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About Ennello

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  1. Movement, for sure, and this includes a lot of stuff: spatial awareness, crowd control, and most of all knowledge of levels. Once you play more and more maps, this process of internalizing level layout and feeling how monsters (will) move will get faster and easier. I'm sure mentioning this is useless, since there's no real advice here other than "play maps", but if i'm being honest, slaughter maps help the most with this. In slaughter maps, crowd control is front and center, and you're often more tasked with managing space than health or ammo. You'll learn how much space you need for dodging rev rockets, how much time you have until you get overwhelmed etc. It's an invaluable skill that comes with playing slaughter for a long time.
  2. As a Belgian, I have to contribute by posting my favorite Belgian beer here: LeFort. I am not sure if it's available abroad or not, but I recommend it to everyone. It has a strong barley taste, and there's some slight chocolate and caramel in there too. If you like darker beers, you'll love this one. https://www.omervanderghinste.be/en/onze-bieren/lefort
  3. To this day classic Doom is still my only fps (aside from maybe Heretic and Hexen). I don't even like fps games, but the completion aspect of doom tickles a certain part of my brain.
  4. I think this discussion boils down to the age old AAA versus indie argument. Doom has become a brand, and an entire pr and marketing machine has to be considered when releasing a modern Doom game. That automatically means that a modern Doom game will have "corporate" stamped all over it. I don't want to say there's no passion in modern Doom games, because I firmly believe that isn't true, but the number of people that work on it and the corporate nature of AAA games makes it hard for that passion to shine through. This passion is easier to read in a game a smaller studio has worked on.
  5. https://open.spotify.com/album/1mTTWjULDYJvcps3DJDAke Subsignal - La Muerta. Prog, but almost pop at times, even.
  6. I'd definitely be interested in writing a few words, once enough people join in!
  7. In general, the length is an important factor, and I haven't really seen it mentioned in this thread. I'd rather replay a 10 map wad than a full 32 map megawad. You rarely need motivation to finish a 10 map megawad, and as someone who struggles with motivation a ton, I can't stress enough how much I appreciate short, punchy projects. And then of course quality and atmosphere are important: creative fights, challenge, music... There's a lot of elements that can contribute, but length is always a baseline factor for me.
  8. Yes! I was secretly rooting for this to happen, hehe. That's funny!
  9. Classy or casual doomer... I couldn't pick
  10. This will probably be the most cursed of the bunch!
  11. I want to stress that anyone is free to put whatever they want in their maps, but here are some of my pet peeves: Campy combat, i.e. door fights, especially if the room could make for an interesting arena. Decorations you can get stuck on in the middle of an arena. Excessive platforming. One-time areas and secrets, or obscure secrets you need to e.g. SR50 or arch-vile jump to.
  12. I'd say enemies are the main way to guide players. Players will automatically be drawn to areas where there's more stuff to kill.
  13. A few links: How to use command line / shortcuts: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/post/2586670 PrBoom+ launcher: https://github.com/DerTodIstEinDandy/PrBoom-Launcher/releases/tag/0.1.2 dsda-doom launcher: https://github.com/Pedro-Beirao/dsda-launcher/releases
  14. If you use PrBoom+ or dsda-doom, you can easily record a demo by adding the parameter "-record [filename]" when you launch the game (I hope you are familiar with shortcuts/batch files/command lines?). This will create a [filename].lmp file in the sourceport's install folder. Add the parameter "-warp [mapnumber]" to jump to the map you want to record a demo for.
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