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About eoomu

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  1. Ok, i saw all your playthroughs, very nice gameplay, thank you for all! But i think that it's time to reveal something on the map... There is a supersecret that nobody found in this map, all you need to do is go to the east arena (where the yellow key is located) and jump on the fence in the front, you will find a secret with a soulsphere, but this is not the supersecret, try to touch all the walls you can in that sector, you will find a... "Stupid" surprise!
  2. Hey guys, on these 2 months i worked on and off on this experimental map (stupid excuse for adding 3D floors), i put much dedication on the Ambient Design for creating an eerie atmosphere, but also, i worked very hard on the gameplay itself, for making this map fun to play! i'm still a noob at making maps, but i hope you will like it! every feedback is really appreciated. :) i must be honest... this map initially was for my upcoming megawad "Dementia", but right in the middle of the project i decided to redo the megawad in Boom Format, because the UDMF format has really too many options and every time i work on a map i get stucked in a development hell, the Boom format will be much easier for me, so i will re-do "Dementia" in Boom Format. The Map was already on a late-stage of development when i made this decision, so i decided to not throw away everything and i make it until the end! So yeah, i think this will be the last UDMF-Format map for a while, i will focus on Boom Format (if you have any tips on this map format, please let me know!). but now, let's talk about the crunchy stuff: ---------- INFO ---------- =========================================================================== Archive Maintainer : (idgames) Advanced engine needed : (GZDoom Required) Primary purpose : SinglePlay =========================================================================== Title : (Underground Cult) Filename : (UndKult.wad) Release date : 03/02/2022 Author : (eoomu) Email Address : [REDACTED] Other Files By Author : Misc. Author Info : Description : (already done.) Additional Credits to : Matacrat, Clippy Clippington, Dannarchy and NilsQ for testing. =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels : (1) Sounds : Doom 2 Stock Sounds Music : Title Music: Forbidden Area - Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow Level Music: Gates of The Ancients - Stonekeep Intermission Screen: Leon and Claire - Resident Evil 2 Graphics : OTEX.1.1.wad Dehacked/BEX Patch : Yes Demos : Yes Other : Yes / No (describe if yes) Other files required : (none) * Play Information * Game : DOOM2 Map # : MAP01 Single Player : Designed for Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Other game styles : Freelook and Jumping are heavily recommended, Crouching is disabled by default. Difficulty Settings : HMP and UV are slightly different from eachother * Construction * Base : New from scratch Build Time : 2 Months Editor(s) used : Ultimate Doom Builder - Slade 3 Known Bugs : you can skip the bridge section by jumping on the left side and then on the platform. May Not Run With : I think it can run with anything GZDoom related. Tested With : GZDoom only Zip file here: Underground Cult.zip (or you can download it from Idgames if you prefer) ----------- STORY ----------- You are an Ex-Cultist, your cult was dedicated to taking control of the demons, after so many years of fidelity, you left everything to live elsewhere, in search of peace and serenity, you abandoned everything, your friends, your parents and your village. after two years, you started having recurring nightmares where you saw the sky tinted with a blood red color, you knew very well that all of this had to do with your old cult. after taking out your gun, you walked to the place of your past ... but it was too late, your village had already been destroyed by the demons. you hear a strange voice underground, they are calling you, answer their call! Please, let me know if you liked this wad or if you found any bug during your playthrough, hope you like it! :) and yeah, as you can see from the screens, it (obviously) supports Brutal Doom!
  3. Thank you man, you discovered a heavy bug, now i fixed it <3
  4. Hey guys, i'm proud to announce that i'm currently working on a mapset (megawad or 9-map episode, idk) for DOOM II. This is my second map ever and my first big project ever, my first map AORTA.WAD (https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/122354-aorta-a-simple-doom-ii-level-and-my-first-wad-ever/) was very good, so i'm really sure of what i'm currently doing (AORTA was terrible, a freaking disaster, please help me, idk what i'm doing). But let's see the important stuff! Name: (Dementia.wad) (file here:Dementia.zip) EDIT: Thank you Astro X, you discovered a bug that ruined the run, now i fixed it, here's the bug-free wad! Map Format: UDMF Ports Tested: only GZDoom IWAD: Doom II Map(s): MAP01 Music: Revolution MIDI pack - James Paddock (the song you hear in the level is labeled as D_ROMERO, idk what's it's original name, please let me know) Gameplay: Single play Difficulty Settings: HMP and UV are slightly different from eachother. Multiplayer Placement: No Build Time: 1 week and half (only for this map) Textures: GOTHICTX.WAD - PSYTEX.WAD - NMTEXT.WAD - DOOM2.WAD Requirements: all is permitted! [THIS MAP IS A DEMO, IT'S NOT THE FINAL WAD] Please let me know if this map is fun and let me know if there are any bugs. (also if someone wants to help me with the megawad, please let me know, i'm so lonely.) That's it, have fun!
  5. Omg there are a lot of Script Errors lmao, why does that Cyberdemon spawns out of nowhere? Btw thank you so much for playing it, i really appreciate it! (And if we use the "right" secret count, you missed 2 secrets out of 4 XD)
  6. *laughs like a maniac when he sees him fight 4 cyberdemon together* no ok, jokes aside: thank you very much for playing my map, during your playthrough I noticed a couple of errors that can ruin the map, such as monsters that are alerted even if they are in another sector, or the two archviles that block your way to the portal (there must have been only one). obviously the biggest mistake was the lack of ammunition in the last arena, this unfortunately prevents you from killing the cyberdemons, I have to fix a couple of things, but thank you very much for trying my map! protip: next time pay attention to the false wall just before the first teleport and the waterfall that you find in front of the portal that leads to the last arena ;)
  7. Uops! i forgot to post the wad itself, lmao, sorry guys, here it is: AORTA.rar
  8. So, i made this level for Doom II, I did it to put into practice everything I have learned so far about mapping and modding, being my first map, it's not all that great, it's a custom level that uses Doom II stock textures, it has some problems here and there (ES: misaligned textures and an absurd bug that brings the secret counter to 15, when in reality it should only be 3 of them...) but other than that, I had a lot of fun learning with UDB and SLADE, and of course creating this map! but now let's move on to the specific stuff: Name: (AORTA.wad) (file here: AORTA.rar) Map Format: UDMF Ports Tested: only GZDoom IWAD: Doom II Map(s): MAP01 Music: Neon Glitter - Dial-Up For Murder Gameplay: Single play Difficulty Settings: HMP is a lot more forgiving, UV is like Sunlust's last levels in certain points Multiplayer Placement: No Build Time: 1 day for the barebone layout of the map, two weeks for placing the other things (i was learning how to map in the meantime) Textures: Doom II Stock Textures Requirements: all is permitted! Ok, that's it, have fun and please let me know how can i improve at this, i accept any kind of criticism, let me know guys and have fun! (you will have a little surprise towards the end, kekeke)
  9. ok, so, i was creating my Doom II Map (UDMF), at a certain point, when i was testing my map, the secret count displayed 11 secrets, but i added only 3 secrets... why is this happening? can i fix this? can i remove these secrets or "cheating" and modify the secret count in order to display only 3 secrets? help a noob, please. (i'm using Ultimate Doom Builder).
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