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About granggg

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    Warming Up

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  1. Thanks for playing! You were totally right about the sectors, by the way. Rookie mistake! This was my second map so I've got a lot to learn. I was definitely going for a hell artifact that a techbase was built up around and the blue key room was intentionally ominous. I'm bad at doom so I left an encounter out of it. Also, someone else played through the map and I can't find the post but I really appreciate the demo. Both of you had a little trouble with my lift being not so obvious so I"ll consider that in the future as well. Thanks for NaNoWADMo! It was so fun!
  2. Just finished my second ever map.  This one was for the NaNoWADMo challenge.  I yammered about it in the thread and in Discord but here's a link:  https://hobbsc.sdf-us.org/attic/CONTAINMENT-testbuild.wad


    I also just realized I forgot to put an exit on it... I'll get that fixed.  Fixed.

  3. Well sorry for the rapid posting but I had a second wind. I just added the monsters and the rest of the items. If anyone would like to test it out, it's at https://hobbsc.sdf-us.org/attic/CONTAINMENT-testbuild.wad I was able to beat it both with and without secrets but I did favor one path through the map over the other. I'll mention the current map in discord as well. I had fun with this challenge so far. This is only the second map I've ever completed (the first one isn't out yet, waiting on the project to finish). This was really hard for me to make so I'm glad I got it to a playable state. I'll try to make adjustments if anyone has recommendations. EDIT - I just realized I forgot to add an exit to the map... I'll fix that soon. Fixed.
  4. Got the texturing done for my level.... I think. Placed a couple of items. My creativity is totally shot for the night and this took me a long time. I'm going to add monsters, health, and ammo. after a bit and call it good.
  5. stayed up way too dang late to add some more shape to room and start putting in a little texture. i also added a couple secrets and sort of finalized the flow of the level. it's pretty small but i'm not super creative or ambitious and this is only my second map that'll ever be finished so i'm trying to take it easy. october is already almost over and this has been a herculean effort for me.
  6. had a little half hour flurry of activity tonight, shaped out some more of the rooms. still got a lot to go and not much time left!!! i want to get in some monster closets and shape out the rest of the rooms. i don't think i'll do difficulty settings because i'm not real sure about setting up good combat so i'll just do what i can within the timeline. i also worry that texturing will take a big chunk of time but we'll see.
  7. Got a lot of shaping done in some of the major rooms and carved out others. Posted in discord but I'm running into a weird problem: i'm out of spare time for the day but i'll get some screenshots up soon. trying to make up for lost time! EDIT: got that sorted. had some floor/ceiling height issues causing the doors not to open. i got in a flurry of work and a lot of it came together. real pleased. trying to stay in the challenge here!
  8. been super busy the last week and fell behind. i hope to get some more time in on my map this week. i need to figure out the best way to get the transitions between my rooms the way i like them and fix a sector that's gone wonky. after that, i think i can get some doors in and start texturing.
  9. I've not used a custom texture in a map before. How can I include one of the nano images in my map? Thanks!
  10. futzing about with door jambs trying to figure out why they still move even though they're lower-unpegged.  i should be sleeping.  it's two and a half hours past my bedtime...

  11. No images today but I forgot to tinker with my map so instead of going to bed I went ahead and lowered some ceilings, removed some stairs, and added a door to one of the areas. I quit messing with it when I got stuck with the door "track" moving in-game even though I've got both sides' linedef set to lower unpegged. I'm not sure what's going on there. I also noticed that in Eureka on this map, I don't have a "Gen" button for linedef types, only a "Choose" option. I suspect that might be because this is using the vanilla source port and my previous map used boom. I might change over to boom because I test everything with prboom+ anyway.
  12. Here's a highly compressed video of my effort today. Sorry for the link, I'm not sure how to post a .webm file (or if I can): https://pleroma.asn.mobi/media/38d3d78e53fa85718cb9efb2f1ac3f2ead4cb77e700a038f8d12aed93880af12.webm I got the main rooms kind of roughed out with some transitions by way of stairs. I don't intend for the big long staircase to remain that way. Might also change the stairs on the left of the start to be a lift. I'll also lower the ceilings and perhaps some of the floors. It'll all take shape once I start moving those heights around and adding doors, decorations, etc. Most of those spaces will be broken up into individual rooms. I hope I can add some fun fights. Will probably go power-fantasy with this one and provide plenty of ammo. It's a very small map but it'll be my second completed map and I find creativity to be challenging so I'm just doing what I think I can for this challenge while still stretching myself. Mapping is quite difficult for me but I'm really enjoying Eureka. Tonight I found out how to do 120 degree arcs in it and got side-tracked from the project while tinkering with that. I need to make myself a cheat sheet for it because there are various commands I've read about in different places that have all been very useful.
  13. had a coffee break so i roughed out a little control room to foreshadow the main area of the map. i'm taking everyone's advice and i'm gonna rough out the overall map *first* and then add detail later.
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