is quite simplified. In general, the map drags on gradually. By the way, a bunch of blue/orange lost souls look visually beautiful! It's a pity that they are meeting extremely rare without elementals... MAP25 - the swamp is back and it returns with a much more noticeable effect than on MAP22! It bothered me very much at first, then I accidentally hit the button that moves the barrier... It seems that in order to fully experience the ideas embedded in MAP24 and MAP25, they must be passed from the pistol-start. Alas, this is not my option)) MAP26 - an excellent example of the implementation of the turning of the familiar world upside down! Turning itself is shown very carefully and manifests itself in many details. There are only four maps left...
  5. I have completed MAP22. And it seems I understood the secret of my unfading interest in the Road to Hades :)) I think the fact is that each map is based on certain of idea, is made in a certain style and at the same time both of them distinguish it from the neighboring one or even from several neighboring. For example, MAP19 forces player to actively use a fist and a chainsaw (by the way, I first realized only on it that the chainsaw works much faster than usual!) and also contains a direct reference to TNT - MAP20 begins as a leisurely battle at the top of the tower of minimums of ammo and enemies, smoothly flowing into much more meaty confrontations. Or MAP21 is such a heavy damaged map as a result of our actions that it functions in a very, very strange way (I highly recommend trying it!) - the action of MAP22 takes place in a dark, dense and sometimes heavily swampy forest, which periodically releases us into the sewers or into a small town. In general, the situation and ideas change regularly and that's why it doesn't get boring to play. Anyway, there are only 8 maps left - and that moment still hasn't come!
  6. After completing MAP18, I can only say one word. And this word is "Wow"! An eerie beginning (I was especially impressed by archvile running past me and disappeared to nowhere after that), taxiing into a familiar rut in the middle, a hot, uncomplicated final battle (nothing more than two shots from the BFG were required from me - and this is not a call to complicate it!) and a completely shocking surprise at the end! Was it all a long hallucination or an infernal trap that had finally worked? It's kind of a pity that there are only 12 maps left to play... But, who knows, maybe one of them will spoil my impression? :D
  7. Today are presented: Map19: Fault Lines Map20: Purification by Fire Map21: Going Through Hell *** In short, the floor is lava! But, fortunately, there are so many radiation suits scattered on the map that it is unlikely that there will be a need to put them all on. *** The final map of the episode is also the largest in it and the longest in the entire megawad. It can be called the quintessence of all the previous maps of the episode and carries all the characteristic features of a traditional Hell multiplied by her physical size. In general, a good finish of the episode! *** EPISODE 5: HELL CITY Since I generally really love cities in Doom, my favorite episode in Nostalgia 2 is starting now! Of course, it's much shorter than the similar one in the first Nostalgia but that doesn't change my attitude towards it. We will enjoy the city views and explore all the houses as much as possible! According to my observations, the intensity of battles in the city is noticeably lower than in the infernal caves - which is also encouraging.
  8. MAP32, the bar counter: I can't take these six health bonuses because of the impassable chairs are on my way. Although there are eight of them initially but you can still get close to take two standing on the edges ;)) Maybe they should be moved closer to the opposite side of the table and can be taken from it? Theoretically, a player can be thrown onto this table by archvile, but giving them the opportunity to live at least one extra second is the last thing I would like to do on this map!
  9. P.S. Phew, the problem is solved. This way came to my mind but I chose the wrong car in the parking lot in front of the shop and decided not to check the rest of them - but in vain)) It seems to me that this place is quite worthy of being designated as a secret.
  10. @Rose Holmes, I give up and ask for help ;)) I can't figure out how to get to the teleporter leading to the balcony with BFG9000 and cells. But first of all, I will say that this map is one of the most impressive city maps that I have ever played. The streets and rooms are very reliably furnished and although there are not too many monsters in general (apparently, most of them also sleep at night) but every battle with them can cause trouble for the player - their competent use is obvious. The map almost forces itself to be carefully studied because there is not much equipment on it and we will need it in full to fight monsters. In addition, as I realized, not all the sections of the map that I have passed can be returned in - for example, after I found myself on the street with a yellow door, I couldn't go back. The same thing happened after entering the building with the blue key: I couldn't get out of it back and I couldn't return to the first floor of building where it requires use. And now to the question from the first sentence. I'm probably doing something wrong and I don't see an easier way. Can you point it out to me?
  11. So far, I have completed 11 maps and everything is perfect by this moment. I'm still playing the old version because I prefer to play megawads (especially from one author) continuously rather than through the pistol-start of each level. But I also downloaded the updated version and was pleasantly surprised that everything I pointed was corrected)) The only thing is, I liked the old music on MAP08 and MAP10 more - but this is a matter of taste of each person. I'm happy to keep playing!
  12. Today are presented: Map16: Blood and Thunder Map17: Ember to Inferno Map18: Tonight in Flames *** EPISODE 4: HELL CAVES *** Apparently, the fourth episode is visually closest to the most traditional hellish interior that was set by the first Doom back in the last millennium. We will see everywhere spilled lava, blood-red stone and gray rocks as if dusted with ash from which we will almost physically feel the unbearable heat... Also the maps in this episode are quite consistent with their form and almost from the very beginning don't give us time to swing. *** And this map seemed to me one of the most dynamic and hard in the entire megawad! It is generally not recommended to stay in one place almost right up to its very end - fewer fireballs will hit you!
  13. MAP07, the final building locked by blue key: 1) This alcove, which archvile was located in, contains nobody and nothing at all difficulties and at the same time is a secret. I suggest either putting something in there (for example, a single armor bonus ;)), or remove the secret mark from it. 2) This health box and the shotgun shells box look pressed into the computer terminal no matter how you look at them. However, this may be because of the port through which I play...
  14. @Rose Holmes, about the last secret on MAP06. I realized that but the secret itself doesn't count in GZDoom. The voodoo doll drives through the sector but the counter does not change.
  15. @Rose Holmes, I checked the door again. After some time, it will close but if a player, a monster or a bullet passes through it, it will remain open. It's funny ;)) In general, the problem turned out to be not as serious as it seemed the first time, besides, it can be avoided if you first kill the arachnotrons that got out of the boxes, and only then open the door - there is enough time to spare. I keep playing through, megawad still seems interesting and moderately non-standard!
  16. I'm playing with GZDoom. Now I'm on MAP03 and I have a question: This lion button on the field with crates after the teleport locked with yellow and blue keys opens the door and this is the only way to open it, as I understand it. The door doesn't stay open for long after pressing and soon closes but I can't press the button again. As a result, it is no longer possible to open the door again nor continue the level.
  17. Today are presented: Map31: Ancient Covenant Map32: Quantum Mystic *** EPISODE 7: SECRET MAPS The action of the first secret map takes place on an alien spaceship, which somehow ended up in caves. Despite its small size, the map manages to impress with interior and seriously strain by heated combat. In every room we will encounter either archviles or large healthy monsters or both at the same time. So it is absolutely not recommended to rush forward quickly... By the way, also because there really is something to see here and there won't be another such map in the megawad! *** And this map is an almost direct reference to a map with a similar number from Scythe 2, except that the starting level from the second part of Nostalgia is taken as the basis and not from the first. Due to an error in specifying the landing point on the spaceship we find ourselves on an alternative version of the well-known Map01: Low End Insight. It is undoubtedly infernal and extremely densely populated...
  18. I tried to play several different maps and they all managed to surprise me, strain me and arouse my interest. I think I'll try to fully complete this megawad... I'm curious to know if all the maps in it are so unique or if I just stumbled upon such of them ;))
  19. Today are presented: Map13: Sink Into the Underground Map14: Fault and Fracture Map15: Descending *** *** *** The third episode ends with a map that is lighter and more detalized than the previous two. In addition, three monsters appear here at once which we couldn't meet in the megawad before! Firstly, these are space alien troopers, which are a cosmetic replacement for the traditional Wolfenstein SS and with which both secret levels in the megawad are connected in one way or another. @myolden, if you whenever decide to make projects in the spirit of Nostalgia, then I would ask you to use them more often because their presence is much easier to explain and they fit into the spirit of Doom better than Nazis ;)) Secondly, these are arachnotrons - they meet us at the exit to MAP16 and from that moment on they will turn into quite ordinary opponents. And thirdly, these are the spectres. To be honest, I expected to meet them more often in this episode but in the Nostalgia 2 they remain in the rank of guest monsters and we will only come across a couple of times in the whole game (even we will meet aliens on three times!) I still want to know the reasons for this... Now secret levels are waiting for us!
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