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About StanleyParadox

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  1. I was thinking about it too. But I know people who, despite this green arrow, did not know what to do.
  2. I watched the whole thing, from start to finish. I try to appreciate the opinions of others. And I appreciate your commitment to reviews.
  3. Hello! Thank you for playing my map. Really great review. I have listened to your advice and intend to reflect on it in future updates. Respect your opinion. You have the right to dislike something and you always will. You will not please everyone :) My only regret is that this review is not public because you did well. Regards Stanley :) By the way, I left something special for you under your post. The grand finale in my performance when the map was still in early state :)
  4. Yes, you need. I never have this in my testing This was intentional in this area.
  5. No. I must miss that when I was testing. I wil fix that in the next update
  6. Hello there! This is map from series "First attempt to mapping". Some custom textures, some custom music. This drawback may seem a bit chaotic. Initially, it served as a testing ground to learn how to use the editor. Only after some time did he change to his present form. In this update, I improved the atmosphere in most rooms. IWAD: Doom 2 Format: Doom 2 (UDMF) Level: MAP 01 Source port: GZDoom only Other source port: Not Tested You gonna need jumping and crouching! Downolad here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/aj3yn4cg32zkhhn/Bloodbath_v_1.3_.rar/file
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