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About stridertech

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    formerly scientifikgenius
    Bony Member

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  1. D2MD-Map17-Evil_Hidden_In_Plain_Sight_upd.zip @janiform new build. some much needed detail/balance updates. lmk what u think, might be last update. mark as done
  2. @janiform kinda too late into the project to re-suggest this old idea from early on, but i want to lift this back up just in case you might consider it. it would be easier for people to help fix mistakes or for new additions to build without doom 1 tex. i could try and make the placeholder texture for you if you want :) it's a good idea and would help for convenience.
  3. strange but funny little sandbox map. hope to see some moar from u soon
  4. @janiform hey, i was the dude who submitted evil hidden in plain sight (map17). when this gets released could u make it so the credits shows my current username instead of the one i originally published it as? or maybe make the credit be somethin like "scientifikgenius/stridertech" or smthn like that? do lmk
  5. tbf i guess no one really found a reason to use the wolf tex until the restriction of only doom2 tex had been revealed lol. adds a bit of experimentation. it proves that our creative limitations can be our best creative opportunities. could maybe also tie in to a doom-wolf connection?? maybe this is the TRUE sequel to new colossus?? lololol i joke but yeah
  6. funny lil idea here! could use wayyyy more detail, but i like the sorta "dig ur way out" type concept! u got potential believe in urself :)
  7. lookin good so far from the screenshots! hope i get the time 2 play this soon :)
  8. Hey guys Im Adam sandler. 7 crazy Nights On DVD Right Now. Brofist
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