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About azerty

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  1. Here is finally is the promised fourth map. I broke my leg during the making of this map so that's why it took longer than expected... It's an old speedmap DM map I made but then totally revamped into a single player level. The remaining DM layout creates a bit of a larger playing space for the player than the previous maps. It's also a bit of a difficulty spike compared to the previous ones so I'm not sure I'll leave it on map slot 4. Anyways have fun!
  2. @LadyMistDragon Could I ask when you played this? Some of the issues you encountered should already be fixed. If you did play it recently then it's on my end and apparently there is still something wrong. Anyway ty for the playthrough. I found some more small things I'm probably gonna adjust. Hope you enjoyed it. @grendelw Thank you for the kind words. I'm just as eager as you to see where this is going haha. This is kinda a random project that just spawned out of nowhere but it's apparently quite likable so I'm just gonna continue making these as long as I find it fun to do. MAP04 is well on it's way so stay tuned if you're still interested :) @Beemer Yeah another MFDOOM fan! Probably not the best place to ask this considering this is the WAD release section but whatever. What's your favourite song?
  3. @Zesiir Thanks a lot for the compliments. The simplicity you said you needed is exactly what I need as well while mapping atm. I'll fix those texturing issues you mentioned. About the two monsters:
  4. UPDATE: - Minor texturing mistakes fixed - Elevator in MAP02 yellow key room fixed for complevel 9 - Music fixed for complevel 9 Also here is a quick look at the start of MAP04. It's an old DM speedmap I found in my old maps folder so I'm trying to detail it a bit more and I'm planning to change it into some kind of open single player level. I'll see how that turns out.
  5. @Delisk Thanks a lot for the playthroughs! I think I need to put some more health at the start of map 3 you seemed to be struggling there and it seems like a big difficulty spike so I'll fix that up. I've never seen a more formidable secret hunter that you. It's crazy how fast you find these. @Riclo500 Thank you for giving this a try and the kind words. @grendelw Sorry about that I never really tested it with complevel 9 but I really should have. Will fix that right away.
  6. Welcome to Doomworld! If this is your first map you have done exceedingly well. I've seen some horrible first maps (including my own) but this is actually quite playable and even enjoyable. I do have some notes though. Take them however you want to, these are things I personally don't like you so with it what you want. Notes: - I was going to talk about the doortracks being unpegged but considering you stay consistent throughout the whole map it's alright - That random chaingunner spawning in after you fall from that ledge feels a bit weird. Maybe spawn in some more monsters instead of one? - That first are also feels a bit mean because your being shot at but can't really do anything about it but that might be intentional - The switch teleport is a bit weird imo - When entering the outside area after the teleport on the most right side the skybox is looking kinda weird might want to tidy that up - The ammo in that area is also very low so might want to add some - The opening in the wall abeling the player to look at the blue key but not take it is kinda annoying imo. It's the same feeling as hitting an invisible wall. Maybe put it somewhere high up so it has the same function but not the same feeling. When it's put higher up at least there is a reason for you not being able to reach it and not because the corridor is just to small to get into. - Overall in the map there were some texturing mistakes (wrong texture at elevator, misaligned, ...) I hope this helps. SOme of these are nitpicks or more personal opinion but like I said you do with it what you want. I wish you a lot of mapping fun in the future :)
  7. Ok I've changed it to a google drive link because I had no idea how to fix the mediafire one. Let me know if there are any more problems.
  8. I've looked it up and apparently I'm not the only one who had this issue. I'll look into it and ty for mentioning it.
  9. I usually make big, detailed and complex UDMF map but sometimes I just have to go back to simple and fun thechbases. This is a collection of 3 maps I made while I felt like I needed a break from UDMF. While making these I listed a lot to MFDOOM, my favourite artist. Each map is named after a song I listed a lot during the making of it. The mapset itself is called "Metal Face" because that's what the MF stands for while he is rapping. When he is producing it stands for Metal Fingers. Just a small fact probably no one cares about :) I might make more of these if I feel like it idk yet. These weren't even meant to be put public but yeah here they are, I at least hope you'll have fun with it. MAPS: - MAP01: Figaro (Music: Warswoor by Jimmy) -MAP02: One Beer (Music: Transducer by Jimmy) -MAP03: Hoe Cakes (Music: Ghost Grinder by Jimmy) -MAP04: Kon Karne (Music: Compulsion by Jimmy) DOWNLOAD: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4m1opexqeihrnor/Metal_Face.wad/file SCREENSHOTS:
  10. @Clippy Thanks a lot for playing! I'm glad to see that you were able to make it through which can't be said about all my maps... Always fun to watch your videos, I hope and I'm glad you at least liked the party room a lot :) @CacoKnight I didn't think about the zip file thing you said. I might actually do that tho it's going to be a large file. Thank you for the nice comments!
  11. Hey all, it's been a while but I'm finally back with a new map. My mapping productivity has been very inconsistent so development was very slow. I redid or even deleted whole areas just because of my indecisiveness. It was a rough development but I'm still very happy with how it turned out. This is also my submission for the RAMP2023 community project, which you should really go take a look at! I did make a lot of adjustments since then so expect a lot of change if you already played it. It's a good old key hunt with very very nonlinear design. This made making and balancing this map even harder but I think I got it balanced enough at the moment. (let me know if I'm wrong). Information: - IWAD: DOOM2 - Mapformat: UDMF - MAP: MAP01 - Port: GZDOOM only (UDMF) - Jump and crouch: No (disabled in MAPINFO) - Difficulties: No (not yet still working on that) - Textures: 32in24 tex and otex (not included in the wad) - Music: Compulsion by Jimmy Load the files in this order: DOOM2, brain dead, 32in24 tex, otex. If not loaded in this order animations won't work. I'm sorry for the hassle with the textures but I can't get the two texture packs to works once combined into the wad. If anyone knows how please let me know. Settings: Renderer: hardware accelerated Dynamic lights: YES! (otherwise it will be too dark) Glow: yes Credits: - Jimmy for the music - Ukiro for otex - 32in24 tex - Everyone in the RAMP discord that gave me some much needed feedback Download: - Map: https://www.mediafire.com/file/438supdqx6eumma/Demonic_pulses_DW.wad/file - 32in24 tex: https://www.mediafire.com/file/vqvwpyfay32odag/32in24-15_tex_v2.wad/file - Otex: https://doom.ukiro.com/about-otex/ I hope you'll have fun :)
  12. You could just add a frame that lasts zero tics and make it do the A_PlaySound function. I'm not an expert at all at this so I might be wrong but it sounds quite logic to me. I would also like you to know that this isn't the place to ask your questions. You should post your programming questions in "Doom Editing" not in "WAD Releases and Development"
  13. Very fun level, I had a blast playing it. Even though the tech base parts were a bit cramped, which I'm not really a fan of, I think it was handled quite nicely. There was a delicate balance between being cramped and oppression to the player but still being able to move freely to kill all enemies. Btw these tech base sections where gorgeous. I really liked the rusty look with the very nice usage of light and support textures, it looked awesome. It was a pretty spicy level. It wasn't easy at all and that's how I like it. Keeping the player on their toes with some jumpscares sprinkled throughout the level. Very nicely done. If you want to make it a tad more difficult you could start playing with resource management. I didn't really run out of ammo all that much during my playthrough so if you want to make it even more spicy you might want to remove some resources to starve the player out a bit more. It's just a suggestion though the level is more than fine as is.
  14. I can't really give you some concrete advice but I can tell you what I do. I either already have an idea of what I want want my fight to look like and then create my room around that idea or I just create a random room and find an interesting encounter in the room I just build. If I create my room before my encounter I usually change some stuff around to make the room flow better in combat. What I'm trying to say here is that I find monsters and environment working together pretty important. The room itself can make a certain monster way more powerful or scarier just because of how it's build and layed out. As for items, I tend to just look at the monsters I use, what weapons the player has and how easy the player is able to shoot the monsters with those weapons. Then I test the room like a thousand times and make small changes if I think it's needed. I don't really recommend this method but like I said that's how I do it. Just make more maps and post them here on DW. I was like you at first I didn't dare to post my maps as I was scared of what people were going to say but when I eventually did I was surprised at how my maps were actually liked by people and if they weren't they were very constructive about it. They told me why and even gave some suggestions and I became a better mapper because of it. I hope this was helpful :)
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