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About jamesj711

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  1. Curses, I guessed as much (that sticks weren't supported), but just wanted to confirm. Thanks guys for your responses. @OldDoomer - I will give your suggestions a go, thanks. And if I can't get on with that, I guess I just have to cross my fingers and wait for the FD Xbox port to come out - https://www.xboxachievements.com/news/news-34521-doom-doom-ii-on-xbox-one-to-get-final-doom-and-sigil-for-free.html
  2. Hi Guys, I recently got a PS3 just so I could play Final Doom, as I love the old version and couldn't get it on Xbox. So I'm finding it hard to play, as only the d-pad works for movement and the controller sticks don't do anything. Am so used to just going in any direction with the sticks! The d-pad won't let me go left or right without using strafe and it sucks big time. Is that just the way the game is, or can I get the controller sticks working?
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