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About GodKreytr

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  1. Post photos of funny looking cats, here's mine.
  2. I was lucid dreaming last night and here is what happened, So I made some dinner when I came back from work and decided to go on my rust machine of a computer, I had the clever thought of "hmm maybe i should make a video game where you can do some outrageous stuff." and then I proceeded to replace almost every texture in doom and made some super weird adjustments (e.g 2x speed) via gzdoom. Few hours later I woke up and suddenly realised that it was friday and I have plenty of time to work on it. wish me luck guys!
  3. i was on a discord server about doom, and they were super annoying, offensive and more (e.g transphobic, homophobic, anti-lgbtq, anti furries and what not) they're also super annoying to deal with, some of them are just so immature to the point where they were probably children, which is highly likely. anyhow, this is godkre signing out.
  4. I'm sure that a soul sphere exists deep in the routes of germany.
  5. I've been thinking, doomguy doesn't eat ingame so does it mean he eats the remains of demons he has killed? If so debate about it.
  6. I life weights in the garage which is near the kitchen + i was lifting really tough weights.
  7. i've been working out for quite some time and thought "hey this feels like lifting a super shotgun!" i then went to da kitchen 4 sum foood and started thinking about being strong like the man himself.
  8. I tried making a TV, but I eventually settled on making a pinky jail, i hate those bastards. That's a computer i tried making, I live in my girlfreinds house, her parents pay rent, not sure to be fair.
  9. This is my first map by the way, I was thinking of making it a full wad where you go explore a town in hell called "demonville"
  10. Apologies, I'm a little new to this Doomworld thing.
  11. This is the wad, it has alot of secrets! https://www.mediafire.com/file/nbmed8txcmppq78/bedroom.wad/file
  12. I push my fist into the imp, its the only thing that can stop the sin!
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