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About Cascade

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  1. Newerdewm (Dark ages) plasma "Accelerator"
  2. Noted. The 'squashed' hud is pretty intentional to keep info close to the center but I might reduce that
  3. Freedewm plasma rifle (wip but free to use)
  4. Radsuit (left from freedewm)
  5. Sprites from my mod shatter earth (free but credit)
  6. Thank yall for trying out the mod and the feedbacks, will be uploading an update in the future As for this, I'm still trying to get the 'magnet' pickup effect right lol
  7. NOTE: Gameplay still not fully fleshed out and are to be changed and looking for feedback To simply put it, doom but with mining. A basic gameplay mod that replaces pickups (Only ammo and health so far) as mineral nodes as well as changing the arsenal that utilizes the minerals gathered. The gameplay gives you the handy pickaxe made to crack and collect deposits for your ammo. As minerals are gathered you will use them as ammunition for your armaments. This is only an early version and I will be looking for feedback (Balancing) on this current state. I might accept some suggestions as well. DOWNLOAD: ShatterEarthv0.4 Changelog: ARMAMENTS: MINERALS & MISC: SCREENSHOTS:
  8. Nikke elegg "bfg" machinegun (lol) Idle
  9. More doom 2016 stuff, barrel
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