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Everything posted by AnthonyTankHD
so I uplioaded some Doom texture into WWE 2k24 and use the textures to make a impressive arena and championship
So my R36S retro gaming handheld that got over 15,000 games on it and my idea to put Doom on it and see if it could run it and what do you know it could run Doom on it with two analog sticks and 4 micro switches on the back of the handheld and I must say I am pretty impressed on how good it runs on it and it also runs GZ-DOOM on the r36s and on how I got the device through Aliexpress I will leave a link down if you want to check it out for yourself https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805948047262.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.3.3b18huP7huP7K5&algo_pvid=92e767a5-429c-4e83-9538-0308b58a1694&algo_exp_id=92e767a5-429c-4e83-9538-0308b58a1694-1&pdp_npi=4%40dis!USD!125.52!48.97!!!125.52!!%402101e9d217011284870867476ea167!12000035913699294!sea!US!0!AB&curPageLogUid=T4tPyyZEDIkW it sure is a good retro handheld if you want to take gaming on the go and be able to play Doom on the go if you do get this device you need the IWAD files take out the SD card and put it into an SD card Reader and it will prompt you to the Roms Folder and you need to look for the Doom folder and once you find the Doom Folder then put the iWAD put into the DOOM folder of the Root of the SD card once you get that done then proceed to eject the SD Card out and place it back to the R36S retro Gaming Handheld and now you could take Doom on the Go
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So I draw out a Diagram on how to make this to work to use the GZDOOM engine as a frontend build for arcades to play all of your favorite arcade games inside of GZDOOM and how to play it is VIA retro arch with the available Cores Which are DOSBox DOSBox-core DOSBox-Pure ECWolf FB Alpha FB Alpha 2012 FB Alpha 2012 CPS-1 FB Alpha 2012 CPS-2 FB Alpha 2012 CPS-3 FB Alpha 2012 Neo Geo FB Neo MAME (Current) MAME 2000 MAME 2003 MAME 2003 Midway MAME 2003-Plus MAME 2009 MAME 2010 MAME 2015 MAME 2016 My Idea is to have a Fully working arcade with the GZDOOM engine with RetroArch and when you walk to an arcade cabinet it will launch you directly into RetroArch with all of the Roms included also simulate the feeling of going to the arcade and playing all of your favorites inside of the engine back in your childhood days of going to the arcade
I want to figure out on how to implement MAME and run arcade games inside of doom so you could play like Defender Galaga Smash TV Total Carnage Pac-Man Galaxian Frogger Tempest Centipede Asteroids Robotron 2084 and alll of those arcade games run inside of doom and i want to figure out on how to implement that and what got me curious on this i watch a video on this and it show full arcade cabinet models and attract screen and the marquee with the bezels
i know i dont get political on here but it time for all of us to wake up tht want to restrict us and censored the internet as we know it software designed or used primarily for connecting with and communicating via the internet that is in use by greater than 1,000,000 persons in the United States at any point during the year period preceding the date on which the covered transaction is referred to the Secretary for review or the Secretary initiates review of the covered transaction, including— (A) desktop applications; (B) mobile applications; (C) gaming applications; (D) payment applications; or (E) web-based applications; or (7) information and communications technology products and services integral to— (A) artificial intelligence and machine learning; (B) quantum key distribution; (C) quantum communications; (D) quantum computing; (E) post-quantum cryptography; (F) autonomous systems; (a) Priority information and communications technology areas.—In carrying out sections 3 and 4, the Secretary shall prioritize evaluation of— (1) information and communications technology products or services used by a party to a covered transaction in a sector designated as critical infrastructure in Policy Directive 21 (February 12, 2013; relating to critical infrastructure security and resilience); (2) software, hardware, or any other product or service integral to telecommunications products and services, including— (A) wireless local area networks; (B) mobile networks; (C) satellite payloads; (D) satellite operations and control; (E) cable access points; (F) wireline access points; (G) core networking systems; (H) long-, short-, and back-haul networks; or (I) edge computer platforms; any software, hardware, or any other product or service integral to data hosting or computing service that uses, processes, or retains, or is expected to use, process, or retain, sensitive personal data with respect to greater than 1,000,000 persons in the United States at any point during the year period preceding the date on which the covered transaction is referred to the Secretary for review or the Secretary initiates review of the covered transaction, including— (A) internet hosting services; (B) cloud-based or distributed computing and data storage; (C) machine learning, predictive analytics, and data science products and services, including those involving the provision of services to assist a party utilize, manage, or maintain open-source software; (D) managed services; and (E) content delivery services; (4) internet- or network-enabled sensors, webcams, end-point surveillance or monitoring devices, modems and home networking devices if greater than 1,000,000 units have been sold to persons in the United States at any point during the year period preceding the date on which the covered transaction is referred to the Secretary for review or the Secretary initiates review of the covered transaction; TIME TO WAKE UP PEOPLE our freedom of information is at hostage and at stake contact your representative and congress that you don't support this bill
so many original copies of Original Doom on archive.org
AnthonyTankHD replied to AnthonyTankHD's topic in Doom General
we need to get rid of the term piracy cause at the end of the day it all comes down to sharing with others people and that what the beauty of it Cause I believe in decentralized peer to peer network of gathering, collection and also sharing data and media in free culture society of the decentralized network of putting the internet back in people hands we shouldn't be scared of it instead we should embrace it and accept it sharing and collecting is the most valuable part of human nature cause we us humans love to share things to make us feel happy and have a passion about -
so many original copies of Original Doom on archive.org
AnthonyTankHD posted a topic in Doom General
I know you are asking why do you want to see some changes in doom world and I will explain the reason on why I want to see some changes in doom world in the future. The changes that I want to see regarding privacy and protection concerns is to be able to delete a post if the post is accidentally posted and you have every right to delete it for your safety if the user wants their account to be deleted from the platform let them have the option to do so cause it is your right to make that decision have the option to make the post friends only or publicly or want the post to be private cause if the end-user wants their post to be seen by their friends instead of public then you have that option kinda like Facebook you have the option to put your post on private or public those are some of the changes that I want to see happen in doomworld and I want to hear your opinion on things if you agree and disagree on some things and want other changes that you want to see in doomworld cause I like to know
here is some of the doom collectable in my DORM ROOM in Rec Room and if rec room studio is out i could port over DOOM E1M1 map into rec room and use that as a PVP map base form
Gving my take on doom slayer coming to fortnite
AnthonyTankHD replied to AnthonyTankHD's topic in Doom General
now that i could understand and kinda make sense but i have the tendency to focus on the backend of things development wise as a mapper point of view -
Gving my take on doom slayer coming to fortnite
AnthonyTankHD replied to AnthonyTankHD's topic in Doom General
just giving my take on certain things -
Gving my take on doom slayer coming to fortnite
AnthonyTankHD replied to AnthonyTankHD's topic in Doom General
sorry I have the tendency to vent out more my bad -
So here is my take on the crossover with the doom slayer coming to fortnite what got me interested in talking about the Doomguy Crossover with another game it just that once I heard this news I was kinda skeptical and concerned about I don't know if the community going to react and what there take on it and what the doom community think of it and hearing people different take on things And I decided that I am ready to give my take on it as well cause since im part of the doom and quake community mine as well to give my take on it as well Cause each different game have it's own ecosystem and it's own community If the one Ecosystem collided with the other I could see some conflict there Cause since I am observing on the company called epic and the game fortnite from the back end point of view With the poor Crossover With Doom guy And unfortunately they put street fighter into the mix as well Cause those characters are iconic and part of history in the gaming world and Since its part of History Cause the way it was introduced without general knowledge of being there I could see that as poor development Cause in the gaming world it very important to guide the players through these characters And know what they are and what they come from Or how they got there It the most key factor of Game development Cause if you put the characters in there without guiding the players that just poor development right there Kinda like mapping for doom it very important to look at it from a developer point of view and the player point of view Cause I'm old school and been growing up with old school stuff And been watching game documentaries Cause in the gaming industry in the ideal world you have to be strict about guiding the players into new stuff without complicate things or overwhelmed the players on introducing new stuff or new mechanics Cause if they introduce the characters and give a quick history summary of the character that will give the player a much better understanding on why it in there Cause if you do those fundamental things on introducing and guiding the players along the journey Then it could be easier See I don't have a problem with crossover but make sure it's introduced it properly and give the player more context about the characters and give a history summary of that characters alone then you will do better on guiding the player on the right path and make sure to not overwhelmed the player by throwing a bunch of characters into the mix Sometimes I get a bit skeptical about when old generations mix into the new generation without giving the context that only what I'm concerned about And also Community/culture mix with the other community if the other don't agree Since I'm a mapper on doom I have a general knowledge on how to guide the player and give more context to the player so the player don't feel confused or lost When they discovered new stuff Sometimes I have a tendency to focus on the back-end of things like how it going to play out And be cautious of things and do it properly So it doesn't confused alot of people
so on my usb Flash drive i got DOOM 17.2 GB GB of content DOSGAMES 1.12 GB GB of content QUAKE 36.3 GB GB GB of content WOLF3D 209 MB of content So yeah i am all set So HELL YEAH
Show & tell us about your physical DOOM collection
AnthonyTankHD replied to Mystery Man in 3D's topic in Doom General
Despite the Fact that own Doom both steam and GOG and i got it on my xbox as well and also my wii, my VR headset, My phone and also not least on my USB Flash Drive so basically i got doom on everything and also i am a collector also i love collecting things and nothing wrong with tthat -
so i am mapping on beat saber and i am mapping a song on beat saber on the beat saber editior Chromapper so classic doom soundtrack but in beat saber form
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i want to say that i am sorry that my last post made you think that i own the texture pack but in reality i don't own it and i put this in the last post P.S I don't take full credit to these post the reason on why i combine those texture pack in the first place i want the people to unleashed there imagination and not being limited to one texture pack sometime you need more texture pack to make your levels look nice and the way i look at texture pack is just a tool and add onto your palette and make that levels on how you in vision it to be and how i discovered The cc4 tex and Otex is by playing Ramp by DavidXNewton and see what texture pack he use to make his hub world look nice and and when he gave me the combination texture pack file of CC4-tex and O-Tex i was blown away and my imagination and i started to use it in my 3rd map which is the core operation madness and when i use that and make my levels look good and when i was working on my 4th map i was like Let's take it a step further and put in a Doom 64 Texture So that could total of 7,778 texture onto my palette and i didn;t know about the author who made the texture pack i just discovered it by Ramp Cause it really inspire me to add more texture into my levels and see what the possible of my imagination could do i hope i clear something up and i hope the author read this cause i didnt mean to do it on purpose i did it because my imagination went sky rocket and see on what it could do and when i release the combination texture pack file i was like you know i cant keep everything to myself and i know i don't take full credit to these texture it just i want to help people to boost there imagination so they could not be limited to one texture pack you gotta branch out and unleashed your creativity inside of you, you got the tools (which are texture pack) use them to make your levels look good and feel good when i hear CC4 tex and otex i think of RAMP and i hope you could understand and accept my apologize to the last post and understand on what i am coming from thank you for reading this
i am not discourage at all it just that i want to do good things for the community that's all it just that when davidxnewton introduce to ramp i began learning alot more and what texture he use and stuff and i was so inspired by when he encourage other people to get into mapping and when John carmack made doom open source and free to use in 1993 and people started making stuff back in the day when doom was released and made the game open source and release the source code and people went nuts over it and i am the same way since people started to port it into other system i was like let's crank it up a notch and let's see what this thing could do