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About RevenantFTS97

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  1. Yeah, it is really pleasant when you discover such an amazing song thanks to a custom map/megawad. Thanks to the map "Mountain Lab" I discovered the song "Freightliner" by Hot Water Music. Really cool
  2. Do you have a favourite song? Which whould be? One of my favourites is "The Demon's Dead" (MAP10 and MAP16). Love how badass, spooky and mysterious it sounds (and ofc it is really catchy)
  3. I have no experience in making maps for GZDoom, since I'm a Vanilla Purist (Chocolate DOOM all the way baby XD), therefore I'm only in mapping forVanilla. However, at one point, I would love to make a kick-ass GZDoom map with some dazzling/majestic effects ;) (in a non very distant future XD) What I want to achieve would be something like this... Let's suppose I have this map with this tech-base room. Pretty cute, right? See that floor with the FLAT20 texture? The player triggers the linedef by walking and the place inmediately becomes a hellish place (in fact, it is hell. Look at the sky) What I would like to achieve is: I want the tech-base to "morph" into the hellish place. I would like to also include a "distortion" effect, similar to when the TV signal starts failing (includes the graphical effect and the sound) Now let's go with the questions: 1)It is such thing possible with GZDoom? If so... Are there any maps/WADS that make use of this effect? 2)I think it is worth to mention that the "hellish room" is essentially the "tech-base room", only retextured and with a different sky. Therefore, my question would be... are there any other technical aspects that I should take into account? PLEASE! In case that something that I wrote doesn't make sense, or it is hard to understand, please LET ME KNOW. Sometimes I find hard to express my ideas (if it is hard in my damned native language, imagine in English XD XD XD)
  4. Have you recently discovered something truly great about DOOM or that is linked/connected to DOOM somehow? This may include (but it is not limited to) 1)About its deveploment 2)About its mechanics 3)Content related to DOOM: either maps, music, just to name a few 4)A positive feeling you get either when A)Playing the game B)When talking about the game (to someone) C)Something you noticed after all these years of playing For instance, I discovered this amazing remix of DOOM 2's "In Between Levels" (song from MAP04) two days ago I feel really thankful for having discovered this version of the song. It makes my mapping sessions way more pleasant ;)
  5. Revenants can't be damaged by their missiles because of two reasons: 1)It doesn't create a blast radius, like the player's rockets/cyberdemon's rockets 2)Even if you manage to target his missiles "against" him, they will just pass through Regarding reason 2, the monsters and the player cannot hit with their OWN projectiles (they just won't collide)
  6. I remember when I was little (5 or 6 years old) there were two CDs in my house: one orange and one green. Most likely these CDs contained the demo version of several games, and that is how I got introduced to classic FPS games such as: Heretic, Duke Nukem 3D and Descent. Don't have memories from DOOM or Wolfenstein 3D from those early days. However, in one picture from the family album someone's playing Wolfenstein 3D. Later in 2010, while browsing through flash game sites, one of the suggestions was DOOM. The thumbnail caught my attention because you could tell the graphics had a different vibe than the average flash game. I clicked on it, and then... I had my first experience with DOOM and its iconic EPISODE 1 ;) It is worth to mention, that the flash version of DOOM lacks music. Therefore, playing without music hits different. In addition since I was new to DOOM, hearing the monsters roars nearby it felt fairly intimidating In 2011, I got both DOOM 1 and 2 and played them on ZDoom (had 0 knowledge about sourceports) and I had the pleasure to hear its music for the 1ST time! I used to enjoy a E1M2 song (The Imp's song) because its catchy Slap Bass ;)
  7. WOW, man! Those concept arts are freaking awesome! Unfortunately, I doubt I would be able to help you in materializing your project, giving that I have a slightly idea of using DeHacked and I must improve my mapping technique. Otherwise, I would like to play this mod someday (in case it is released). Just by watching the concept art I truly believe it is going to be KICK-ASS!
  8. I'm really surprised that both Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal lost against Doom 3. Man, that is the worst game in the series. The fact that notable DOOM players such as decino and Zero Master haven't dedicated NOT even one single video to that game, should tell you something My favourite game is DOOM II, not so much for its campaign itself, but for the extra content, in comparison to DOOM 1
  9. OK, thank you for your advice. Though, I'm not sure if I'm going to revisit your map, since, I rarely go back to a map. This happened to me with Hakros Complex about one month or two ago. After so many (failed) attempts, I decided to carry on with another map, therefore I left it apart
  10. I also paid attention to that detail... Jumping from the lowest tier enemies to mid-to-high tier enemies. Good thing BENCHY was generous enough to give us an SSG, as well as some space to take cover ;)
  11. If this is your 2ND map then CONGRATULATIONS! It is a fantastic piece of work! It amazes me the fact you built this thing in ONLY six days, and in addition, you consider yourself slow to work!. Maybe we have different expectations or something like that. Anyway, from my POV, it is very detailed and complex, plus the landscape feels really natural. I have to say I'm not capable myself to come up with something like this. There are two drawbacks/issues that I noticed... A)In the room you get the blue key, the door can be opended just ONCE. In my 2ND attempt (I think) I got stuck because once the door closes you can't open it again. You should fix that B)I'm not sure if this could be considered a drawback/issue. Nevertheless, in my 1ST attempt after picking up the blue key some Archies teleported in that area. Strangely, in my other 4 attempts the Archies did not appear at all (in that section, they appeared outside with the Cyberdemon) Why did that happened? Anyway, I enjoyed your map a lot. You have some skills for sure Tomorrow I will include a video of my successful playthrough (going to bed now XD XD) EDIT: Here is the video of my successful playthrough
  12. Alright, I've finished your maps like 15 minutes ago (more or less) so let me tell you my experience..... The map started and the very 1ST thing my eyes noticed was this tight hallway. I'm not a fan of this kind of design, specially since I watched that Doomkid's video in which he says that mappers should avoid ultra-skinny halls, and fair to say this map contains... quite a few One thing I came across and made me laugh a lot were the mega-ultra excessive amount of power-ups. MAN! While I was watchiing the excessive amount of soulspheres and blue armors I couldn't avoid laughing caused you spammed them like a freaking maniac! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'M GOING TO REMEMBER THIS AT NIGHT! Leaving the criticism aside (and the laughs), I have to say I had some fun playing the map. It is fairly enjoyable, however many players are going to run into it and, most likely, are going to notice its amateurish nature. It is fair to say, it is your 1ST map after all. One positive thing to end the review: despite the amateurish level design, there are some fancy lights, and you seem to understand how to achieve some effects, doors, monster traps, secret zones, and the like. Anyway, I hope this review motivates you to improve as a mapper. Have a nice day Here is a video:
  13. OK... This is what I have to say... I was having a lot of fun. Killing all the imps and hitscanners at the very beginning with the Shotgun. I even got lucky with the 1st chaingunner because he caused infighting with the imps. Then I found the SSG, then the chaingun, then the Rocket Launcher was insight despite the distance and went to pick it up (with plenty of satisfaction) Then that fight with the Mancubi, the Arachnatrons and the REVENANTS... those guys almost suceeded in killing me (they forgot I'm from their same species, lol silly joke) That was the FUN part Then came the NOT fun part! I got stuck because I couldn't find my way to the blue skullkey! I was able to spot said skullkey. I figured out that I had to use that door with the skulls. But the door didn't opened by regular means, and there wasn't a SWITCH nearby! So I started spamming the Use Key everywhere, I started shooting some walls hoping I would find some invisible switch but nothing. It is worth to say, I accidently discovered the Plasma Gun secret during the process. Unfortunately, I didn't have an opportunity to use it... Conclusion: I was having fun and that enjoyment went down the sink. WHY? It went down the sink because I was forced to spam the Use key like an idiot for several minutes. You know, if there had been one switch or ANYTHING that would allow to acess that door in a non-frustrating way, then most likely I wouldn't have nothing to complain. But that design choice killed it for me. If anybody is reading this, NEVER, NEVER force the player to the point he/she has to spam the use key for several minutes until he/she "magically" triggers something. Have a nice day! EDIT: This is where I got stuck:
  14. Based on screenshots the map looks promising. I'm also wondering what new sounds and music might contain this WAD (that makes it more promising) Afterwards, I will test your map and I will give my feedback as well
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