RC3 is here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jm79o396abx88u1xfl9ws/DBP_64_RC3.zip?rlkey=y9m4oolf4qhrxjagaea66wppc&dl=1
This may be the last update before idgames.
There's not any current plans to do anything Doom 2016 themed but yeah, it's always a possibility somewhere down the road.
I love the movie and always wanted to use that dream sequence as an ambient sound in something and figured this was the right project for it. Glad to hear you're enjoying the set.
To be honest, it never really crossed my mind to make it for Doom 64 rather than Doom II - I looked at it as more of a theme and a chance to play around with Doom 64's textures/monsters/ambience. With that said, I think both of the reasons you listed are good ones to stick with Doom 2. I've never made anything for Doom 64 and I'm not sure if anyone else on the project had any experience with it either so there might've been more barriers to entry if it was a proper Doom 64 project instead.