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matador reacted to StevenC21 for a status update, I wish you hadn't been banned.
I wish you hadn't been banned.
matador reacted to Optimus for a status update, Wish to see some new WXR episode or a comeback man!
Wish to see some new WXR episode or a comeback man!
matador reacted to Jello for a status update, Hope you're doing okay. I know we're not really familiar with each other, but you see
Hope you're doing okay. I know we're not really familiar with each other, but you seem like a good person. I really hope things are okay, and I honestly give you my best wishes, and that's all I have to give.
matador reacted to SuperCupcakeTactics for a status update, People keep mistaking the "Cuppy" texture in 'AUGER;ZENITH' to read "Clippy." People
People keep mistaking the "Cuppy" texture in 'AUGER;ZENITH' to read "Clippy." People often address me as "Cuppy," so I'm thinking we could be a dynamic duo named "Clippy & Cuppy" or "Cuppy & Clippy." It practically writes itself! The calligraphy of that texture showing both of our monikers as one stylized script fusion.
matador reacted to Endless for a status update, Doomworld Hello everyone, I was, honestly, not planning on making a new post/statemen
Hello everyone, I was, honestly, not planning on making a new post/statement regarding the situation expressed on my previous status post, but while there’s been quite some silence on the surface, there’s also a lot of movement on the background that has hurt me and also boycotted the Wadazine, so, here are my new points:
- I am not a Doomer Boards advocate
- Some of the stuff I been called, accused and told, and had to deal with
- The Doomworld Staff issue
- The behind the scenes
1. I am not a Doomer Boards advocate
People that are trying to hurt me or give me a bad rep, have used this as their main selling point. I am NOT a Doomer Boards fanatic, emissary, diplomat or advocate. I DO NOT like the place and I DESPISE some of the idiotic shit that’s said around there.
Some people have accused me of being a supporter of them and their mini-page, using this against me because I have an account there. You are free to visit my account and see how much of a ''supporter'' I am. All this was born out of the fact that I defend the Doomer Boards Projects (the WADs) and apparently it is impossible to play Doom without thinking about the moral consequences of playing a collection of maps made by very bad people.
I also want to express that even though my experience of the DBs is negative, that doesn't mean that I will detest everyone who has ever been or is a member of them. I'm sure you know a few who are both members here and there, and I don't see them being called out or accused of what I have been accused of. Which leads me to my next point.
2. Some of the stuff I been called, accused and told, and had to deal with
This I expected, no doubt, but I did not expect it in such a heavy and direct way, and from such people. I have been called a bigotry supporter (for the above), called a sexist, and implied to be a fascist. I have been told that my server is a home of hateful people (because I have a moderation policy that consists in not autobanning people or not having a blacklist) and this has even reached my team, some members that are completely innocent of all this issue. Suddenly, my influence has turned like a black legend. I was even called, in an ultimatum, a 4chan user. What the fuck? I don’t even have an account there yet I somehow made it.
I have been banned from multiple Doom servers, and even ones that have nothing to do with Doom. When I searched for an answer, I only found strong accusations against me, and comments that reveal to me that there is a banlist that must be honored. I have lost connections with people with whom I have worked with mutually in a perfect state of respect and admiration, and passion for Doom. Now it’s just whispers in the wind, a few just ghosted me instead. I lost a considerable amount of my team members and have to re-structure my entire server, which I am having some hard time doing because I don’t even know who to trust (more on that later). So, in the end, I have received terrible backlash just because I posted my concerns and exposed some of the behind-curtains stuff going on. Yet I never banned anyone, don’t own a blacklist of unwanted, never reached out to anyone (until I found out there was some smear against me going on) and I didn’t even respond to the updates on my status. I felt, FELT, like I said enough, but now, I have to come back again and defend myself because it reached the point that I was even threatened with influences and power.
3. The Doomworld Staff issue
And this, more like a statement, is an update. Turns out, there’s much more stuff going on than I anticipated. Some of the staff reached out to me, some didn’t, and some prominent people (including people that are not even DW-active) also went to contact me. Whereas before I thought the staff acted as a cohesive unit, now, thanks to various comments from both officers and veterans, I have discovered that the team is incredibly fractured. There are those that completely despise me right now, those that are trying to stay neutral on this, those that bashed me publicly but partially agree, and those that agree but don’t want to make it public. So, what is it? Where I once thought I was calling out a unit, I now feel like it’s just a collection of influential individuals struggling for control, and that’s why there has been no major word from them acting as a whole during this time. I’m pretty sure there’s no leadership, and I know for a fact that the DBP ban was not unanimous. I would really like if this changed, but fuck me, I don’t even know because there’s actual influence at stake.
4. The behind the scenes
Now, I believe I am quite sure who are the individuals behind my Discord fallout and excommunication, I hope there’s not more. While at first, I thought this would just end up as a quiet thing, it ended up turning into a path of revenge against me. Before I kept quiet, but now I have to be contacting people I worked with before to avoid them thinking I'm a misogynist, abusive, violent, or bigot. In other words, I have to actively defend myself.
Some have listened, been reasonable and expressed neutrality in a fair manner, while others have severely hurt me and even the Wadazine. I know for a fact that members of my team are now on watchlists. That seems too much to me, call it hyper moderation, call it power abuse, or whatever, but it is not fair for them. People are free to ban me from their servers if they feel it’s right, but when they have to maintain an unwanted-list, they might want to reconsider their views.
Of course, I know there’s plenty of chat behind my back around, probably a lot of negativities against me. I’m always welcome to discuss it. I didn't kick anyone out, and didn't ban anyone from my server and I am pretty sure I answered to every single person that sent me a DM, either to bash me or support me.
Not only did influential people contact me, but also regulars, some lurkers, some people that were actually hiding and finally felt free to speak up. Some may say: Oh, look at this dude, he believes he’s the messiah. Heck, closest thing I am is torn-apart dude, but I’m doing it for the right reasons. Because people actually feel there’s something wrong going on, and it’s being hidden from them.
I was threatened with a ban, or to be more precise, best case for me, a temporary ban, only that would happen, I was told. Well, I haven’t been banned because I believe that some members of the staff are quite divided by this. So, I really hope things get FIXED, not just settled, not just drowned or forgotten, but fixed. It’s at least, one step to admit that there’s a power struggle, and then work it out. Talk to the people as I am doing, or just ignore me and keep silent.
matador reacted to P41R47 for a status update, Probably my ferewell words will be in here. Seeing the second update Endless wrote ,
Probably my ferewell words will be in here.
Seeing the second update Endless wrote, made me realize how bad are the things in here.
Being threatened, insulted, bashed, discriminated and who may know what more, is something nobody deserves.
I really liked the things around here, and i met a lot of people that, maybe not call them friends as i am a pretty reserved person in that aspect, but i would totally call them pals of mine.
People with whom i shared moments, arguments, and different feelings through this years.
When my life got torn apart from the different RL situation, i found here the warmness and understanding that i needed.
And even if i started to see the ugly colors under the rug, i didn't care much as it didn't affected the people i met, the people i cared for, and the other members of the community.
But things are going out of control for some reason, and its seems that there is nobody to put a stop to this.
As a last resort, i expressed myself.
Not only myself, i made my own self an echo of all the confusion and all the awkwardness happening at the moment.
Confusion and torment that been happening since long ago.
More that i want to recall for certain.
I was here when all the great splits started happening, and i remained silence as i didn't care much as the teenager i was back then.
But now as an adult, i can't just shut my eyes and believe things aren't happening.
That lead me to the situations i experienced through this year.
Not only here, but on my real life, too.
I didn't wanted to see my life coming apart, not because i wanted to ignore, but because i knew i can't do anything to solve it.
I lose the dearest person in my life, and i will never have answers beyond ''you did right, but i have to go''...
Probably the same will happend here, but i will be the one departing, or being departed.
I have no bad feelings to anyone, as for the time being, i prefer being a sacrifice lamb than remain silent.
So be it.
Thanks all for the good time.
And one last joke before going out.
if there is bad smell where you are standing, it is probably not from your soles, but from the place you stood on.
matador reacted to Endless for a status update, Disclaimer: My original thread got nuked, deleted. Banning of WADs, Hyper–Moderation
Disclaimer: My original thread got nuked, deleted.
Banning of WADs, Hyper–Moderation and the Recent Issues at Doomworld
Disclaimer 2: I couldn't publish this first because the DBPs thread is locked.
Hello everybody. If you haven’t heard of me, my name is Endless and I am a self-called WAD addict. I love Doom and I love the custom content. I’ve been playing on and off since 2013, if my memory doesn’t fail. I’m also the creator and editor-in-chief of the Doom Master Wadazine, a free fanmade e-magazine dedicated to the Doom saga. In other words, I love Doom.
I like to think that I’ve been part of this community since 2017 or so, when I started to become a bit more active. Before that I just lurked a lot, seeing all the stuff happening and things going on. It is with great pleasure and satisfaction that I began to realize that this was a close-knit activity, full of passionate creators, artists, programmers and fantastic multi-talents sweating gold. I was fascinated by the idea that such an old video game had such a large and active group in the modern day.
Yet now, I’m starting to believe that there’s something wrong going on behind the curtains. Since recent memory, some things have occurred that have shaken me slightly regarding my faith in this place and this community. I usually stay away from drama and shitposting, but today I’m honestly hurt, not necessarily by one single action, but the accumulation of various things. Before starting, I want to express some of the points that have led me to create this:
- The total ban of the Doomer Boards Projects.
- The increase in moderation activity.
- The decrease in infrastructure activity regarding Doomworld.
- The highly inclusive stance that’s not actually inclusive.
- My personal opinions (Oof, what a dangerous thing to say).
1. The total ban of the Doomer Boards Projects:
The very first point and the thing that really made me tear up a bit today. If you've been a follower of my reviews or activity (thank you very much by the way) it's no secret that I've been a big fan of the Doomer Boards Projects since the day I met them. From Monuments of Mars to Auger;Zenith, I've played the vast majority of the projects and reviewed them. Each WAD has been a delight to play and something I have thoroughly enjoyed. Some WADs have stuck in my memory, becoming almost a nostalgic part of my journey through Doom. There is no doubt that this series is the most consistent series of WADs in quality and number in the history of Doom. 39 projects, if I'm not wrong, and if I could give an overall rating to all of them, I would say: great. Now, that's my opinion of the WADs, of the maps, of the art created, and here comes my problem.
Suddenly (maybe not so suddenly) they’ve been banned from being published on Doomworld (and probably also promoted, which would get me in trouble) I'm honestly not sure. A percentage of the authors have been former creators of these forums who were previously banned, some even before I was on Doomworld. The creation of the Doomer Boards was born out of this. Personally, I don't care much. If I don't like the person, I don't interact with them, but if their work is good, I have the decency to at least not shit on them. Apparently the Doomworld staff considers them misogynists, xenophobes, racists, terrorists? Idk. I'm sure that more than one of them is like that, but all of them? No. I've met great map authors who started out on the Doomer Boards and I'm pretty sure they're none of those things. Probably the key word among all the accusations is that they are fascists. A word that carries weight but seems to lose relevance. Now it's just a sort of insult used to accuse someone you don't like.
And in the end, they decided to ban the projects altogether. I'm sure there are members that the DW staff hates from there, but I'm sure there are others who simply wanted to create maps for the projects and yet they completely screwed them up too.
I think this is NOT OKEY. I'm not as old as the community, but I'm sure this is the first time WADs or Mods have been banned completely from any kind of publication for posterity. Not even terrywads had this much moderation. I am a person who believes in free speech and the right to create. Regardless of whether you like them or not, or consider them ''fascists'', the future of the entire projects did not deserve to be banned for the actions of others. I will use a simple expression for this: Separate artist from art. I'm sure more than one will point out that the projects promote negativity or whatever. One of the examples given is that the projects should be banned because they promoted the Doomer Boards page. The image in question seems totally harmless to me. But apparently it is treated and seen as a propaganda act that results in the creation of some sort of army full of ultra-right wingers and I don't know what else... and yet DB doesn't even have 500 members.
Before this there was the discussion about whether or not Auger;Zenith would win an award. Honestly, I was sure it wouldn't, but I never expected that they would ban the projects completely. What does this mean for me now? I will probably receive subtle threats as I have received before if I decide to promote WADs. Maybe not, but I doubt it. Oh, also, why lock the announcement thread? Can’t the DW members voice their opinions there?
And this last paragraph might be a bit paranoid, but I feel like this could just be a chain reaction. Suddenly, more and more WADs could be outright banned for reasons that seem to trivial or might not even be known.
2. The increase in moderation activity
I initially thought this was a good thing. Finally, a new wave of moderators to help out the increase in activity. It ends up resulting in something mixed. While I appreciate the moderation when it comes to shitposting or attacking posts, I've found that it's become a bit of a content blocking and banning party for the slightest offense. I think we can all agree that there’s more closed threads or downright deleted posts now a days than ever before. If something breaks the rules, then first make the rules clearer please, and in the end, I think it is better to keep threads locked than to delete them completely. At least the evidence works as a guide of what not to do.
3. The decrease in infrastructure activity regarding Doomworld.
Oh, this is not really a new one. Since 2016, Doomworld hasn’t changed pretty much at all, and is on a decadent state that’s quite shameful to be honest. Some problems that need fixing will probably never be fixed, and the first excuse of it tends to be that it’s impossible because the forum software doesn’t allow it. The truth is that I am not an expert in this technical subject, so take this as a customer's opinion; the news section is dead, the Downloads section is dead, and this is a serious one that personally hurts newcomers who wish to have their WADs in some sort of download center or modern WAD repository. The threads section is a mess, and it was supposed to be fixed, but there seem to be no changes. I think that rather than a problem, this is an example of a simple lack of interest or power in wanting to fix it. I guess it's not as important as it used to be. A homepage would work wonders too. On a side note, I have to credit the recent increase of concern and activity regarding one single administrator that’s trying to get shit fixed.
4. The highly inclusive stance that’s not actually inclusive.
Doomworld frames itself as a very welcoming community that accepts you in any shape or form. This was something I really liked and felt especially nice because I been an outcast for too long in real life. I was feeling welcomed here, like I belonged for once. This didn’t last.
First of all, the early days of Doomworld were not as acceptable as they are now. And don't tell me Doomworld was a less toxic place compared to the rest of the internet. It was full of idiots, abusive, violent moderators and the like. Read some of the older threads (/newstuff for example) and you will quickly realize that everyone was immature. The very foundation of DW was a toxic one. It's a good thing that they changed over time, but as much as they changed, they also brought the problem of hyper moderation. Now there is a fear of any kind of discussion, opinion that is not acceptable or divergence in beliefs or any ideology. While the truth is that I don't care if they argue or not in any kind of forums, I find it improper to point fingers at other places or people for being fascists, when here the cradle itself still has stains of a dirty past.
5. My personal opinions (Oof, what a dangerous thing to say).
I don’t really enjoy drama or making discussions in a place where the main subject is related to a videogame, not real-life issues, but I think this is the time I speak out. There is a certain Doomworld elite (the very word elite sounds silly but I think it describes it well), while this sounds like a stupid conspiracy, I have been involved on some of this issues myself. I don't think it's worth naming names or sentencing titles, but certain members of the Doomworld staff are abusive, self-centered and armed with power/influence. I have had discussions that could have been handled in a more civilized manner, but instead I have had to deal with sarcastic comments, heavy handed accusations, threats to cut off relationships and remove my support. This is because I am editor of the Wadazine, a magazine dedicated to Doom and WADs in particular, and the only one of its kind in this community. So, if I publish something that’s deemed as offensive or not-likeable, well, I’ll get in trouble. I already did I believe. However, I have no major support from the staff, a few great members have promoted me every once in a while, but it seems that everything has fallen silent since certain problems started to rise, and I didn't turn back to fully praise the opinions of others high members.
I love Doom, I love that it has been alive for almost 3 decades and it’s more popular than ever. But I don’t know if I love the community that much anymore. I support neither Doomworld, which abuses power and hides intentions behind moderation actions, nor Doomer Boards, which is full of unfunny shitposting and seems to complain more about Doomworld than playing Doom. After that, I don't even know what other forum is left alive. Doomworld is practically the central hub for everything Classic Doom related, but, unfortunately, it has become a quasi-political network by this point.
And it has reached a breaking point for me. I’m just sad, to say the least. I like to create content, activity, play WADs, write about them and so on, but now it seems that the focus of the community is elsewhere.
Oh, and by the way, as a disclaimer: This is Endless opinion, not the Wadazine opinion or even the teams, these are my word and what I think. If you want to discuss, you discuss with me.
matador reacted to P41R47 for a status update, DBP37: Auger;Zenith - THE Cyberpunk Megawad! by @SuperCupcakeTactics , @40oz , @matad
DBP37: Auger;Zenith - THE Cyberpunk Megawad! by @SuperCupcakeTactics, @40oz , @matador , @joe-ilya @Redead-ITA, @Lunch Lunch , @Fryuko , @valkiriforce , @WashingMachineEnthusiasts , @Chris Moyer, @JadingTsunami, @Peerdolius.
Completed on HNTR 18/07/2021
RATING: ***** (5/5)
Cyberpunk is a genre or theme we don't see much around Doom mapsets. Yes, we have the old Dystopia 3, STRAIN, HACX, and Mutiny, and those, except HACX, lean more into the dystopic sci-fi than into Cyberpunk. Aside from that, there are some insolated maps inside other mapset that made use of the aesthetic. Valiant has one map that occur on a virtual reality, Eviternity automated episode has glimpses of mechanized utopia, and just a few more play with the theme.
This mapset made by the DBP guys, is the first one that delves into the Blade Runner aesthetic-side of the Cyberpunk genre, one i usually call, Cybernoir, as it blends crime fiction with sci-fi speculative fiction, but without delving too much with the virtual reality.
From the get go this mapset is a pure joy to the eye, there is a complete set of new textures that made use of a new colorpal to maximize the neon fueled seizure inducing visual appeal.
The first map is an awesome introduction to the story that is behind the mapset. The whole mapset is full of incredible details that goes beyond the contextual storytelling. This mapset feels like an alive world, that suddenly got invaded. There are restaurants, flats, streets, all inmersed on blinding lights that constantly move from one side to another, and there are adds showing entertainments that play for laugh breaking the fourth wall but at the same time, going deeper onto the backstory of this mapset.
Those elements combined instill the feeling that we are on a different world, with it own rules and with it own idiosincracy. And this is a feeling i didn't get while playing Doom, almost never feel it to the heights this mapset take it.
That alone give the mapset a complete new point of view from where rate it.
The INMERSION on it, is far beyond anything made to this very day on the Doom modding scene.
Recommended to most players that want something else than just a good gameplay, and especially for those that really like atmospheric and moody mapsets.
This one could be totally the king of them all.
Map01: "Glass Messiah" by SuperCupcakesTactics.
The introductory maps start with an add announcement on the distance, and the totally awesome midi from Snatcher. This map serves as an introduction to the dehacked made breakable glass windows. Not all of them are breakable, and so, this map serves just right to teach that. It may feel visually jarring, with a lot of colours on screen, and even with a convulted progression, but after exploring it a little, the map comes full circle, offering a great experience.
Its is kinda non-linear thanks to the great side areas. And has plenty of secrets to explore with pleasure.
Kudos to the add on the outside garden that has a referece to the movie Drive by Winding Refn
Map02: "Financial" by 40oz
The map starts on at the side of a subway train, then some streets and slowly the player made it to a set of offices. The streets are dark, with the textures being on a shade of blue and gray that plays marvelously to depict the lonelines and low-life of the outside. When we reach the offices, suddenly all is bright and ultra shining, contrasting perfectly with the previous streets.
This one is linear, but has great visuals to waste time looking at them.
Map03: "Starlight Square" by Matador.
Start inside the subway and we are then out on the commercial district, there are adds almost everywhere, and great use of verticallity showing how is the life near the floor and how raved up are the flats up there. Visually pleasing, with really good set of secrets, another outstanding non-linear map.
Map04: "Meat Mincer" by Joe-Ilya.
Probably the weakest map of the set, a complete linear map that can be played like a obstacle course. The Sonic The Hedgehog midi on it helps infuse it a sense of speed that make its even shorter than it really is. It plays really well even when its not that visually interesting as the previous maps.
Map05: "Mega-city Vengeance" by SuperCupcakesTactics & Redead-ITA.
From the get go we are greeted with the words ''Judgement Time'', and in front of us, a shotgun, a soulsphere, and a mega armor. That only means one thing, a great challenge ahead.
We enter a building and it demon infested reception hall. A great fight to warm out. And then the whole map is a going up onto the different floors of the map, being in constant fire by the Mastermind.
Excellent maps, even when its linear, it delivers a great challenge.
The excellent midi from Streets of Rage 2 really adds to the constant movement nature of the map.
Map06: "Android District" by Lunch Lunch.
''No loger safe in android distric'', this is the first sight of the map. Outside the window of out flat, there is a downpour. The mood of this map is just awesome, and we are almost too confortable to go outside.
Linear with excellent side areas that connects our flat to the streets and to another buildings.
The rain trick is something i want to know, is it a midtexture, or a sprite with it added sound effect?
Map07: "Cyberkill" by Fryuko.
This maps start on the streets and into some commerces, even a bathroom with a hidden gloryhole room. So dirty and so funny!
This is the first map that give me problems, but mostly because i'm a sucker for the secrets. It has the first Arch-vile, i think, and an escalating challenge as we explore and found the different keys.
A linear map, but soo well detailed and designed that it doesn't seem like it.
MAP08: "Corporate Loophole" by Valkiriforce
A really nice view of the city from a balcony, and a chaingun between glass windows. An amazing map that totally feels like a corporate office with different sections and all. And even cool teleporters interconnectinf the different areas, for better movement of the employes, of course.
The final area is an ascending battle into the corporate tower. Really good map.
MAP09: "The Last Resort" by Washing Machine Enthusiasts
A hot start for a hot map. We are on a dancing club, and the atmosphere is drunkening. It may look a little simple, but the different areas are greatly designed. The resting area, the bathrooms, the VIP area, and even a cool Arch-vile DJ. But the queen of the dance floor is our multi-leged Mastermind. Albeit we are better, and smash it to the ground.
MAP10: "Photon Geyser" by Chris Moyer
At the rhythm of Escape from New York theme song, we jump to the streets of this decaying city, and enter a gigantic building. The areas are greatly detailed and interesting. The last fight arena is soo big and detailed that it even breaks the limit of limit-removing ports causing the allghost bug.
MAP11: "Neon Artifacts" by JadingTsunami
Episode ends with this amazing sandbox map that has nasty encounters at every corner. Waltzing at the streets of rage track we made our way into every building collecting the keys. Great set pieces of fights with a good Cyber fight at the end.
MAP12: "Altered States" by 40oz
This map is a reference to Afraid of Monster, a Half-Life Total Conversion that is a totally psychedelic trip. And this map is totally bonkers. Could be stright up taken out from A.L.T.
A bit linear, but a great trippy experience.
MAP13: "Lower Salt Lake City" by LunchLunch
Probably one of the few maps that use a quite track, and it deserves it. Great atmosphere and awesome areas to explore. The opening shot with the fire and the destroyed street is just amazing. The maps is really short, but it has great encounters that make it feel far longer.
MAP14: "Azure Wasteland" by JadingTsunami
We are in another night club, and this time things get really hot. The areas are smallers, and the dance is hardcore. There are some sewer-like side areas and a great last open fight at the end.
MAP15: "The Vinculum Gate" by SuperCupcakeTactics
This map is a collector like map, with different areas to tackle. There is an obvious reference that made me laugh out my ass from the seat. ''Guns, lots of Guns''. Good one Cuppy ;)
Excellent map.
MAP16: "Neo-Bronx Rumble" by Peerdolius
We start the maps on the streets and make our way into a factory of some sort, that, obviously, we dismantle. The music track is one of the boss songs from Streets of Rage, and it greatly enhances the menacing nature of the map.
MAP17: "Luminescent Synapse" by SuperCupcakeTactics
Every mapset has a mastodon map, and this is this map. The first time i played it (yes, i played it a second time when RC2 come out) took me almost an hour to complete it, second time just a 15 minutes as i knew my way through it.
Everything is on this map, every neat detail, the layout, the atmosphere, every thinkeable area that could be part of a cyberpunk metropolis is depicted on this map. SuperCupcakesTactics made not only an awesome map. One can just get lost on this map looking at all the amazing details and secrets on it.
And also, its a real treat, so the challenge and the fun are on par with the amazing design.
Best map of the set for me.
MAP18: "Miami Anomaly" by Fryuko
Don't know exactly why, but i love this map. Everything on this somewhat sandboxey map is cool. The views are just gorgeous and the secrets are top notch. The Streets of Rage beach track lift it to even more fun heights.
MAP19: "Sunset Plaza" by 40oz
Gigantic mall full of dangerous hitscanners and proyectile fire. There are a really good amount of secrets on it, and delivers a great experience even when its kinda monochromatic. The last area is kinda a let down as it promises an awesome fight, but i accidentally reached the ending line while circle strafing, so thats something to fix i think.
MAP20: "Electric Rave" by 40oz
We infiltrate a night club, and this one is the real treat. Another killer map full of great encounters. The visuals are really trippy, and the music track transform it on a LSD infused rave. There is no bad moment on this map. And the secret area that jokes with the original Doom II is just amazing.
MAP21: "The Cynet Reaper" by SuperCupcakeTactics
The last map. From the get go is a brutal fight to the top of a staircase, with fire from multiple angles. After that, comes a brutal live performance by us, just to please the insane crowd of monsters. The final fight is against the super computer that brought the demons to this realm, apparently. I love this map, even when its just a linear and brutal fight to the end area.
Map22: Credits Map
A greatly designed map showcasing the names of the authors of the different maps. There are some items to be retrieved from the cars we start on and on the sides. Not much to see aside from the amazing visuals to say goodbye to this amazing mapset.
Longs story short.
The Best DBP project so far for me. Making all the things that could be needed to inmerse the player on this cyberpunk world just right.