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About OverflowingMocha

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    Rose Tinted Moth
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  1. Proud of playtesting this from start to finish, an absolutely wonderful collab. Hope everyone has the best time with Simulacrum! :D
  2. Interesting little set, wish I could have mapped for it, but I didn't really get the idea of the project + I think I was busy with other projects. Nonetheless, an hour well spent. I really liked maps 07 & 08 especially, they played and looked pretty good despite the seemingly strict rules. Congrats on the release, yall who worked on this project did a nice job.
  3. It's got moths. Best project ever. It was an absolute joy to make this with Steph, so go play it now!!!!
  4. Beated it just now, and I really enjoyed it! (spoilers ig for the map below)
  5. Been a while, hasn't it? Just bumping the thread to announce that the wad is now on /idgames! https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/ics I will probably upload Dessert 1/DS2 too, soon. For now tho, thank you all who played the set! See you next release! :)
  6. Thank you so much for streaming it, I really enjoyed watching the vod! And I'm feeling well, thanks.
  7. [IMPORTANT: Please play this wad on DSDA-Doom, using the software renderer. Any bug reports that come from OpenGL or other sourceports will be ignored.] I Can't Sleep is a small set of MBF21 maps that I've been working on for the past 2 weeks. I'm surprised I finished this set so quickly. If you're expecting this set to be as easy as my other solo releases, then I'll tell you right now that this is a lot more difficult and weird. The set includes some slaughter, a bunch of platforming, and maybe a puzzle or two. Huge thank you to @Master Medi for playtesting! Screenshots: Download it down here: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/ics I loved working on this mapset, so I hope you enjoy it. :)
  8. Thank you! Turns out the sky used in map31 was missing, along with a few other textures. I updated the wad to RC2 to fix this, so the textures should work now.
  9. Dessert 2 is a sequel to my wad Dessert, now with 6 new maps made for MBF. :3 Special thanks to @dashlet, @NecrumWarrior and @myolden for playtesting. Maplist: Download: DS2_RC2.zip
  10. Despite being quite short, this is a very sweet map. I really enjoyed flying around the map after seeing all the dialogs, it's just that relaxing and beautiful to look at that it made me want to stay for just a little bit longer to appreciate all the detail. I really hope to see more stuff from you!
  11. You already know B)

  12. You absolutely deserved it, AAA is an amazing and well made experience!
  13. It was a pleasure to map with ya dashlet, I'd do it again some other time. Hope everyone else enjoys the mapset!
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