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About Veemon

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  1. Fucking done... Just 3 months of construcion... Now i m gonna test it and ... is done MaP 30
  2. Oh, let me fix the problem with the link / Mirror The last week i have a problem with the OG Pwad File, for some weird reason , all the wad was corrupted, just showing zeros in Slade, and all the data was corrupted. For my luck, the User IDDQ_TEA help me found a very recent backup of the project in my temps folders. I almost do the harakiri when i found the wad corrupted. But is okay rn , I update the file in google drive, and now have the correct size, the rar have a size of 18 Mb aprox, and the complete wad 69 (nice(?)) Mb. Please try download it again https://drive.google.com/file/d/1owmFuVENz6F8bKCCCOwvink7DEZp0P0n/view?usp=drive_link
  3. Sorry for the Lack of news from the wad, this last month i had a lot of work on my job :( but in my free times i m making advance with the last map of the wad, Map 30... Forgoten Echoes. The Gimmick, is make abstract map joining the last three maps 30 of retail Doom, (Doom 2, TNT, and Plutonia) and making a heavy face wash to the TNTish part. Here, a tiny trailer from the part of Doom 2, Is in a VERY Early stage of development, but i want show the project still alive. Enjoy
  4. Nope, that map is on Ferno Hands : 3 but have notable advances
  5. Hi! , New Update!, the Wad in the google drive mirror is updated. i add the maps 28 and 29. Both are complete playable and they have "Skill levels" implemented. I do some quality life Updates to Map 04 and 08 . And nothing more... is time to start on the craft of the last map, Map 30 , and this proyect will be finish :) I update the mirror link on the main post, and i will left the mirror here too. TNTO.wad Google Drive Mirror.
  6. Maybe the most "reference" or Gimmicky maps of this wad they are on the mapset of episode 1 and some others from Episode 2 , but the Hell levels i made them all from zero. Because the damn Hell levels of OG TNT are terrible ... and i dont found nothing to "work" or make something with the concept of the last levels of OG TNT. Thats why this last levels are taking me a lot of time in craft them : (
  7. Hmmm, Mt Pain is the map 27 on OG TNT ? hmmm on this wad map 27 is a Plutonia "cameo" , using the gimmick of "Heck" or map 28. I dont have a MT Pain reference or cameo on my wad XD
  8. Yep map 21 is under construction, and i will start the map 30 maybe this february. I m gonna update the Wad again, when i finish the betatesting of Map 29, i will post it here in the next days.
  9. Is Finish!!!, But until now i dont tested if all the monsters are fully "killeable" or if some fights are "fair" ... This week i m gonna start the beta testing of the gameplay of the map 29 in single segment (like always) and see if the map need nerfs or changes in the balance. But the Structure, Voodoo doll Stuff, and that type of things, are complete Finish, i need a tiny rest from this XD But, i only one map more...and TNTO Will be complete finish. Enjoy the video, if u are a Headphone user, enjoy the last part of the video :)
  10. I have news from the map 29. Enjoy ... i m working like a slave on this map.
  11. Jeeeloouuu, Map 29 WIP, i know , with this i go very slow :( but i dont have so much time. Enjoy.
  12. I was thinking a lot in the next weird thing: When i do the Map 04 a lot of time ago, i try to do a very "atmosferic" and gimmicky map referencing the map 04 Wormhole of OG TNT, well, i does and call it "Duality" for my bad luck, i didnt know from TNT Revilution and the maps of that WAD, and after watch the videos of Decino doing a playthroug, i see the map 32 of TNT:R called ... for my bad luck with the same name "Duality" (well TNTR was first than TNT:O) well was a very big coincidence. Yesterday i had a very weird abstract dream and... give me ideas to change the original "Wormhole" from my map 04, and do something more "fancy" Well, this is the results of mapping one hour today in the morning. I know is a stupidity, but i think helps a lot with the atmosphere, also the map will be call from "Duality" to "Doppelganger" That, i dont have more news, ah! YES, the map 28 is complete finish, and i m working very hard in the map 29 RN.
  13. I really hate u testing the early version of that torture XD , but the map is su fucking amazing.
  14. It will be a complete 32 Megawad, but i dont know how much time i need for finish the maps 28,29 and 30. I m working on the Map 28 Rn. But this take time :c , i cant dedicate all my time on the map making progress ( And i want to do that but my job dosnt let me put so much time on my hobbies). But i want finish all the project before January of 2024.
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