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About chilpillwill

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  1. @paranoidroid Nice upload! That SF seems to work quite well across most of the songs. I have put my track on YouTube and I will attach an MP3 to this post as well - for anyone who is interested in hearing/comparing against the original! Chilpillwill - Toxic Sludge, E1M3 Toxin Refinery.zip
  2. Ah ok, fair enough - that makes sense. I'm currently in the process of moving house so my setup is in shambles but after I've had a crack at E1M3 for this project, I'll see if there's anything I can add to Ofisil's project too. MIDIs are great because I don't need to worry about synth modules or special setups - could even get away with Microsoft GS Wavetable if it's not a performance! Just out of curiosity, is there a SoundFont or module that you use for GM sounds? I've always found Chorium and FluidR3 to be pretty solid.
  3. Sure! If it is not totally done by then, I will send you what I have so far :) Also, that Ofisil project seems pretty cool and looks like there's still quite a few empty slots?
  4. Glad you liked the melodies! The OPL is quite limited in certain ways but is also a surprisingly powerful little synth when using the extra waveforms and 4OP mode. I'm happy to claim E1M3 still - it will be interesting to see what everyone produces for that in the end \m/ Enjoying Bloo's album on bandcamp, was impressed by his E1M1 track so thought I'd give it a listen - really good stuff!
  5. My first post on Doomworld :) I was drawn to this as a result of Lee Jackson's involvement ("New Music? For What? DOOM???" on his website, specifically) and I would love to make some kind of contribution... I would be more than happy to have a crack at E1M3 or any that are still available? PS As you guys don't yet know me, here is a link to something I did recently with my AWE32/OPL3 and AdlibTrackerII: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1f0JkwQAdDEAB7CidCHGsfNNpeAxy8XJH/view?usp=sharing
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