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Everything posted by ALPINED

  1. always thought about how tf he got his gloves so quick when he got his guns in hands


    Love the nostalgia and feel of this source port, but bugs are still here.
  3. i tried yesterday hell a like wad but failed. I have Bricks.wad but its almost 100 MB.
  4. 2fort5 is for Quake iirc
  5. I know KMFDM by Test Drive 5 not Columbine if anyone is wondering.
  6. Mine is from company that makes... Car radios. Always liked their logo, thats why i named myself after them. Also D in AlpineD means Doom. Short for AlpineDoom
  7. played it on ZDoom and Chocolate doom. Barrel is only for decoration ofc. like i said can't test because i really dont have anyone to play multiplayer with me
  8. Made this few months ago. I can't really check if Multiplayer works because i don't have anyone that can try it nor i don't know how to host. If it works then enjoy! minimalistic somehow. ArenaFight.rar
  9. Cancelling this project, going to work on DM Wads
  10. also after 2016 and later when eternal was released the fanbase came to dog shit in my opinion. They are non stop spamming "RIP & TEAR, WHEN DOOMSLAYER ENTERS THEN DEMONS ARE SCARED, DEVIL MAY CRY, DMC + ETERNAL = DEVIL WILL CRY" i hate the new fanbase because of its toxicity and like you said, they will always get on you when you say something about eternal. I hate them
  11. added new wall textures, nukage and marble ones are just for now, will change them later. alright. Also i think this might be just 1 level wad because i think im not ready yet.
  12. yeah i will change it when i make a lift to i think either wood or metal
  13. it's old editing tool thats why, i want a little of old style editing here.
  14. im editing a little right now, i will show more in 20 minutes i think
  15. Hello everyone! This wad is based mostly off 99 ways to die, i want to make it as 90s as possible. I haven't really figured the story yet but i have one in mind. This wad will probably have: - 10 maps - Lots of dirt - Alice In Chain music This project is of course based more on gameplay than detail like most of 90s wads were, so i really will focus on detail and more on gameplay. If you have a suggestion about story or a map send me it! It would be really nice to have more ideas. I will be using DoomBuilder 2 which isn't from 90s, but i will use WinTex 47. Like i said. It is more focused on gameplay not detail. And like i said also, you can send me ideas for it. Maybe even custom textures. Have a good day if you helped me!
  16. haha true, i will totally recreate this from 99 ways to die from 1996. It just feels and looks great. Still have to think what about my wad will be though.
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