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About matador

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  1. Lunar Strain is a new Moon-themed episode megawad for Doom 2 designed for limit removing source ports (complevel 2) made by the various members of Doomer Boards, lead by me, Matador. There are 22 levels plus a credits map but there are also two curiosities I threw in the MAP31/32 slots. MAP31 is a demo map showcasing the new monsters/props. MAP32 is a color swapped version of MAP13. >>> DOWNLOAD HERE (V1) <<< Old versions: Screenshots: MAPLIST: Previous Projects:
  2. Hey, I was wondering if you could lend me a hand: some time ago I played a collection of "addons" maps to some of the first DBP projects. I think it was made by SuperCupcakeTactics, but I cannot find them anywhere. Any idea?

  3. Sanguine Holy Land is a new episode for Doom 2 designed for limit removing source ports (complevel 2) made by the various members of Doomer Boards, lead by @BiZ. The project theme was marble temples and blood rituals. >>> DOWNLOAD HERE (V2) <<< Old versions: Screenshots: MAPLIST: Previous Projects:
  4. RC3 is here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jm79o396abx88u1xfl9ws/DBP_64_RC3.zip?rlkey=y9m4oolf4qhrxjagaea66wppc&amp;dl=1 Changes: This may be the last update before idgames. There's not any current plans to do anything Doom 2016 themed but yeah, it's always a possibility somewhere down the road. I love the movie and always wanted to use that dream sequence as an ambient sound in something and figured this was the right project for it. Glad to hear you're enjoying the set. To be honest, it never really crossed my mind to make it for Doom 64 rather than Doom II - I looked at it as more of a theme and a chance to play around with Doom 64's textures/monsters/ambience. With that said, I think both of the reasons you listed are good ones to stick with Doom 2. I've never made anything for Doom 64 and I'm not sure if anyone else on the project had any experience with it either so there might've been more barriers to entry if it was a proper Doom 64 project instead.
  5. The OP has been updated with v1.4: www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/qaof2mxmdvots6vmybpak/DBP_62_v1.4.zip?rlkey=h8wsa8js17dvrnny3szpjap4e&dl=1 Changes: I might wait a bit to make sure there aren't any lingering bugs out there but this is probably good to go and will probably be headed to idgames in the near future.
  6. I've updated the OP with RC2: www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/g34pdoesw3m5jyo3w6cg3/DBP_64_RC2.zip?rlkey=jpaaktet19fi38ry169zqojlk&dl=1 Changes: Regarding the credits map - no, you're not intended to exit by pressing on a random wall - that's a bug that got carried over when I copied that part of the map from MAP08 (now fixed in both maps in RC2). There's an exit teleport near the start of the map (in the suzerduzer section of the credits) that is blocked off by a wooden pillar. To raise the pillar, you have to find and collect three demon keys that were placed in the map. For those who want to know the locations of the three demon keys: Also, the candle pillar text in MAP10 is a secret hint.
  7. The Vast Silence is a Doom 64-themed episode for Doom 2 designed for limit removing source ports made by various members of Doomer Boards, lead by me, matador. >>>DOWNLOAD HERE (RC3)<<< Old versions: Screenshots: MAPLIST: Previous Projects:
  8. This is the final DBP of 2023, DBP64 will release February/March 2024. No Christmas project this year:
  9. Terminal Voltage is a new episode of electric maps for Doom 2 designed for limit removing source ports made by various members of Doomer Boards, lead by 40oz. >>>DOWNLOAD HERE<<< Screenshots: MAPLIST: Previous Projects:
  10. I need to go through and make sure we got all the reported bugs and I'll probably wait a bit to see if any more show up but the plan is to send it there when it's good to go.
  11. OK, v1.3.1 is here: v1.3.1 This should fix a majority of the outstanding bugs as well as provide more diverse MAPINFO support (and also features a new CWILV for MAP04). Apologies for not getting this up sooner, was busy and also took a little vacation. I don't know what the plans for DBP64 are but my guess is probably not. I'm thinking DBP64 will probably come out sometime next year (I assume in February).
  12. Is this in the v1.2 version or the v1.1/v1.0 version? I haven't double-checked yet but this should be fixed in the new version, the older versions had an older version of the map.
  13. I've updated the OP with v1.2: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/yhvu2llsz0062p1694yd3/DBP_62_v1.2.zip?rlkey=zfdfk1a37572831i6d0f0b1ms&amp;dl=1 Changes:
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