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About TheFartKing

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  1. I forked odamex yesterday and am starting to do exploratory changes for dsdhacked. Early days but I really want to play this already legendary wad coop.
  2. Really looking forward to the final release. Do we know which ports will support coop? Odamex currently doesn't support dsdhacked and zandronum doesn't support MBF21.
  3. Any plans to support coop starts? I am definitely interested in playing this with a friend.
  4. I’m 3 or 4 hours in and I’ve been doing as much secret hunting as I can. I imagine one could blaze through it but in higher difficulties the ammo, armor, and health is scarcer so it definitely extends the play time.
  5. Agree with a lot of what is being said here. The visual noise can be a little unrelenting, but for whatever reason my brain decided that it was part of the difficulty and I adjusted my play style to work around it (not entirely sure it is intended to be that way). I do however find the pathfinding to be fine especially with the map markers. Gonna second the visual indicators for pain. Especially on higher difficulties where one shot can really make a difference. If I had one thing that I could truly complain about is: why no sprint? F.E.A.R has a sprint and it saves lives.
  6. Big fan of the first game. Felt like a more navigable hexen with more heretic like gameplay plus some fun necromancy. Looking forward to this.
  7. Tried this out tonight in COOP. No music played. We ran into a few texture issues (which I'll document separately). ZMAPINFO is a little dated at this point. UMAPINFO would definitely be a big plus and there is an appreciation thread on this. MUSINFO isn't supported in all ports either, and in my multiplayer's case won't work in Odamex - the only multiplayer port that supports MBF21 right now.
  8. This looks super neat. As a purist, I was looking for something to spice things up in Zandronum.
  9. Nine maps in. Seriously good. Tight level design, explosive action, and good secret hunting.
  10. Been playing this on and off for awhile. Overall very good. Love the character palette and the new enemies. Blazed through the first 20 or so maps but the last 10 definitely amped the difficulty up. The ending map was a little bit of a let down but considering you did all 32 maps in a month it’s not a deal breaker. Perfect 5/7 would recommend.
  11. I am not usually a big vanilla (-cl2) player but man this immediately grabbed me. The combat encounters are tense, fun and the teleport traps during back tracking really shake things up. I’m about 5 maps in and am enjoying the heck out this wad.
  12. Love the DBP map map packs. Looking forward to playing this on coop.
  13. Wanted to call to attention an issue I am seeing in E1M3 where it's either a switch is bugged (?) (near the green gate) or there isn't enough sign posting to figure out how to finish the level: I found someone who documented in a video ; eventually he just used noclip to finish. I saw your comment on that video and was wondering if there could be an update to make it more obvious.
  14. Seeing a bug when launching with zandronum 3.1 on win64. Server is running using zandronum server on Ubuntu. EDIT: DBP_49.wad (without optional graphics) works just fine.
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