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About K_Doom

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  1. Wow, you are literally a map factory lol. I'm extremely slow and think a lot about how to do it. I have a problem with thinking one way and when I sit in front of the computer it doesn't seem so good... I wish I was like you ;-;
  2. How do you manage to make such large maps every day?
  3. I was working on two maps last year, but took a break from them... The Chainsaw: techlab with floating bridges and platforms (these textures are provisional). The Wasteland of Thoros: a large desert with cloudy skies and sounds of thunder (these textures are provisional). This is my most current attempt "Cargo Sector: Toxic Leak" aka "Hazardous Cargo". It's been fun, but I lack time and sometimes I'm lazy...
  4. Maybe you've already seen this ChubzDoomer video tutorial, right? So I wanted to do something different on my map and I decided to watch the video and copy all the logic. As it is an old video (12 years ago) it is natural that it does not work as well today, and now it is showing unexpected behavior. The intention is to create a 3D floating platform that rises and falls at a given time. It is also possible to squash the player if they stand under it (if this is not included they simply dive into the ground and become trapped). What actually happens is: the platform goes up and down, but the floor below it goes up together forming a column. It is not possible to stay under the platform, so the second logic (kill the crushed player) does not work either, but if he stays under the other standard 3D platform (in the red square) and the moving platform falls, he dies, bizarre. So even though I used pretty much the same code as in the tutorial, things didn't quite turn out as expected. Here is the code: Finally, I would appreciate any help to get this working properly.
  5. Certainly the crocodile and its relatives are my favorites (but far away from me hehe). This ancient and badass creature is sinister and inspires a lot of respect in me. It is also a brutal predator. this picture is 100% real
  6. I really liked your story, because in a way I identify with it. In 2016 I was going through a very difficult period of depression, my only friend moved far away, made new friends and forgot about me. I was studying IT but I didn't really like it, maybe because I was only thinking about negative things and ignoring everything around me. So I tried to distract myself by playing Brutal Doom and reading Vagabond. I mentalized the image of Doomguy, a man alone who faces hell, and that sounded poetic to me, because it was as if I too could have the same willpower as him to face my "hell" alone.
  7. Wow, so you're older than I thought. That's been a long time.
  8. Hello, this topic is a field survey. I want to know how old you are and when/how you met Doom. I'll start with me. I'm 26 years old and my name is Victor. I first met Doom at age 13 on one of those now defunct flash game sites. It was only the first episode (Knee-Deep in the Dead), after that I couldn't play anymore. Later I finished Final Doom on psx, the scariest one in my opinion. So at 15 I tried to finish Doom II and in the same year I discovered mods. Since then old trying other wads sometimes. So how old are you and when did you meet Doom, dear fellow forum member?
  9. @SMG_Man Thanks, this seems a lot more complex than I thought but it's a direction. If you don't answer again, it's because it worked.
  10. This project has some new weapons and items added, so I was forced to modify a HUD for this. I'm trying to add timers to the effect of new powerups on the screen, but I can't seem to find the right code for this. I dug through the files and commented out/deleted everything remotely related to "powerup timers", if that stopped working I would figure out the right code to add the new items. But I couldn't find it, Doom's default powerup timers keep working no matter what I do. I couldn't find the right code to insert my powerups. I've looked on the wiki too, but to no avail. So I need help knowing what is the correct code responsible for the powerup timers on this HUD. Below are some details; Notice the partial invisibility timer in the red rectangle. I want the same effect for custom items. The HUD is merged with the other map files in a pk3. Here are screenshots to easily find HUD files. The pk3 file: test_mnstrs&wpns.rar Thank you for your attention.
  11. This project has some new weapons and items added, so I was forced to modify a HUD for this. I'm trying to add timers to the effect of new powerups on the screen, but I can't seem to find the right code for this. I dug through the files and commented out/deleted everything remotely related to "powerup timers", if that stopped working I would figure out the right code to add the new items. But I couldn't find it, Doom's default powerup timers keep working no matter what I do. I couldn't find the right code to insert my powerups. I've looked on the wiki too, but to no avail. So I need help knowing what is the correct code responsible for the powerup timers on this HUD. Below are some details; Notice the partial invisibility timer in the red rectangle. I want the same effect for custom items. The HUD is merged with the other map files in a pk3. Here are screenshots to easily find HUD files. The pk3 file: test_mnstrs&wpns.rar Thank you for your attention.
  12. Well, Free Doom's monsters are pretty ugly haha
  13. Detailing is interesting, but most details can be so small that they go unnoticed. But on top of detailing, what I like is seeing maps with "plot". I've played many wads where the levels were a discontinued set of someone's ideas, level X is a techlab and the next level is a castle in hell. So I miss contextualization sometimes, this goes from the name of the map that is something random like "Gotcha!", lack of background, logical continuity, plants that make sense, etc.
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