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About caterste

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    I want a flamethrower for Christmas!
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  1. Oh hey nvm I can access this account still. LOL. Well this confirms I'm not bluffing so hopefully this is all understandable.
  2. These maps look awesome as fuck. Kinda inspires me to make maps again!
  3. I think it should be illegal for maps like this to be this good. Not even good actually, this is AMAZING shit right here.
  4. Hear ye warning, this will feel like bullshit to some (Actually you might give up like I almost did). You will get cornered and it'll become trial and error. Also, don't fist pump anywhere in the god damn maze, you will get fucked easily. But the moment you find the Blue Skull door, it's time to kick some ass (Maybe. You'll die. A lot.). It was fun but it definitely will test people's anger. The Blue Skull room is my favorite room not just because of the weapons but because of how well it's constructed it is. Well done.
  5. I must be getting rusty because I was getting my ass handed to a lot, but I think that was the best part about this WAD. The close encounter fights and the crazy amount of ambushes kept me on my toes. The pretty kick-ass MIDI too was a nice touch to the experience too.
  6. Finished it on UV, hard as nails (maybe a little too brutally hard at times) but still awesome to play. Best part was when I got cornered by Revenants and was promptly punched to death instantly. Source port used: Woof!
  7. This was a really neat map, loved the design of it and it kinda busted my balls a few times (I haven't played in a hot minute so it took me a moment to get back into the flow of things) but it was pretty good for a first map!
  8. I'm amazed that GZDoom is powerful enough to handle this, holy shit.
  9. MAP01: This map was short and not very appealing. Too empty, too big. While big can be good there was nothing going on with the map. I even finished in 30 seconds. The exit didn't even have a switch either, and textures did not blender well together and some were even misaligned. Height variations and less boxy rooms would have helped greatly. It really has that "baby's first doom map" feel. MAP02: A lil better but I found myself hurting for ammo a LOT because there was no ammo lying around and I even died because I was boxing with Imps. Textures again did not blend well together but I def saw what your trying to do with the communications room. The red keycard door also opening by itself just seemed weird to me. Why bother giving me the keycard if I can't even use it? Would have been better to use a switch in the room instead of a keycard. MAP03: A lil better and a nice change from the techbases but there were still a few problems, for starters the secret: that wasn't a secret at all. Also the waterfall being a bloodfall (lol). And once again, the exit doesn't have a switch and why give me a key if I can't use it. The door wasn't even colored coded for the blue skullkey! MAP04: Just like MAP01, this was a lil too big with nothing in it whatsoever. Also the big wall with just a brick exit texture. Honestly, it was boring and terrible. MAP05: A better improvement from the past few maps., the trap def got me a few times and even got some in-fighting to help me to finish it. But there were a few problems again, mostly just the texture placement and also this door into the void here, god that hurt my eyes. Damn you FIRE BLUE! My advice to you, since these maps come from an hour long session of making them, is to plan them out beforehand. Get some graph paper and even any other paper and jot down ideas for a theme. Make a layout and slowly build things room to room. You'll improve greatly after planning things out since you have a point of reference, an idea, and a goal. Sorry if this is harsh but honestly these maps were a bust for me to play. Although don't let that get you down, you'll improve more over time if you keep making maps!
  10. Oh man this looks awesome, I can't wait to play it once it's out! The visuals just look AMAZING in the trailer.
  11. Honestly I wasn't so sure about the Barons since I thought it would be okay for a final fight. Going through testing again on UV really showed that I needed to test it a lil more since I had placed so many other things in the cargo room. Thank you though, I'm currently updating it now to improve some things.
  12. I have the biggest smile on my face seeing this, thank you so much. I'm so sorry you got stuck in that lamp though I gotta fix that now lmao.
  13. MAELSTROM.WAD Putrefaction Labs created by mittenz/Caterste (Now known as "wuunds"). Info: Map Slot: 01 Music: In the Dark Ports Tested In: ZDoom and GZDoom (uses the ZDoom Mapinfo Language to properly work.) IWAD: Doom II Content: One map. Credits: Thank you SargeBaldy for d1gfxd2.wad ("Doom Textures For Doom II"). Download here: maelstrom.7z Notes: Hi there! This is my first map. I really don't have much to say about it, I just wanted to release it. I hope you like it. Criticism is very much welcome, I want to improve as a mapper. I have updated this map after two years for it, the update post is here.
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