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About gurtb8tin

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  1. I've got a few people coming over at Christmas, so it's perfect :)
  2. I was thinking about buying for the PS4 for Christmas and I just wanna know if it's good & worth it. From what I've seen from the reviews, it's pretty good so far, but with a few glitches with the online multiplayer and the Load feature. And yes, I have played Quake before, so I'm very familiar with Quake.
  3. Hello. I currently started working on a new doom map and I want to know if this Jeremy Doyle Midi is allowed to be used in PWADS. The map itself is DOOMCITY themed with doomcity.wad textures in it. If it's allowed to be used, I will give credit.
  4. I'm pretty new to Doom (started playing early 2021) and I remember beating the first episode in Doom and it felt really great. When I once decided to give E2 a go, I blazed through the first three levels and then came Deimos Lab. That level is my favorite level in the Ultimate Doom. Mainly because it gives such an eerie and a creepy atmosphere you don't see everyday. The blue and red rooms are the landmarks that have stuck with my mind ever since I first played it.
  5. I agree. It's honestly hard to suggest a midi without seeing the wad itself.
  6. I had an recent occurrence, due to my MIDI stopped working, but I got it fixed thankfully :)
  7. The wad is really fun in my opinion, but texture usage is a little weird but not in a bad way. The city looks interesting. Great job :)
  8. I'm using windows 10. Native MIDI. Crispy Doom. I hope this helps.
  9. lower the enemy count I guess? I'm not an expert on doom so don't take my words for granted.
  10. Once I enter the level, the all-ghosts effect occurs in crispy doom and chocolate doom :(
  11. A month or two ago, my doom midi's just stopped working, but it was an OBS issue and it got fixed fast. I now have a situation, where opl music works, but midi doesn't and it has been like this for a few days. And no, it's not a crispy or chocolate doom issue only, I got the same effect while enabling portmidi on prboom plus. Can someone help? Thanks.
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