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Caco Bell

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About Caco Bell

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  1. Played a couple of levels from Perdition's Gate. The levels were fairly fun and not bad looking, but boy were they symmetrical to the point of parody.
  2. Hey, so I've played about the 40% of the map. To be honest I think I am going to need to restart it because I really screwed myself up health-wise; I have killed 55 monsters and have not found any of the seven secrets, but that's probably on me. With all the snipers gunning at me it's hard to focus on finding secret goodies, but it seems the map is designed around that :). Anyways the fact that I do want to start again says a lot about the map compelling qualities! The architecture is not only really pretty, but most importantly provides several interesting ways of exploring it and has some intriguing themes. The use of flying monsters and snipers really befits this type of architecture. I will get back to you when I finish the map! Also if you're interested I could link you via PM to some Discord servers in which you could get feedback quite easily :)
  3. Hey, haven't yet had the time to play it, but I have to tell you that those screenshots look fantastic - looking firmware to giving it a spin!
  4. Thanks for all the feedback, if I had known this one would be so well received, I would have spent more time making it better. Just to clarify: this is the first *finished* map, there had been a year of aborted attempts prior to this :)
  5. I'm super happy that you found enjoyment in the map even with its quite obvious flaws. This map was made after I lost a map I had been working on for two months and the attitude was "let's make something quickly and publish it even if it's crap so I can finally get some feedback". That sweaty mindset is obviously reflected in the map's feel :). I definitely wasn't trying to make a hard map; it just kind of came together that way after I couldn't resist adding one Arch-Vile after another and then I overcorrected by adding TONS of ammo and a plasma gun at the start that most people do not even notice they picked up... Yeah it's a mess! If I ever make a longer wad, I'm definitely reworking this map to include such changes as: - locking the mini-dungeon behind a keyed door (that's a big one! I will admit that the SSG lift was the first thing I made in this map, but then I started to add TONS of crap in the initial arena and didn't really think about how much it would screw over the people who run immediately to the SSG (i.e. any sane Doom player)), - fixing the lift switch in the mini-dungeon, - completely revamping the techbase portion, - maybe chilling tf out with the vines. @ARMCoder Thanks for the technical advice! I really hope that ID Software won't be knocking on my door any minute now... Your post also made me think about difficulty settings, because admittedly the differences between UV and HMP are really negligible AND some of the initial difficulty was not completely intentional ;).
  6. Hey so here's my first finished map. Difficulty on UV is on par with Plutonia I guess. Difficulty levels are implemented. IWAD: Doom2 Tested on: GZDoom, Eternity, DSDA (couldn't get it to work on Chocolate Doom :( this whole sourceport thing is still occult knowledge to me) Credits to Doomkid for the midi! Infernal.Excavations.rar
  7. Hey so I'm learning to use Doom Builder and have been trying to finish a (short) map for like two months... Anyways, as unfinished as it is, I still would like a chance to get a feedback on this embryo of a map, but obviously I'm not going to post a thread for it so... Where to look for this kind of thing?
  8. Don't know if this is the right thread, but are there any playtesters who could take a look at a *fragment* of an unfinished map? I just kinda wanna see some feedback to motivate me to finish the map and point me in the right direction.
  9. I've been looking for a glory kill mod and found something that beggars belief. Doom EXP is basically "let's mash together Doom Eternal and Brutal Doom, make both the player AND the monsters stupidly OP and add bunch of random shit that crashes the game half of the time" and the results are something that I just can't stop playing. Any thoughts on the mod?
  10. I mean I could just lean on infighting and berserking, but imo it takes too long to play that way and gets tedious. I remember that my biggest mistake on this map is always sub-par BFG use, if I do not make every cell count I end up in an awkward situation 2/3rds into the map. Of course it might be due to my low skill level, but I find it funny that some "harder" mapsets cause me less trouble in that regard. I actually like maps that force me to conserve supplies (I love TNT:Revilution MAP05 for instance), but they have to be quick and short.
  11. My keyboard (which I'm not going to show) proves that I can design huge, non-linear levels without confusing the player - I'm all about leaving those breadcrumbs! (I'll show myself out...)
  12. I mean, in theory mapping should motivate us to keep playing, cause that's how we get to understand Doom's gameplay better; mapping makes us better players and playing makes us better mappers (at least that's how it's supposed to work) As a newbie, I think it is important to remember that if we wanna improve as both mappers and players, we need to remember that we're in it for a long haul. Like, sure I might now be too busy mapping to play all the wads I want, but none of them are going away anywhere, so I'll definitely get around to playing them. A bigger problem for me is playing other games. Because I want to learn mapping, I've been playing nothing but Doom for the last half year, but I'm finding that taking breaks to play other games is good for preventing burnout.
  13. English pronunciation does not make sense in general. I mean, "clear" somehow doesn't rhyme with "wear".
  14. Don't know how controversial this is, but does anyone agree that Doom 2 can be a complete ass to play on pistol start? I'm not talking about hard starts cause that's fun (Tricks and Traps and Suburbs are good examples), I'm talking about desperately running around the level trying to find a box of shells after having spent all of my ammo on cacos and/or pain elementals (happened to me on The Pit and Abandoned Mines). I'm currently playing Plutonia on pistol start and it's honestly much less frustrating despite the nominally higher difficulty.
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