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About TheBlurCafe

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  1. Getting big Marathon vibes from this, really nice atmosphere.
  2. Blur's musical journey takes him to explore the band "Thrice". I only knew about "Stare At The Sun" but I'll be damned, the first album is super solid! Highly recommend it!
  3. Blur continues his Iron Maiden journey. AMOLAD was nice, not my favorite tho. The Final Frontier was really good, and despite the futuristic sounding name, a lot of the tracks have this "medieval" esque progression? Either way, it's really nice. My only real gripe is that towards the end the songs get really long, so repeated listens might be a bit sluggish, but overall a solid album. Can't believe I never made a "favorite songs" besides the main one: - El Dorado - Mother of Mercy - Starblind - The Talisman - The Man Who Would Be King And my personal pick:
  4. Dope sprites, I dig the blue variant which tries to replicate the OG Caco's blood.
  5. Put my Iron Maiden journey on halt to tell you to listen to a-ha, they're more than a one-hit wonder (I've already posted Manhattan Skyline here, but there's only so much good stuff I can post). On another note: Billy Idol! This track is slept on. I am enjoying this 80s music tour, mostly because I'm finding out about songs by big names that NOBODY mentions!
  6. Found it! It's a cover of the song "Ecuador" by Sash!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cQlVww0zKo
  7. Blur continues his Iron Maiden journey! After listening to The X Factor, and not really finding anything that stuck to me, Virtual XI felt like a wake up call! It brought that energy that I missed in the previous album. After listening to the whole album, I can safely say that it's the one I relisten to the most, which is a rarity! My only nitpick is that there's a bit of repetition, but there's some masterful keyboard and guitar work at play here, and Blaze's vocals fit in so much better. I highly recommend it!
  8. Made a track for a friend's game, which you can find on itch.io! Just look for "MrLevRocks' Ace Fighter"! Bandcamp link: https://themidicafe.bandcamp.com/album/mrlevrocks-ace-fighter-original-soundtrack YouTube link:
  9. AMVs proving once again to be the greatest source for music.
  10. Good music is good music, regardless of the genre! On topic:
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