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Everything posted by purple_ruberoid

  1. DEAD: E4M3 Category: 1 (blind, unprepared) Kills: 17/193 (could't find 3 enemies on E4M2, if that is important) ToD: 44:25 Port: DSDA-Doom 0.26.2 Demo: DSDA-Doom_2024.06.08_dtpack.zip
  2. Category: 1 Difficulty: UV Dead on: MAP04 (suicide) Time: 66:11 Kills: 37/328 Port: DSDA-Doom 0.26.2 DSDA-Doom_2024.05.07_22.38.51_doom2.kmega1.zip Yay, that was hilarious!
  3. Thanks guys for the feedback Impressive, @Large Cat! The main puzzle in MAP05 - it is still difficult for me :) Yeah, I know, I tried to fix this. Initially I wanted to make some kind of failproof mechanizm but ...
  4. It's a small Boom-compatible puzzle maps set. Main focus on puzzles. Fights should not be difficult. I wanted some practise in voodoo doll trickery :) I think maps are close to release state but any feedback is appreciated. It starts with very easy introduction level. Here the puzzle is not necessary to solve but it helps you to deal with enemies. In next levels puzzles are mandatory. It's was the idea after all. Secrets are recommended to reveal :) >>> DOWNLOAD LINK <<< Heavily inspired by the fridge puzzle in an old game - Pilot Brothers. I decided to create something similar in Doom :) WAD INFO Format: Boom (-complevel 9) no freelook, no jumping, no crouching IWAD: DOOM 2 Maps: 01-05 plus an ending map Textures: from jimmytex, TLM Credits to eevee's text generator! Monsters: Former Human replaced by Former Scientist - weaker, easier to deal with (all credits to authors - realm667.com) Minor difficulty settings Music: all credits to composers (sorry, I lost author traces :( ) All par times - my UV-max pistol start completions Demos: my UV-Max for MAP01 - 1:10.89 (can you beat it? :) ) Build time: 3 months Source ports: DSDA-Doom GZDoom (not sure but should be playable) Screenshots Enjoy!
  5. You mean UDFM format? Yes, you can script that. My script example: #include "zcommon.acs" bool spawn1 = false; script 666 OPEN { while (true) { Delay(1); if (ThingCount(T_CYBERDEMON, 4) == 0 && spawn1 == false) { Delay(1); Door_Open(34, 32, 0); // or another action here spawn1 = true; // just for single action } } } As soon as a Cyberdemon with tag 4 killed (or all Cybies tagged 4) --> action will be executed once. Or just attach an action for a monster -- "Action / Tag / Misc" tab in thing editor
  6. Oh, my! Congrats with twogers release Now I need to squeeze some time to play it ...
  7. MAP08 UV-Max in 4:20.57 - czechbox_MAP08_4_20_57.zip I was lucky in the end: imps opened the exit door in advance so I could kill the hell knight earlier
  8. MAP07 UV-Max in 3:53.06 - czechbox_MAP07_3_53_06.zip
  9. Category: 1 (Blind) Died on MAP08 (K 159/187): 1.31:11 DSDA-Doom 0.26.2 -complevel 2 Decent result for me! First time I progressed that far, yay DSDA-Doom_2023.12.11_22.36.06_doom2.rwdyrudy.rwdyrudydeh.zip
  10. DSDA-Doom_2023.11.06_22.48.06_doom2.absoldis.zip Category: 1 UV Dead on MAP03 with 251/511 kills. Time: 46:24
  11. Category: 1 Difficulty: UV Dead on: MAP03 Kills: 90/142 Time of death: 50:53 Time on Map02 exit: 35:19 (all 100% btw) Port: DSDA-Doom 0.26.2 DSDA-Doom_etitan_.zip
  12. It was my first community project experience and it was fun to be a part of it! As one of playtesters I can say the maps are very different. Quite challenging and even really puzzly at times! Enjoy! Hope you'll all enjoy my map as well :)
  13. Hi, I'm making a wad (Boom format) where I want to replace SUPPORT2. I replaced it in Texture Table, also set proper width and height: In UDB it looks as intended: But in game (DSDADoom 0.26.2) seems cut off: What have I done wrong? sample wad --> support_align.zip
  14. MAP06 UV-Max in 2:28.37 - czechbox_MAP06_2_28_37.zip and beautiful TAS time: MAP06 UV-Max in 2:10.00 - czechbox_MAP06_2_10_00_TAS.zip
  15. And a TAS one for comparison MAP05 UV-Max in 2:50.71 - czechbox_MAP05_2_50_71_TAS.zip
  16. Czechbox MAP05 UV-Max in 4:54:71 - czechbox_MAP05_4_54_71.zip Oh man, that was surprisingly grindy map for me ... more that 1000 attempts. I'm not a pro ; ) But I finally did sub 5 minutes UV-Max for MAP05.
  17. Oh, MAP03 -- I've never felt so helpless in the beginning
  18. Guys, I think you mixed up "Save game" and "Load game" sprites : )
  19. @Rabbid, you mean letters as lines and sectors? Have you tried setting up a backgroud picture and then drawing them with help of that background? Like this ⬇️
  20. Czechbox MAP04 UV-Max in 1:08:46 - czechbox_MAP04_1_08_46.zip
  21. Czechbox MAP03 UV-Max in 1:32:29 - czechbox_MAP03_1_32_29.zip
  22. Czechbox MAP02 UV-Max in 1:24:09 - czechbox_MAP02_1_24_09.zip Can be optimized more but I'm lazy
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